What went wrong with Battlefield?

What went wrong with Battlefield?

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I feel like it peaked with BC2, although I'll have a soft spot for 2142 because Titan mode was incredibly fun.

lost most of its soul after BC2

>you'll never try for 20 minutes to take the point on the terrace while getting fucked by endless grenade spam again
>you'll never spam grenades onto the terrace for 20 minutes again

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It favored ADHD infantry CoD style gameplay instead of vehicle/tanks/planes/boats etc like BF was known for.

trying to mimick CoD

The COD-style grind was one of the worst additions to the series.

They tried competing with CoD. Then ruined it then fixed it with 4 and all that dlc, then ruined it again and again.

They need to stop trying to compete with CoD. Get rid of that horrendous star wars UI, and go back to what matters. Slow team advancement through objectives and pushing with smokes while taking out sniperfags with rockets.

BF3 was good, BF4 was fine, the rest is garbage

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Nice Black Sabbath Wojack, fren; mind if I save it?

I feel like Battlefield 4 is great. Even though I'm bad at it. What's wrong with the newer games anyways?

It became iterative and too interested in trying to copy other popular shooters on the market. BF5 seems like it was designed by committee, trying to appeal to ever demographic at once and only succeeding in turning everyone off.

They should focus on the strategic elements tbqh; some sort of world map/faction war element would be cool.

BF1 was fun and immersive. Great sound design. They went full soi on BFV and got btfo. Was very satisfying to watch but also ensured we will never get a quality WW2 game again. It’s over

Your obsession with CoD is what killed your franchise, cancerous sissy.

While you worthless, smegmatic parasites were having a literally completely and utterly one-sided feud with CoD kids who just couldn't give a single everloving flying F U C K about your franchise, the developers you idolized so much were actively turning it into a marxism simulator.

Get cancer and fucking die, preferably right next to those pozzed swedish bastards that destroyed one of the best series ever in the altar of wokeness.
You misserable, worthless pieces of shit make me so fucking mad I swear to fucking god I'm seething so hard.

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They are way too fast in my opionion. You just can run and gun, and 30 seconds later you have full HP again. so you repeat.

They tried to appeal to fortnite shitters, also entered the realm of stupid cosmetics. Hopefully the next game (if anything) is back to Battlefield.

3D spotting

>what went wrong
They keep putting airplanes into their games and it fucks everything else up.

Why don't you just play on Hardcore servers? Battlefield 4 has them.

Strike at Karkand 64 player was PEAK multiplayer FPS gaming.

Maybe. I feel I played my fair share 3 and 4 reached my eagle rank and then I played some air supreority and felt that was it.
I switched to squad, it feel weightier and tanking is way more fun, communicating giving orders to the gunner moving like water flows to flank tanks and all that jazz.

It's like you didn't understand the comment you replied to.
He said CoD was the fault for it going to shit.

>ywn have a TITAN battle on bridge at remagen ever again

Going for the CoD crowd AND the console crowd at the same time.
I thought at first they had a great idea where Bad Company was going to be their console Battlefield and Battlefield was going to remain on PC but then they just turned Battlefield into Bad Company for consoles and stuck with it.

I loved all of them up until Battlefield 5. Some were better than others, but they were all still very fun to play for hundreds of hours, especially with friends.

I respect your opinion, but my nostalgia goggles take me back to the Damavand Peak basejump and Caspian Border.

Also, why the fuck did Battlefield 1943 never come to PC?

>blue and brown 3
zoom zoom

Vehicle combat lost the focus.

I guess it had way too little content for basically being a modified BC 1 to bother porting for PC.

Vehicle-infantry balance is hard to do well tbqh

>Damavand Peak Basejump
>The planes blowing up the Metro after the first part of Op Metro
>Kharge Island Rush beach landing
Take me back

>the only important thing in a game is its aesthetic
zoom zoom

I just want to interact with other players like loading a squad up in my APC and driving them to a flag in bf2.
>BF5: Hey want a ride? No thanks the flags are just 30 feet apart

They removed offline bots.

>infantry combat is alright but movement is slow because the maps are so good
>movement vehicles are fast and plentiful but vulnerable to tanks and helis
>tanks are slower but safer, but vulnerable to helis and planes
>helis are vulnerable to planes and anti-air
>planes have a high skill floor and are vulnerable to anti-air
it worked really well as long as people understood vaguely what their value to the team could be at any given time. I remember running in circles and diving behind cover, hoping to distract helicopters. if bf2 came out today you'd have fifteen people standing in line for a jet hoping to become just like their favorite streamer. I also think it helped a lot that ping was far more severe, so you'd usually wind up with a server with almost only people who understood your language

They stopped supporting mods. Battlefield 1942 and 2 were fantastic games with large modding communities. When Bad Company 1 came out as an exclusive (even though it was a fun game) it was the death knell of a great PC franchise.

I don't think they really changed at all. What makes battlefield a fun game is still in all the newer ones. Large maps with high player counts, where instead of individuals or entires teams capturing objectives, it's instead focused around small squads of people all doing different things. The formula and gameplay haven't actually changed that much at all. I still think their great games. Although fuck EA and fuck Dice for taking down the BF2 revive project. Whoever did that is the most massive fucking kike imaginable.

If you ignore all the technical issues at launch 4 is much, much better than 3

turn into cod lite
and unironically character customizations

Much more polished and much more features.
I'm biased because BF3 was my first BF experience (I think it feels much comfier, which is abstract and subjective), but I think BF3 has an argument going for it in terms of map design.

>Large maps with high player counts
If your only other map experience is counter strike maybe

Going from modding friendly to saying a big fat NO never works out well.
Bad company was definitely the beginning of the end.

Never made Bad Company 3

Yeah, I think that part of what made earlier entries fun was how the limited customization helped emphasize the faction-vs-faction fiction.

Every game after BC2 was a BC game.

This is what made early battlefields so fun, you had maps for everyone. Even the larger maps had sections for people who liked infantry combat while maintaining the focus on vehicles.
Then came the whole competition with cod and battlefield slowly became cod with a couple of vehicles.

>BF2 is almost 15 years old
>BF3 is almost 9 years old
>BF4 is almost 7 years old
>BF Hardline first beta was almost 6 years ago
Time goes way too fucking fast

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Your anger is misguided and it makes you weak.

>sniperfags with rockets.
you will never again mount a TOW and counter snipe a sniper fag from max draw distance.

Probably one of the worst parts was how they kind of misled everyone when Battlefield 3 was about to come out, seeming like they were ready to leave it open for the future, and then they were always spouting shit about the tools and whatnot. I think the real reason is that they want to force their oldest fans who have been playing since the beginning to buy all their garbage loot boxes and dlc.

It's impressive how nice BF3 still looks tbqh; I think it aged better than MW3 which came out at the same time.

BF1>3 and 4

leaves thread

Take your meds lmao

That guy is about to be run over by a tank.

>>BF4 is almost 7 years old
holy fuck, stop
I feel old enough as it is

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why leave? this is truth.

Destrctable environments made tanks too strong so they made every class able to kill tanks which in turn turned tanks into snipers.
Kit generalization instead of kit specialty.
Planes too powerful with no AA emplacements.
Kit weapons too strong making assault more useless.
Kits in general.
Shit map design with too many bottlenecks.

Operations and the visuals+atmosphere are the only good things about BF1

>zoomers getting nostalgic on Battlefield 3
>take me back
jesus christ this place has turned into a shithole

its not like bf2's unlock grind wasn't a bitch, but at least it didn't feel like i HAD to unlock new shit to be viable.

i really do hate how XP bars and unlocks are so cemented in gaming now that removing them makes people angry (see: Sea of Thieves)

>Planes too powerful with no AA emplacements.
in BF2 the only real issue with planes were their ability to gun down AA sites from outside draw distance which meant they were outside lock distance. if you had someone in a plane who knew the AA sites, they would stay outside draw distance , blow up AA sites, then harass everyone until AA respawned. rinse repeat.

I never played BF 2 was there no SPAAG or MANPADS?

they never limited turret speed of tanks

BF4 was the best Battlefield until Onions Redditor vehicle operators wanted to just have infinity killstreaks and nerfed all the ways infantry could take them out into the ground.

Nerfed Slams, Sraw, all anti-air, engineer rocket reload from ammo boxes, grenade reload from boxes (which was for operation metro/locker shitters, that shit killed infantry game play on all other maps) and Littlebird/Apache ECMs with 5 second uptime, 10 second cool downs, so only 5 second windows to reliably hit them as they weave through buildings.

The gunplay and combat was perfection apart from stupid shit like the AEK laser gun, but none of that matters now. Game is dead. All they need to do is have a big patch to merge all the BF3 and BF4 maps into one modern BF game and it would save the series, but they're too busy sucking eachother off about putting women in a WW2 game than making a good balanced one.

Don't even miss it now, would rather just play anything else that's not Battlefield.

trash map designs. Chokepoints are everywhere and no memorable landmarks

>What went wrong with Battlefield?
consumer wants changed and battlefield didn't?
I mean rushing from objective to objective and dying constantly is not exactly fun.
People want to do more socializing in their multiplayer games.


>2005-2006 when you had a shit pc and even shittier internet
>spend 8-10 minutes loading Strike at Karkand
>round ends during loading and have to load the map again
I honestly miss the game desu

At least it kept planes doing something else for 10 seconds.
To add on to my post Unlimited ammo.
Resuppling vehicles changed the entire dynamic. Making sure your points were clear. It vastly limited your effectiveness.

BF2 had some AA vehicles which were more useful against infantry but were generally weak as fuck. AT kits could melt AA vehicles in no time.
pic related were superior to the vehicles but took forever to respawn and would just get sniped out of draw distance.

Attached: aa site.jpg (786x582, 119.23K)

I might be a faggot but Operation Locker is my favorite level because I always love autistic deadlock maps where everyone just goes nuts in the middle of the map

>What went wrong with Battlefield?
Short answer: After BF4, DICE lost focus on what made Battlefield games great. More specifically, DICE denied Battlefield players the ABILITY to be great and separate themselves from the pack. Although I mostly have played infantry throughout all of the BF games, the ability for vehicles to utterly dominate a map when controlled by the right players is what makes a great Battlefield game. At the same exact time, infantry combat was dumbed down in various ways in BF1 and BFV that are almost too numerous to count.
I agree with everything in this post but I still play BF4 to this day when I want my FPS fix.

I remember those things from BFP4F. But never thought of them so powerful because jets in that game were pretty gimped.

loading screen music used to have a theme then it eventually just turned into electronic humming

what ever happened to the /BFG/ clan?
