What you guys playing?

What you guys playing?

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Waiting on Anomaly mod for STALKER to download

P5R, just finished Futaba's dungeon and am about 45 hours in

>What you guys playing?
I'm playing Magic: The Gathering Arena, you illiterate nigger.

Me? Ultra Street Fighter IV

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Kingdom Come and started Bannerlord yesterday, but I don't really feel like playing it that much desu

Pokemon Rom hacks

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I tried playing Anomaly but I was immediately put off by how it expects you to micromanage every single possible thing.

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As of now I'm playing Bannerlord and Dungeons of Dredmore occasionaly.
Haven't played anything yesterday. Spent the entire day re-drawing the linework of someone else's r34 smut since I have a crippling porn addiction.

Ocotopath Traveler. It becomes 10 times more enjoyable once you get the mage with the random encounter rate decrease skill.

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Lego Batman

Just got to chapter 6.

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animal crossing new leaf

just finished doom eternal. so now im back to jumping between Distance and TF2.

im so fucking bored though

>only 300 hours
>didn't leave a review

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Hades, my arms begin to hurt from smashing dash and attack nonstop heh

this shit

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holy fucking BASED


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Currently Lisa the hopeful
I'm stuck in the part with the wolves.

is it still active on pc?

Fired up the 360 to finish some games I haven't played.

Currently I'm playing the Darkness 1, and I gotta say I really like it. 3 hours in. The atmosphere is great.

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Just finished the DaS trilogy for the first time so I'll probably boot up a JRPG next.

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Path of Exile. Trying out a mana stacking build, its been pretty fun so far.

Just finished RE3make
>Animal Crossing NH
>Doom Eternal
>RE Resistance

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Nothing, looking for a good ps2/wii era game to play.

SO many shitters online right now refuse to play anything other than Dead Center but they keep getting filtered by it.

Total warhammer 2

Replaying the new tomb raider trilogy

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Resident Evil Veronica

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>code veronica


Assetto corsa, forza horizon 4, rocket league

Pavlov VR.
I hate it.

what's wrong with the ps2 version?

other than the added bullshit that wasn't in the original because people were fapping over matrix? i guess nothing

PMDDX, doing postgame shit. Going through the Stormy Sea dungeon. Going to play Final Fantasy 7 for the first time later, maybe do some FGO grinding if I feel like it.

Kamen Rider Kabuto. It's pretty damn good so far.

Based. Been meaning to revisit it, might do that later after playing FF7.

I haven't played USFIV in a few years. I got it on steam during the winter sale so I might play it if I have time.

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The Sims 4. Trying to find something to actually sit down and get into but not having much luck.

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oh shit, what added things? I only played the ps2 ver. I didn't know there were differences.

Wow you must be fucking terrible at that game to be raging this hard

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i dont remember exactly what, but there was 10 minutes more of wesker stuff in the CVX if i'm not wrong

Alyx cause I got bored of my modded factorio playthrough


>ps4 breaks down
>pc is too shit to run RE3

What should I play guys ?

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I beat Doom Eternal, ordered ACNH from amazon but that's delayed till the 30th, and I have work so I dont like to do anything worthwhile before I head in.
I'm just chilling, honestly.

Just downloaded
>Snake Pass
>Exit Fate

Time to run through that backlog. Thanks Coronachan

>finished the first Ori
>finished Nier Replicant
>finished Nier Automata
>finished Katana Zero except Speedrun mode, I need to cut down a lot of deaths but I'm taking a break until the DLC comes out
>played a bit of Insurgency Sandstorm and the map design kinda ruined the fun gameplay
>started Ruiner
>started Hollow Knight
That's about it, I think I'm not gonna finish these last two right now because I have never played RE 1 and 4 in my life and bought them on Steam some time ago, and those sound like a better time.

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well, i found this so there you have it
i always considered CVX a bootleg piece of shit

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animal crossing new leaf on an emulator

If you have a switch, play some Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX. It's a fun game thats actually decently difficult at times. If you don't have a switch, then go play some Cave Story. It's free, it's on PC, doesn't take up much space, it's fun.

Bannerlord, RDR2 and Prey. I'm also thinking about grabbing DB Kakarot but I don't think it's really worth the price tag yet.

I need a fun game with a lot of stat/building/equipment progress guys. Send recs!

jsut got Pillars of Eternity and I love it

Dont have a switch unfortunately, could download the prequel for a (3)DS emulator though, I heard some good things about that aswell.
Otherwise, Cave Story sounds good, never actually came around to play it, thanks.

I've been playing Nioh 2. I could play a ton of other games on my backlog but it feels like I'm wasting my time.

Man I don't even fucking know right now, I'm in that stage where I want to play something but I can't fucking crystallize that thought into a game.

Some action rpg I can run around just fucking about as a literal wizard would be great. But not Elder scrolls I've played them too much.
Some kind of game where I can just make my own goals, something with some freedom.

It beats what I'm doing right now which is literally nothing while I have a library and a cabinet full of genuinely fantastic games and all my shit brain things is "nah none of that sounds fun right now"

Pick a game, chances are your shit PC can play it

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and Ori on the switch

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Been finishing up Black Mesa. It's very pretty but the enemies get pretty annoying to fight.

This is very sexy until you hear her shout "GRABBIN A HEROIN" in the voice of a young man with a southern drawl

>Trine 2

Good taste

FFXIV and Nioh 2 occasionally

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Playing DDS2 right now, I would say that certain aspects are better than the first, other aspects are worse. The music is pretty great in this one.

What genres do you like? Do you have a backlog? If so, post it so anons can whittle it down for you.

Nice, I was going to play that after I finish DDS. The first Raidou had combat so bad it stopped me from playing the second, but maybe I can give Raidou 2 a try.

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I WANT to get Jedi Academy on switch, but I already have it on Steam

Messing with the sekiro randomizer

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and this as well

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i'm 30 hours into oblivion but i'm getting bored of it. should i drop it?

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it gets good at 31 hours

Super Neptuina RPG.

I am also waiting for Doom 2016 to download
