Death Stranding massive update

This game just got a million times better, lads.

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1000000 X 0 = 0

Updating a movie is unprecedented, Bravo Kojimbo.

Boring walking sim

Why do I feel like Kojima is joking ?

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walking simulator


kekd even though I like the game

They did it with Cats actually

A fucking photo mode? That's it?

You see kojima is actually the one who invented the concept of a photo mode in games, and its inclusion in the worlds first strand type game is revolutionary.

>Rebuilding America isn't going to get rid of the corona virus. As long as it's still around there's no escaping it.

>it's so hard to form connections when you can't shake hands

he did invent camera after all


Don't be so serious

Remember how he said it would have souls like multiplayer?

BB's Theme (from Death Stranding) by Ludvig Forssell & Jenny Plant

Tell that to George Lucas

He never said anything about it being soulslike, neither is it actually soulslike. It's more like Ark or Rust. But the low IQs don't play video games so they don't know what survival genre is like, Dark Souls is the only reference point for the low IQ horde.

It kinda does. You see what other players have set up and little messages.

as always, fpbp

based George dabbing on Hackjima

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The low IQ horde truly is frighteningly stupid

No-one said it would have co-op or invasions. Helping other players indirectly is like Souls.

I was expecting multiplayer. Not breath of the wild souls messages. No invasions of ghosts, looters, militia.

I bought the limited edition ps4 pro, dont give me that fanboy shit

>I was expecting multiplayer
Is it really your fault you had unrealistic/dumb as fuck expectations? What about this game got you "hyped" for a Dark Souls PVP mode?



>While yes I did add shitty CGI animals to your favorite childhood movie how could you tell

No, he never said that. However, a journalist brought up how players were interconnected by co-op and phantoms in Dark Souls years before Death Stranding, to which Kojima replied with "R-really? I didn't know... I d-don't play many video games anymore..." like the faggot he is. At least that was funny.

Having your MB invaded while you're away was a horrible decision and I'm glad Kojima tossed it. If I want Souls multiplayer, I'll play one of the five fucking Soulsborne games.

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only americans hate this game and dont understand it

I'm American and I love it.

>Not breath of the wild souls messages
What are you on about? DS literally doesn't have messages, it has shared buildings, roads, deliveries, signs. What it doesn't have is soulslike messages. And yet all of the low IQs keep talking about them as if they exist in the game, they don't.

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Include me in the screencap

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It's only because PC was going to get photo mode exclusively but people whined that PS4 didn't get it so they're releasing this update to address that.

t. buyfag

t. didnt watch trailer

holy fucking basedola

shut up OP

La Creatividad

He never said there would be actual pvp or coop, just a limited interactions through likes and buildings, or as he buzzworded it as "strandings".

I personally would have enjoyed competing against other deliverymen. Not as invasions, but just randomly running into each other and choosing whether to fuck the other player up or help them with their delivery.

low IQ confirmed

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What the FUCK is wrong with Americans and WHY are they so stupid?

this game is so demanding that you can't even play 60 fps on ps4 pro?

only americaan ps4s cant because american cant appreciate the genius of this one of a kind game

Based and eurasianpilled

SAM, I am Gay-Sex Man I had too much gay sex with male Bridges staff and name is now Gay-Sex Man.

*Sam grunts*

american wouldnt understand this

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>dont give me that fanboy shit
You're some retarded fanboy who blindly bought the game without even bothering to see what features were coming out.

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Hnnnggg colonel, death stranding a shit

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I'll wait for the first person shooter update

He literally claimed to never even played the Souls games when someone called him out for stealing the message mechanic

Yas Forums is completly braindead

how does getting the ability to take photos make the game any better

You did not disappoint

can't wait for the update that adds gameplay. coming in the year 2027

>still no option to let Sams hair down to the original state without wearing a dumb hat or glasses
>still can't use the OG white suit which arguably looks better than the new shitty suit we get

really grinds my gears

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