TF2 Thread

>servers are down
Is the fix finally coming?

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Very epic

FFS make it so reports actually ban people

let me guess, you want to ban people for being "toxic"?

No dumbass nigger, I want lmaoboxers and spambots out

>mfw it’s a permanent shutdown with no warning

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oh shit the "n" word!

What did the devs mean by this?

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>april 1st

that means the heavy is dead as fuck

They disabled the report system last year because bots started spamming them.

Come home white man.

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Servers are back up. Lets see how it goes.

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>if 1 out of the 12 people in the match have directx 8.0 instead of 9, the match will never start because he'll be forced into directx 9, causing him to time out
>this is the main reason you see "Player has abandoned the match, you are free to leave"
Shit mode from day one.

>it's a support beam


Who the hell ever made this button home?

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>being so third world there's a possibility you're playing with someone who can't support DX9

Compfags often choose DX8 for stable 300fps and no unnecessary visual effects.

very much the only reason they forced dx9 was because those new skins that you apply on weapons dont work without it

DirectX9 is 18 years old

I want 2007 shit-show TF2 back.

>missing the point entirely
compfags really are retards

I'm still mad.

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Had 3 games in a row with lagbots. I think tf2 is sliding into its senior years at this point. It had a good run.

wtf are lagbots?

i haven't played in ages

holy fucking shit guys

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If this isn't the definitive proof that competitive scenes for shooters are absolutely worthless to focus on then i don't know what could be

just fucking lol

A bot that crashes the server by lagging it out

is it bad that I've never seen the so called competitive value of this motherfucking game?

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No, it just means you're a normal person who hasn't tried to get Valve to ruin the game to cater to 6s

no, because it has no competitive value
the so called comp move detracts from the experience in a huge fucking way
comp is essentially cutting of 56% of the game's content, taking away all the frantic action in favor of slow, stale, boring games where everything is calculated down to the last second and hitpoint and you're not allowed to do anything outside of the role you've been assigned to do, unless you're the pocket or one of the scouts, then you might be allowed to briefly switch to engie/sniper/pyro/heavy when defending last after you got rolled

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56% of the game's content is shit

TF2 is fun at a competitive level if you love soldier, scout or demo. if you main any of the other classes you're not going to have fun.

>can't play on casual servers without being lumped in with fucking eastern euros
>can't play on community servers that aren't gimped with either no-crits or some other gimmick

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>people would rather play with cheaters and lagbots than play with community server trannies

I just want to complete my contracts

>comp is essentially cutting of 56% of the game's content, taking away all the frantic action in favor of slow, stale, boring games

brainlet argument. all the shit they do in comp is so it doesn't become a slow game. they want the game to be quake essentially. the shit they ban is to try and force a fast, precise, skill based game.
when in reality tf2 is a slow casual game with autoaim and massive hitboxes and most of the classes have a low skill ceiling

engineer is frowned upon precisely bc sentry guns slow the game down. hes very strong defensively but shit offensively. games become stalemates with engineers.
snipers are great at holding sightlines defensively, but shit when they have to push. games become stalemates with snipers.
heavies are great when you're spun up and people have to push into you, but shit when you have to push. games become stalemates when you have more heavies
pyros are great for defensively for juggling people coming at you, but their short range and low mobility makes them shit for pushing
spy is just a shit class that requires the opponent to make a mistake for you to get anything done

God compfags are pathetic

>brainlet argument. all the shit they do in comp is so it doesn't become a slow game.
then they should drop the medic because he's the ultimate game slowdown tool
checkmate faggot

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honestly they probably would if the uber mechanic didnt exist

let's be honest if they shat out another update half of you would be first in line to spend money on cosmetics again

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not really, the new ones suck
good cosmetics stopped the moment they introduced tiers, binoculus being the exception because it's fucking hilarious

not true, it would depend on whether or not the cosmetics look good, and nearly every case they've added has had fuckall for good hats

good consoomers

what compfags really want is for tf2 to be modern quake. fast, aggressive and with a high skill ceiling

in reality valve made a f2p hat simulator to sell cosmetics to 12yr olds.
they have to ban half the game to make it what they want or every game would just end up with both teams running sentries, heavies, pyros, snipers and whoever pushes first loses bc those classes are incredibly strong defensively but shit offensively. a legit comp tf2 with no item bans or class limits would be the slowest most stalemately comp game in existence.

good reddtispeak you limpwristed faggot cakeboy

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Why the fuck does everyone want my black Patriot peak?

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who even cares about comp shut the fuck up you obsessed losers

The comp cope from this post is unreal.

>tf2 thread
>tf2 thread with fags complaining about ____fags and this and that
Start up those servers instead monkeys. This is the perfect time for community servers to make a comeback


i think tf2 is shit for comp. im just explaining why.
its a low skill ceiling game, its intentionally designed to be easy for bad players to get kills with shit like sentries, or by having 450hp, or by spamming arrows down corridoors. valve never wanted it to be a comp game and it shows

>Just want to join a pub and fuck around on the same map for a couple hours
>No fuck you now you’re locked in a best of 3 matchmaking system and when it’s over you have to vote for one of 3 maps
>also if the vote is to stay on the same map you have to jump to another server anyways
>also you can’t go into spectate anymore to better sus out cheaters/hackers
>also the matchmaking doesn’t even work anyways

Everyone seems divided on critical hits.
So I think we should have critical misses instead.
Instead of triple damage you do zero damage and are marked for death.
Keeps the fun random wacky feel of the game.

The only divide is people who accept them as part of the game and people who are still salty after all these years

You are clinging to your own memories and nothing else. The game you love has passed and nothing barring killing the current husk inhabiting its body will bring it back. No one who you have a mutual care for are heing hurt, nothing past the husk will feel anything, and no good will come of letting things rot as they are. Let it die so that it may one day know true life again. Let them win.

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cling on to this dick fag *cums*
hmmm thats one doomed faggot user
damn im good

Come play on my server because Casual fucking sucks even more now.


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Source 2 is coming.

and tf2 still runs like shit on it