FINAL FANTASY has been dead for a while

>Although Japanese players seem fine with the games’ new art, North American fans have complained that there is no feasible way to play the better SNES or GBA versions of FFV and FFVI on today’s consoles. I asked if Kitase would consider putting the original versions of both games on modern platforms, and he appeared surprised at the request.

>“I am actually curious to know — I believe the port version, the one you can get right now, does use the more brushed up artwork that’s a little bit more refined,” Kitase said. “Do fans want to see the older version that’s not as refined? Is that the sentiment?”

Attached: MediaHandler.jpg (600x360, 38.73K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Do fans want to see the older version that’s not as refined
there's pixel art that stands the test of time and FF VI was in that era. I guess Fukushima leaking had a greater detrimental effect on the Japanese than we could have known at the time.

You can also see it with re-releases with smooth filter on by default.
Because japs are completely ok with it.
Because gacha generation.
Yas Forums has no idea what's happening, they're hyperfocuses on the west and it's trends.
They're blindsided by the japanese consumers themselves and their horrid taste shaped by the gacha wave.
They'll destroy everything they love, and Yas Forums won't even see it coming.
The very market they used to worship, now infested by mobile coomer zoomer brainworms.
Kind of a fitting end, if you think about it.

Fucking Gacha is the worst thing to happen to video games

>New sprites were done by the old FF5/FF6 sprite artist
That hurt a lot to learn that. PSP style, while still generic, would have been a better choice honestly.

>Kitase and Japan has shit taste
Business as usual. They used to have decent design sensibilities when they were limited by the hardware, but not anymore.

Attached: pspsterra.png (1011x948, 357.6K)

I don't know why they think this hi res art is necessary when the smaller screens of phones masks the pixel art well.

Gacha has literally nothing to do with smooth filters

You small minded idiot.
Gacha started a trend of an entire japanese generation that literally doesn't give a single shit about anything, from visual quality to gameplay.
It's behind 99% of all the trends making games shittier you're seeing in japan right now.
Go fuck yourself and take your shitty phone gambling with you in hell.

Japan doesn’t care about it’s past hyperfocusing on select elements. Hyperfocus is their name. A society that prides itself on seeking beauty leaving in absolute horrendous cities all filled with concrete.

No, they don’t care.

Eh, are you really surprised? I think we only like the jagged pixels because we're old and used to them. I think the Mega Man X Collection had smooth filters on by default and I see plenty of YouTube videos that just leave it on. I'd love to see a poll asking only children whether they prefer the old graphics or the new ones.

That said is it me or are the sprites' colors simplified too in these ports? I think that contributes to why it looks so lower quality compared to the original. Like for example Terra's hair in OP's pic looks like one solid color but IIRC the SNES sprite has several tones of green to simulate depth and shading

Attached: 1568034525004.png (600x775, 465.49K)

>Eh, are you really surprised? I think we only like the jagged pixels because we're old and used to them. I think the Mega Man X Collection had smooth filters on by default and I see plenty of YouTube videos that just leave it on. I'd love to see a poll asking only children whether they prefer the old graphics or the new ones.

Ok, but consider this: my personal taste in aesthetics is the only thing that matters and the objective metric of quality, and anyone that diverges from it should be executed in the streets.

Attached: 1344625731315.gif (250x188, 409.43K)

FF is in a better spot now than its been in 10 years.

Attached: 1586112314565.png (399x400, 262.29K)

Personally I think if they're going to re-do the look. Then make it 3D like the FFIV remake and re-design the maps to suit to the new style.

Just swapping out sprites but keeping the game's maps indentical is part of the problem.

lmaoing at this level of anal devastation

Attached: 010NotEvenMad.jpg (766x1024, 285.94K)

I do t understand how anyone could look at that and think it's okay

>mismatched pixel resolution between the character sprites, background -and- the UI
>complete lack of shading on the characters makes them seem like they're on a completely different plane, not meshing with the world at all
>generic ios/android base phone font
>lazy as fuck repeated tiling with visible seams

It's a masterclass in how not to do visual design

I don't even disagree.
But Square should take better care of their classics and make better ports.
Of the modern ports only IX is truly ok, with VII having tons of visual problems, and the rest being remastered in ways that often break the games or cause other issues.

Patch the GBA version and play it on a hacked handheld.

>older version that’s not as refined?

Attached: this is why we can't have nice things.jpg (2258x1503, 336.88K)

mmoshit isn't final fantasy
go buy a $20 mount or something and kys

>water is outright lava-colored

10 years ago they were a dumpster fire.
Now they're just a trash heap.
Still a shell of their former self, nowhere near what they used to be.
I don't play MMOs so I assume FF14 s why you think they're doing good.
I'm awaiting to see what the 14 guy is capable of doing with 16.

Attached: final-fantasy-xvi.png (644x377, 245.22K)

that's not water user, that's LCL

Attached: EvangelionComic.jpg (720x644, 120.99K)

>I think we only like the jagged pixels because we're old and used to them.
Or, you know, because they actually looked decent and the new ones look like absolute shit.

Graphic artist: Yep this is fine. 3D models on scaled 2d sprites, perspective shifts up the ass. They'll LOVE this.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 49.54K)

>Patch the GBA version
Even patches the SNES original is still better. Get a bug fix patch and decensor mod and play the SNES version, very little reason to play the GBA releases

Play Final Fantasy 6: T-Edition
> Over 80+ new side quests, handled via the barkeeps in cities/towns, and later with Banon/Arvis in Narshe.

> An Achievement/Collection Room in the Narshe School, showcasing your feats and tracking your progress (includes EX mode achievements).

> Several new dungeons and areas, including the GBA content.

> Tons of new events and dialogue (the main story remains the same, but small things have been changed/inserted for a more fuller experience).

> A developer's room, mostly with Tsushiy's commentary and events, leading into EX mode.

> The esper system has been removed. In its place are a costume system, where upon finishing achievements, side quests and/or story progression, you will unlock costumes in the WoR on the Falcon to swap characters into. This changes their stats for better or worse, matching your play style. Each character has 4 costumes, all based off other Final Fantasy characters they have similarities or things in common with. This will cjhange their sprites and menu graphics. Leveling up simply makes you stronger now, so don't hold back! Grind, grind, and grind some more! (Highly recommended.)

Also make sure to use the translation script:

Attached: 1579568293407.png (256x224, 23.66K)

Hot, objective facts

>> Over 80+ new side quests, handled via the barkeeps in cities/towns, and later with Banon/Arvis in Narshe.
>Adding fanfiction to the game

Attached: 1451618615123.jpg (250x272, 37.1K)

No, this is how this actually happens:

>corporate suit:
Do this, our market research says it sells to the gacha audience
>graphic artist, knowing full well if he doesn't do it he'll be fired:

Attached: 1313846806720.png (160x154, 32.18K)

No. It's objectively terrible. There's no argument here. The mobile ports are hideous

GBA has added content and a better translation.

This but unironically.

> Over 80+ new side quests
Aaaand you lost me.

But muh Woolsey rewrites!

Most of the game is single player

I actually do like the portraits more in the otherwise shitty mobile version. GBA with the patch is still the optimal way to play FF6 though.

at least play with the BNW romhack. Vanilla FF6 is horribly balanced; the esper system is pure garbage and encourages you to only think about magic since everything else is absolute garbage. Horrible game design.

The extra content is kind of shitty and fuck the new translation. It's dry as fuck

I guess if you really like it then go the GBA route, but even patched it's going to look and sound worse than the SNES equivalent

Can I use a bugfix patch with the retranslation instead?

that's water of ruin secondary

The patch is for the sound.

Gba has an absolutely disgusting sound chip.

Snes got a Sony one so it sounds miles better.

Play the snes version. Music is 50%of a video game.

>FF is in a better spot now than its been in 10 years.

just because XIV is a god tier MMO can not counter the messes that are XV, the XIII series, and VIIR

>Kitase said. “Do fans want to see the older version that’s not as refined?

Yes we do. I want to play FFV without having to look at homofag Bartz everytime he talks. His gay-ass portrait doesn't even match the sprite.

Attached: butz.jpg (366x220, 53.27K)

XIV is barely an MMO. And honestly I wouldn't even consider it an 'RPG' either, it's got no character building or stat management at all

I don't know what I'd consider. It's like a single player action game with tab target combat and a Monster Hunter/PSO styled lobby endgame


you can run gba and snes emulators extremely easily on smartphones as of like ten years ago, who the fuck cares anymore im not paying for a thirty year old game

I'm very aware that's the World of Ruin. Shit still wasn't blood red, it had a brown, dirty-rusty look to it, partially due to the WoR have an orange sky.

There's a sound patch and a visual patch that fixes the colors and does some other minor things. Again, neither aspect will be as good as the SNES version either way

Giv money

it's a romhack, obviously new stuff is going to be added. If you just want a more balanced game with nothing new being added, then check out Brave New World. Just make sure to also apply the Vanilla New World patch so pop-culture references are removed.

Based NA fans.

The visual patch is good to darken the palette back, but the lighter look isn't nearly as devastating as the god awful GBA soundchip.

>shitting on Amano art
don't you have dragon quest games to play

13-2 is a strong title. Dissidia Duodecim, World of Final Fantasy and Theatrhythm are all solid games as well

Are you unironically shit talking Amano right now?
Do you want all of your teeth smashed out with a baseball bat or something?

>13-2 is a strong title
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. As someone who didn't like XIII, I still enjoyed the original over XIII-2. I genuinely don't understand why it gets praise. It opens up the world a bit at expense of near every other aspect of the game being worse

i don't care what people say about games until i played them for myself and i was completely excited for FF15 so i waited until i got a better pc since i heard that it's quite demanding
and now here i am, played the game for like 5 hours and i couldn't anymore

i don't know if the combat becomes more complex with time but from what i experienced it's the same as with witcher 3, the gameplay was an afterthought

gameplay. it also has the best gilgamesh fight

why are the sprites so fucking blurry

What did XIII-2 do significantly better in that regard?

I agree
Copy pasted combat from XIII. I liked LR's combat system better than either. Gilgamesh is indeed a super cool fight. In fact the Colisseum is the only good part of XII-2, and it's fantastic, but not worth slogging through the same fucking combat in the same fucking locales from XIII copy pasted 10 times with different sky colors

LR has the best gameplay out of any FF

amano good spritework bad

>love FFIX
>was listening to TGS '17 while doing whatever that day
>recognize Melodies of Life on the first note
>get excited
>it's just the mobile port, with mobile ui
>still no original HD backgrounds
that last psrt always gets me, same thing happened with REmake HD.

It's good but I liked XI's and XII's more. Most strats for LR fights are just memorizing when to parry for each monster. Only the main quest bosses and the optional boss in the last ones dungeon do anything interesting with the battle system

Can't wait for them to exhume the corpse of another great FF

Attached: Square Enix announced a remake.gif (250x168, 1.37M)

Never understood the praise around Amano art. It looks like low-effort trash with no respect for proportions or perspective.
>muh impressionism
Impressionistic art doesn't work when you are using it to directly represent something in the real (game) world. This wispy faggot art style has always been a cancer on the FF series, and should remain in logo art, where it belongs. Shinkawa's MGS art does an impressionist thing as well, but his character portraits aren't literally used to represent the characters talking. inb4 cherrypicked works where Amano's art looks better/different. The exception does not define the rule.