Likable, quirky wacky characters
Colorful designs and worlds
Godtier music
Bad stories, bad dialogue, cliche overload
Bad gameplay

More mature and stoic characters
Majestic but very generic worlds
Majestic sounding orchestras, although very samey music
Great stories, great dialogue with actual choices mattering
Great gameplay

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The weeb cries out as it strikes you.

I tried playing mount and blade warband and it sucked ass
shitty gameplay that doesn't even work half the time
nothing but WORDS WORDS WORDS DESCRIPTIONS every 5 seconds
like a billion random skill shits
no story or anything

yeah sucked ass


Seems fairly accurate to me. One day we’ll get a jrpg with a mature story and engaging gameplay, but then is it really a jrpg?

>Colorful designs and worlds
They all have the coloring scheme of candy wrappers because they are designed to appeal to fat infantile retards.

>Godtier music

Dragon Quest XI
>100+ hour triple-a jrpg released in 2017, made by one of the biggest publishers in the world
>one (non-boss) battle theme for the entire game
>low-quality midi music...oh wait, they updated it, now it's generic orchestral music

Deus Ex
>20-hour wrpg made with an extremely small budget, even for the time
>has 4 unique musical themes for each area: one for normal exploration, one for combat, one for when conversing with NPCs, and one for getting a game over, so 20+ unique battle themes, 20+ unique exploration themes, 20+ unique dialogue themes, 20+ unique game over themes
>all 4 musical themes of a specific area change if you revisit that area after a plot-critical event (such as when you escape from Unatco)
>music drawing from a wide variety of genres, with strong melodies and catchy hooks

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I don't think you know what stoic means

>Majestic but very generic worlds
I don't know about that. I think everyone agrees that Deus Ex is the quintessential cyberpunk rpg. Fallout is the quintessential post-apocalyptic rpg. Arcanum is the quintessential steampunk rpg. Mass Effect is the quintessential space opera rpg (although I personally disagree and think Kotor 2 is a better space opera rpg).
The thing is, all these rpgs are western ones. The problem isn't even that jrpgs don't have different settings, but the setting in them often seems like an afterthought rather than something central to the game. A jrpg series like Star Ocean is space opera, sure, but you spend most of the games exploring planets that just so happen to perfectly resemble medieval fantasy worlds.

Is Arx Fatalis good?


>great stories
>great dialogue
>choices mattering
>great gameplay

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The infants at the designated fun zone

>with actual choices mattering
Ehh, I can't remember the last time I felt like I had to completely re-start a game because I fucked up my build in a WRPG.
They're too scared to make choices ACTUALLY matter, so they just give you a different coat of paint on mandatory scenes or cut/add scenes rather than actually change things.

>Deus Ex is the quintessential cyberpunk rpg.
no, soul hackers is.
>Fallout is the quintessential post-apocalyptic rpg.
no, metal max returns is.
>Arcanum is the quintessential steampunk rpg.
no, final fantasy vi is.
>Mass Effect is the quintessential space opera rpg
no, phantasy star iv is.

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>Deus Ex
>an accurate representation of the average western RPG

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I don't care about this dumb fucking recurrent JRPG/WRPG war, I just play some of each because being autistic about what is essentially personal taste, is just a waste of effort.

based retard

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I've played JRPGs for 25 years and could write a book on how fucking awful they can be, and how much worse they've gotten in the last 20 years, but while WRPGs sound better on paper, I still usually have more fun with JRPGs. Both sides have great games, shit games, and everything in-between though.

>choices mattering
SS2 has absolutely no choices, it's the epitome of linear storytelling.
The only choices that matter in Deus Ex come in the last 3 minutes of the game and the result is 3 different one minute ending scenes.
Same thing with Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines.

These three are arguably the creme de la creme of western RPGs.

not an argument.

not an argument.

Eh, it's not fair to use DQ as an example, the composer's been losing it for years, and while the series has some good tunes, it's mostly boring.


keep in mind, that's beepzorz - a gay redditor whose shtick is to be as disingenuous as possible while comparing jrpgs to wrpgs.
of course he cherrypicked dragon quest, a series that is routinely criticized by fans of its own genre for having worse music than other jrpgs.

>Great gameplay

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Can we both? So we can go back calling them RPGs inb4 board game fags


Shhh, not so loud, the barber's going to find him.

>beepzorz - a gay redditor whose shtick is to be as disingenuous as possible while comparing jrpgs to wrpgs.
wait what? Do we have those as well?

>first-person shooter with rpg elements tacked on
>first-person shooter with rpg elements tacked on
>glorified visual novel with jank trash gameplay
if that's the creme de la creme of wrpgs, no wonder it's such a trash genre.

Best WRPG imo
>interesting characters
>interesting diverse world that feels alive
>interesting story
>fun and varied gameplay

too bad we'll never see something like this again

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You'll recognize him by 2 things. One is his dozens of pre-made comparisons of JRPGs and WRPGs, always making sure to lavishly detail every minor thing about WRPGs and always being extremely reductionist with JRPGs. The other sign is that he never concedes on anything, a prime example of that is
>there is no summoning in JRPGs
>yes there is, [example]
>it doesn't function as D&D or [other game] though, so that doesn't count
Repeat ad nauseum.

>Great gameplay

he'll also complain if you cite a non-mainstream jrpg that contradicts his stupid arguments, but then dig up the most obscure eurojank wrpgs that nobody has ever played to prove his point.

Yeah, that's another thing indeed. What it really boils down to is that he's always wrong and will move, teleport and phaseshift the goalposts as much as necessary in order to make it so.

>What it really boils down to is that he's always wrong and will move, teleport and phaseshift the goalposts as much as necessary in order to make it so.
Yas Forums in a nutshell

Deus Ex is not a WRPG retardo

I already played 17 hours of Deus Ex and I am at the Airfield. Am I doing something wrong?

Holy shit this is terrible. It's like the ambient of metal.

>Expecting a "Good vs bad" comparison
>Lists the flaws and virtues of both
You're officially the most based man on the planet
How does it feel?

>Great stories, great dialogue
>Great gaemplay

Man how the fuck Yas Forums is so full of easily recognisable autists posting same shit over and over?
No other board has this problem

Gonna try this, thanks for the recommendation you fucking fat assed thot

Video games attract the worst subhumans on earth. Now imagine the worst of that.

Yeah and despite trying to be impartial you also end up being completely wrong and retarded as pointed out by many people itt, while also being a samefaggot.

Let's hear it once and for all anons.
Is turn based fun?
Which game had the best variation of it? Chrono Trigger for me.

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The fuck

Did I fucking stutter?

I quite like Etryan Odyssey

Turn based is fine, but I hate random battles.

>Metal Max
>Better than Fallout
retard weeb


It is, though. There's nothing in Japan that's on the level that some western games reach.

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>WRPG dialogue
>"I've mastered the art of dark magic. I pray that this shall give me the strength to defeat that wretched beast..!"

>JRPG dialogue
>"Woah man! I just learned some sick new spells! This is sooooo epic!! Dude, I can't wait to kick that dragon's ass!!"

Attached: explodingknees.jpg (700x700, 60.59K)

>Is turn based fun?
Turn based is fun when it's actually tactical, like in Gorky 17, JA2, NetHack, Sil, Pool of Radiance, etc. Not in bland JRPG shit, though.


I'll stutter my dick in your mouth how about that you fucking faggot?

This is very bad music. :(

So basically - JRPGs are more stylish and effective, WRPGs are more substantial and nuanced.

>WRPGs are more substantial and nuanced.

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I like both genres (and they both have some big issues), but one thing that bugs me about WRPGs is that the settings often seem samey. JPRGs have a lot of medieval worlds, but in general there seems to be more setting variety. WRPGs mostly seem to focus on medieval fantasy worlds and sometimes futuristic, but I can't think of too many that too. I like medieval fantasy worlds as much as the next guy, but I would like more sci-fi settings, even modern settings or those weird amalgamations that you see in JRPGs.

Based fencesitting centrist

Hey man, I just like video games. It's less fence sitting an more grabbing whatever looks interesting to me.

>JRPG dialogue
"Everyone is believing in me! This gives me the determination to win!"
>WRPG dialogue
"slurp slurp I'm a fully gay character, love me, love me"

>slurp love me love me
Name 1 (one) game that does this.

>WRPG dialogue
>"Respect stronk womyn, you misogynist shitlord! Vote for Democrats!"

>JRPG dialogue
>pic related

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Sakuragi shoukai

>slurp slurp slurp

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