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Other urls found in this thread:


carlos makes my pp hard

>boris johnson is in intensive care
it's happening bros

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Does final Nemesis change his attack pattern at all from Nightmare to Inferno? Not that it matters because I bought some fucking defense coins I'm not getting stunlocked again

> still playing RE3
kys my nigger

"Haha I'm gonna upload shirtless Carlos because i'm gonna pretend i'm gay haha aren't gays a joke?" It's 2020. please don't use my sexuality as a joke, specially with such awful taste, alternative carlos is way better and doesn't have shitty hair, plus he looks like the original.

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he can spam an 8-hit slap attack
it's just the same patterns but he'll keep going for longer
defense coins won't stop instant death if you miss one dodge
you're better off equipping the S.T.A.R.S. manual

Is there any difference between nightmare and inferno besides the difficulty?

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Even with the infinite RL, the final boss still kick my ass.
Feels good

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I beat Nightmare with no shop items!
>60 of these deaths were on the fucking head rolling
I was in danger status, pretty sure you run slower, and I had no healing items.

Attached: re3 nightmare.jpg (1920x1080, 72.29K)

No auto saves, enemies are even faster and do more damage.

> Funny shitposters posted daily about cut content.

>Funny critics only complained about cut content, don't you think?

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>Too lean to be a male character
>Ass of a woman
>Man hand

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Jill looks like a kid playing dress up in the RE1 outfit, and acts younger than she did in remake. I don't like it.

h-he's fast!

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Chris. He was lean in Code Veronica. Only after meeting Wesker (and being slapped around) he focused in muscular strenght.

Mastered the game, platinumed it day after launch, but now I'm stuck bros. I'm gonna run RE3 Standard like I did Claire A Standard on Twitch (yes, I know we're autists), but I literally softlocked myself in the Nemesis construction site fight. Do you seriously have to pick up the shotgun? I know it shows up later in the game if you skip it but I got up to this point with just a handgun and it's just not enough because my DA is so high Nemesis just shakes off every shot and the arena is only spawning herbs and grenade launcher rounds for the grenade launcher I also didn't pick up.

user i hate to break it to you but if he hits you once with that combo defense coins or not you are fucking dead.

>and acts younger than she did in remake
Yeah I didn't like that either. In REmake she's afraid but doesn't sound like a teenager in a horror movie, she just gets on with it. Doesn't even swear.

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>jill looks like Emmy Rossum in her Stars attire
my fucking

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that looks like a man

Burn with fire

I was willing to accept the curses and remarks Claire would throw because she's a 19 year old college student. I can buy that she would do that.

Jill not only survived this shit before, she did it with restraint the entire time. Even OG 3 had her keep the cheese to a minimum.

kill vothfags on sight

>Even OG 3 had her keep the cheese to a minimum.
you kidding right?

Well I wasn't happy with Claire acting that way either because it's typical western horror teen bullshit instead of the Claire from OGRE2 who was a bit tougher because she grew up with CHRIS REDFIELD but yeah, she's a teen so it at least fits her age group. with Jill there's no excuse.

Changing her face won't help when her voice and character are way different. It would be like editing Frank Wesk's appearance in 4, not much good it'll do

Hair needs a little more work

>Punished Jill

>Carlos, I'm already a demon.

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*ahem* FUCK S.T.A.R.S. and FUCK U.B.C.S.

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You did beat inferno without shop upgrades right? You not some lil bitchass?

I hope they remake Code Veronica from the ground up and just do their own thing. Would be sick if Jill Chris Claire and maybe a Leon cameo happened, end off the remakes with a culmination.

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m-mine too

capcom wouldn't touch CV with a ten foot pole
steve salted that earth so nothing would ever grow back

>almost 2021
>people still bitching RE characters swear

re characters have been swearing since revelations you fucks, get over it already

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And it's been fucking cringe every time.

There is a better one coming.

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I hate video games. I haven't played a new game in half a decade. I just want this man in my life

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Point me the time when resident evil wasn't cringe

>swearing bad
insert crying wojak here because im not one of the wojakbros

Since 5. Chris swore in that game.


>Carlos... why are we still here? Just to S rank? Every night, I can feel my Clock Tower and my Park... even my Old Factory... the skirt I've lost... the Mercenaries I've lost... won't stop hurting. It's like they're all still there. You feel it too, don't you? I'm the one who got caught up with Capcom. A group above publishers... even Platinum. And I was the STAR below, feeding off Capcom's power. They came after you in Raccoon... then the REmake... Capcom... just keeps growing. Swallowing everything in it's path. Getting bigger and bigger... Who knows how big now? Carlos. I'm gonna make 'em give back our past... take back everything that we've lost. And I won't rest... until we do.

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That looks fucking awful.
Why is she so big eyed?

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>violence bad
>swearing bad
>sex good

ah yes Yas Forums core values

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based but as a classicfag i honestly unironically really like the past 3 RE games Capcom has put out, though 7 I'm the least fond of because too many unskippable parts that aren't gameplay.

Did he? I don't remember that, re6 too I assume

Bug eyes

Dunno. Ask the guy who makes it.

I like NuJill's face and big tits but her ass is kind of flat compared to what Jill's famous for

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>Walks around with the peak of sexy manhood for over half the game
>isnt interested

I guess Carlos was right, Jill is lesbian. I mean, she is a cop....

he says in RE5 that irving was pissing him off and then said pissing him off later in reference to Wesker and the Arklay incident.

>violence bad
Lack of Violence in this case. It's right at the beginning of the outbreak we should have seen people getting disemboweled, kids being torn apart, cops fighting in vain against a growing hoard with blood washing the streets red. We got none of that.
>swearing bad
Once or twice in high emotional situations are fun but it's usually used in the place of witty or better written dialogue and that's why swearing is usually frowned upon. You cunt.
>sex good
You wouldn't be here if it wasn't. But a skirt and some shoulders isn't exactly pornographic. Neither is a bit of leg and the sooner you fucks stop demonizing it out of jealousy, the sooner we can grow as a species again.

Shame, it's the classic game I want remade the most.

she's cute. Cute!

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Best Tomboy Rebecca was the butt queen (outside of RE6's ass-apalooza), and Jill was a close second, but the series used to know good asses.

I like them as well but there's no way I can defend what a colossal balls up they were either. REmake 2 isn't even half a game and REmake 3 is less than that. I can't give it a pass when I've given other games shit for less. So because they play well the best I can ever say for them is "worth it on a sale"

i think what gives me a guandary is that even though they are very rushed remakes, even RE3make is better than a lot of modern vidya, I'm already on my 11th playthrough and it's been what - 5 maybe 6 days? I barely replay most AAA shit a second time.

is it just me or does this game incentivise using the 180 a lot more than previous games besides 4

Started Inferno and it's filtered me. I'll just get the infinite ammo rocket launcher and do it that way

>even RE3make is better than a lot of modern vidya
Well I can't deny that. I myself have completed it 5 times so far in pursuit of buying everything in the store, and I do prefer the combat to REmake 2, but I still can't recommend it for anything less than 50% off or a pirate due to its massive flaws.

everyone thinks infinite rocket launcher is the solution until they reach final nemmy

REmake 3 survey is out in Asia
This is a question

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looks too much like angelina jolie

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Is hardcore mode harder than in REmake 2?

>pale heads with parasites
most bullshit thing in the game

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Weird isn't it, that we have this much fun with such a flawed and unfinished little thing?

no but you should play nightmare or inferno if you want the real RE3. Unironically the hardest RE playthrough I've had since I'd say CV blind.

literally 1 MAG shot

I mean I've already done him on Nightmare so he can't be much worse, right?

Testament to the gameplay really. I enjoy dodging shit and shooting it in the face, can't get enough of it. Makes me miss Mercs mode more because of that.

yep sure is made by platinum devs

any mods of jill with an actual skirt on yet


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>beat hardcore in 2 hours
>rank B
unlike R2make, your rank is punished for using the samurai edge. I imagine all shop items reduce your rank to B

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>Getting a REmake remake before CV or RE0

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Strange as it doesn't affect your rank on Assisted or Standard.

Is he gonna be alright?

No one contests that the core of the game is solid, it's just lacking in content.

They have two routes to go from here. They have Claire done and ready for a Code Veronica Remake but they now have Jill (Stars and all) ready for a RE1 remake. Also if they end up remaking RE1, they'll open a route for a RE0 remake since Rebecca will have her assets, VA, etc ready.

>it's just lacking in content.
This, game is pretty damn fine i don't understand why people are so pissed as if the game was just a dumpster fire

It'll probably be a CV REmake.
Chris shows up in REmake 3's post credits scene.

I think they should slow down with the remake craze for a moment

>Unironically the hardest RE

>i don't understand why people are so pissed
>was just told it's lacking in content
Fucking hell lad never go full retard.

a remake of 0 or CV wouldn't sell anywhere near as much as 2 and 3
the remakes are done, RE8 is next
M-Two are doing Dead Rising


>alternative Carlos is way better

Imagine being this wrong, embarrassing honestly

>Need to be patient and be a god at dodging just to beat the final boss.
That alone makes its harder than 90% of the games in the series.

>shirtless Carlos
i sleep
>replace Carlos with Dante
real shit?

Attached: Resident Evil 3 Remake 2020.04.06 - (3840x2160, 659.12K)

What's this hairstyle called?

Counting the days, bros...

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Really nice. When will it be ready?

What i meant was , even though it lacks content there's no reason to go apeshit as some people have about this came and call it a complete disaster.

>unlike R2make, your rank is punished for using the samurai edge. I imagine all shop items reduce your rank to B

Nope, you can S rank with all 6 coins and an infinite rocket launcher.

"I woke up looking this good"

>alternative carlos is way better
You are not a real gay man if you hold this opinion.

You sure it's because the shop item? Pretty sure on Hardcore it's
>Sub 1:45 is S
>Sub 2:00 is A
So the B makes sense