I have no idea if this guy is a friend or foe assuming that he was actually the Seraphim or Samur Maykr

I have no idea if this guy is a friend or foe assuming that he was actually the Seraphim or Samur Maykr.
>stole "The Father" from Urdak which eventually led the Maykrs to harvest Hell Energy to prevent their race from extinction
>gave DOOMSLAYER demi-god powers
>allowed UAC to harvest Hell Energy despite the risks and knowing where it originated from
>didn't even want to free DOOMSLAYER from his sarcophagus in the first place and only did so because he fucked up
>betrayed DOOMSLAYER because "muh energy"
What the fuck is his endgame?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>doom 2020 is literally mass effect


Why couldn't this guy just stay as a post-human cyborg? It would have been cool to have a human pulling the strings and outsmarting heaven and hell.

the story in eternal was terrible

he's an asshole trying to raise himself over everyone else that thought he could keep everything from spiraling out of control
he reaps the rewards of a system that thrives on torment and evil without it consuming his little hideout spot on Earth/Mars where he essentially rules as a hero king even after being downgraded to human, and he only released Doomguy to basically act as his enforcer until the hell invasion was solved and Olivia's coup ended
he got fucked when Hell suddenly came back with his dickbag bosses calling the shots
I suspect that he only powered up Doomguy because he thought he might be useful later but shit this is all just headcanon because Eternal left more questions than answers

For me Samuel redeemed himself with the BFG10000 but it kinda astounish me that the humans didn't end up BTFO the demon invansion before Doomguy could roll in with that big ass firepower

Yeah. One of the text in the Super Gore Nest levels has details on what kind of response ARC had to the initial stages of the demonic invasion of Europe.

Fucking batallions of special forces, multiple mech divisions, a fucking carrier fleet with enough ballistic firepower to level the entire city, several dozen or even hundreds of apache like helicopters.

The carrier fleet was apparently sunk by over 8000 gargoyles. You'd think anti-aircraft fire would take care of that ricky tick.

playing the slayer like a damn fiddle

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Sam is still a huge faggot for trying to take matters into his own hands only for DOOMGUY to clean up his mess again.

I dont understand this image

>stole "The Father" from Urdak which eventually led the Maykrs to harvest Hell Energy to prevent their race from extinction
Maykrs already had their noses brown by hellhole energy.

I'm pretty sure he only stole The Father and powered up Doom Guy after The Khan Maykr started sacrificing people to hell to power batteries or some shit.

Samur stole Father before the Maykrs started using Hell Energy.

>being new

How the fuck he keep getting away with it

I really like Hayden and I think he has a wonderful dynamic with Doomguy. A shame his performance is blander in Eternal but his epic pranks to heaven make up for it. I hope DLCs explore him further


Extremely long con, actually genius.
It’s just gonna suck that he somehow will manage to get on Doomguys bad side even though he should be trying to avoid that at all costs. He knows he’d lose to the slayer so I’m not sure if he’ll end up being an antagonist or not. Just depends on how much credit I give to the writers

uel an

How long did it take you to beat it, and on what difficulty?

Actually he didn't know what argent energy was
He assumed it was some kind of ambient energy hell naturally produced
The minute he finds out that it's the tortured souls of a billion innocents he's all like "wreck'm Doomguy, wreck'm hard"
Also Hayden is the one who freed Doomslayer and he brought him in as an insurance just in case shit hit the fan

He isn't outright malicious at all, his flaw is his hubris. He genuinely believed he could outsmart hell

I'd say the best way to explain this is that Samur implants himself into Hayden in the form of the brain cancer, slowly taking over Hayden's mind. It'll satisfy most questions except why Samur stole the father and it also gives reasoning why Hayden's body was "alien" and was able to interface with the Fortress of Doom

If he is Samur that means he was still around when Doomguy turned into Doomslayer (as he was the one who did that) and I sincerely doubt he could jack Father and still remain within blasting distance of the Maykrs


If it were just Hell I think they could have took them down
It's Hell + Maykr tech that was to much

>Actually he didn't know what argent energy was
>he doesn't know

Doom 2020 has a better story and more satisfying ending than Mass Effect 3
let that sink in

Anyone else think Night Sentinel society is kinda neat even before they were contacted by the Maykrs?

That was my hope as well. Shame.

Why is Haydens name so similar to that shooter.

Listen to him speak when you are raiding the conversion facility
he's genuinely pissed at what's going on
Not to mention that he led the assault against the demons from the front lines, not something he'd risk if he were a Khan Maykr tier asshat

It was like 800,000 gargoyles iirc

Is it implied that doomguy would be able to stand up to the initial invasion force? or is it something like he would always be there to provide key tactical victories in impossible situations for anyone else

How the fuck do people play Battlemode ?
>Search game
>Matchmaking not working
>Been that way since day 1

Fuck you Bethesda.

Would you buy a "fall of earth" DLC where you play as Hayden?

You dumb ass, the BFG-10,000 belonged to the UAC, who was working with Hell, there's even a codex entry or some shit from someone wondering why they haven't just nuked the threat, retard. Haven't you ever fuckin' seen Aliens you little cocksucker?

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Doomguy himself maybe not, but the presence of Doomguy is something that could have changed the tides
Remember, demons fear nothing EXCEPT for him, without their fearlessness they would have been much less effective

Hayden is just a Macguffin.
Him and Vega are just narrative devices to get Doom Slayer from A to B.

Yes, totally. I'm down to play as Hayden. I don't know why people even want anyone else as the DLC protag.

The funny thing that is getting me is that it's obvious that while the UAC has shown their hand being a demonic cult there are some members that still aren't in on the true intentions. The opening to the BFG 10,000 level shows this since they are still concerned about the demons "breaching the lower levels" and the guy being surprised when corporate says to "let them through"

In a heartbeat. He's honestly one of the best thing to come out of nuDoom

Remember, DOOM and DOOM: Eternal take place in the years 2162 and 2163.

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Samuel Hayden
S. Hayden

Say it out loud a few times and you'll hear it.

>Haven't you fuckin' seen Aliens you little cocksucker?
Have you ever seen Alien (1979)? That's what I thought!

This. The story was junk.

Dr. SAMuel HaYDEn

Sam Hyde is Samur, he knew what Argent Energy is.

Also hilarious is the fact that even ARC has adopted their "mortally challenged" propaganda
It's like humanity as a collective is stubbornly refusing to accept that yes, these are the actual legions of hell that are invading
There's probably some comfort in pretending they're actually aliens or something

I really like this game but i still think they wasted as well as the kino ending of 2016 when Doomguy gets locked away again. The anticipation of how their conflict would play out was pretty strong, but nothing really happened on screen in eternal.

Samur didn't know what argent energy really was
Even the Sentinels were kept completely unaware, basically only Khan Maykr and her closest confidants had the slightest idea of what was going on
Makes sense you're not going to be making it public your society is now using the tortured souls of the damned as fuel

Yeah, he's cool as fuck and has a great voice.

Very late to the party user.
We don't know if he's actually Satan or some kind of Paradise Lost Lucifer archetype or maybe it's all just a reference or even nothing at all, we just don't know yet.

I thought all the Maykrs shared a collective consciousness meaning that Samur should've shared in the knowledge of Argent Energy with the entirety of Maykr society. Unless of course he found some way to sever himself from the God-Mind hence why he was able to steal the father.
I guess the higher order Maykr have more free-will then the others of their society.

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I don't think he's Satan, whoever Satan is, he was clearly pissed at you killing the Khan Maykr, pissed enough to roar it across dimensions
Besides, it's Doom, if there really is a Satan he's going to be the biggest, baddest, least subtle endboss monster imaginable

According to the lore ingame, the Maykrs that share a connection with the Khan are literally unable to go against her wishes
And Samur obviously gave her the big ol' fuck you when he empowered Doomguy so something was wrong with their connection at the very least

>playable hayden is a tanky robot character with a big health pool and potentially two melee options (old crucible and robo glory kills) and two range options (plasma rifle and whatever else ARC/UAC use). he also would have the option to lead squads of human soldiers like demons in battle mode being able to summon fodder

All I know if really good mod tools come out the first thing I am doing is trying to make an RTS mode with ARC vs Demons with Doomguy being ARC's super unit and the Icon of Sin being Hell's super unit.

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would also love to see the demon that cut him in half
I'm going to assume it's the final boss and it's a mutual-kill ending

anyone else feel like they kind of botched eternals story and mood. Like dont get me wrong the game was very fun and the gameplay was beyond solid, but it feels now like instead of the doomslayer being this instrument of divine wrath blessed by literal angels now hes just like a redditor superhero. Like hell in this game is really cool and scary looking like biblical hell but urdak just doesnt even feel or look like heaven and now with all this alternate world fantasy shit basically the demons and makyrs are just aliens. Like i get doom is supposed to be meta and not take itself too seriously but i feel like they went TOO meta. I felt like 2016 and the old dooms were goofy games with serious stories like an 80s action type but now its just a serious game with a goofy story. The charm kinda feels lost.

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Honestly, what I think happened is
>samur hates being ruled by the father.
>hated maykr life, especially the one who turns out to be the khan.
>steals the father and runs, almost like a fuck you dad, fuck you sis, FUCK THIS WHOLE PLACE!
>shit starts to go bad. He needs a backup plan. He knows that if left alone, The Khan WILL find him and the father and then hes up shit creek
>empowers the doomguy as a "well... heres a good weapon I can point at the khan eventually."
>does the whole 'human thing for a short period before faking his illness and transferring himself into a maykr technology body, convincing all the humans around him that he did it to extend his life from his 'failing body'
>starts up the argent energy siphon because he figures it will slow down the maykrs due to him stealing some of their energy while also gaining him the trust of most of humanity
>shows the expedition where to find doom guy. Everyone else thinks its some super powerful demon and he plays along with it, knowing full well who and what is in there

I like how they went for that Urdak =/= heaven and Maykrs =/= angels despite the Maykrs claiming other wise. It allowed them to create a refreshing aesthetic for the Urdak level which is breath taking. Also, nothing has really changed about Hell from 2016 at least except for aesthetics. It was already established in that game that Hell is a cancer that manipulates and absorbs dimensions to become ever expanding and now with the Demon Gods that Eternal added we can get Quake-like elder gods popping up as well.

>Haven't you ever fuckin' seen Aliens you little cocksucker?
Fuck you
Predator > All

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dont get me wrong I really like the urdak design i think its sick but personally what I really wanted to see was hell being literal hell and heaven and the seraphim being like the biblical heaven. I think doom loses a lot of its charm when its main factions are just basically interdenominational aliens.

Hell is still hell, tortured souls and everything
it's just heaven that turned out to be fake, which aint a big deal
I mean, when they invaded earth they carved a god damn pentagram visible from space into the surface

There would've been a time I would argue with you but after all these years the lowest of the Predator franchise still hasn't hit the lowest of the Aliens franchise.

I just want the fucking angry demon slaying badass not a fucking comic book superhero.

I'm inclined to believe that everyone who unironically thinks vega is the father or hayden is samur is either geniunely retarded, trolling or both.

I think this guy is still Satan. Satan is the master of lies, and keen on deception. He's probably playing both sides.

The name samur is most like samael, who is the devil/lucifer.

The maykrs are all fallen angels, they look robotic but are fleshy inside. Hayden is pure robot. Many people believe Satan to be an ai, and that people are building ai tech to allow it to come into our world. The original Hayden gave up his humanity for immortality and now has Satan ai running the show. Machines can't have a soul. Hayden is gone.

The 'divinity' machine is nothing more than a cheap copy of true divinity; nanotech meant to grant godlike powers.

I think maybe S. Hayden is in a lower dimension and is using the dooms layer in some elaborate plan, maybe he knows the doom slayers is the only one angry enough to kill him and is trying to get him to break the gate. The father Vega is nothing more than a now gimped demonic creation. God gave us free will to be individuals, not be a hive mind; Vega is the hive.

Watch, in the next game shayden will turn off doom guys nanomachines but doom guy will prevail anyways.

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He was just a capitalist who followed his own moral code.

Samuel Hayden.
Samual Hayden was a MAN.
Unmakr didn't have a Y in doom 64.

Samuel Hayden = Shadman
What does this mean?

yeah thats what im saying hell is really well done but the introduction of Urdak and the sentinels and all of that was poorly done I think. With how well done hell was I thought heaven would be there as well done as well. For instance when in 2016 the tablets said the slayer was blessed by the seraphim with terrible speed and strength I pictured St. Michael literally blessing the slayer not an alien squid looking creature to put him in some hyper advanced machine that makes him captain america

His own moral code being "Fix my mess so I can go back to playtime then go away"

With VEGA it is not off the mark. 2016 did state he was the combination of human tech and "demon" artifacts. Hayden being Samur is heavily hinted at but falls apart under scrutiny.

I mean doomguy shot a hole into fucking mars after being told it wasn't an option by samur so samur better watch out

Capitalists looking for other people to fix their mess is a time honored tradition

Don't really like how they went full fantasy sci-fi, really made the lore look silly and meaningless.
This, The game is just muh humans vs aliens now, no more big picture stuff or interesting new archetypes.

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I was joking bro i like them both don't make me sad.

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What the fuck?? Predator has nothing to do with an evil corporation selling out humanity for their own gain, stupid cocksucker. What are you even talking about you fuckin' ape?

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I don't get this timeline.
>So Original Doom, Doom2 and Doom 64 happened.
>Then all the nonsense with the Makyrs and the Space vikings
>The Doomguy gets trapped in a coffin for hundredes of years
>and then Demons invade earth again.

Wasn't earth invaded be demons once before in Doom 2? Why is hell new if they already fucked Mars and Earth in the past?

Sam is based. It's revealed that Makyr's have prophecies so he probably saw them colluding with hell anyways and said nah, took the father and empowered doom guy. He worked with the humans because that's where doom guy was from. Since human suffering creates argent energy, he decides humans should get some for themselves and he knows hell will come eventually, he needs to speedrun human tech to give them a chance.

They raped humanity so hard they had to rebuild all of their society
then hundreds of years later when they finally get their shit in order, demons are back

I mean, this is like boiling down the Elder gods from Lovecraft's mythos to being "just aliens". Hell, and by extension Urdak, have a bit more going on for them than being typical aliens. Hell is dangerous and Urdak was supporting them for countless years. The Khan was supposed to live for only 10,000 years but we know this one lived much longer than that. Who knows how many dimensions fell to them.
>inb4 Combine from Half Life
I would rather be collected into the Combine than be placed in literal hell where my soul becomes yummy juice inter-dimensional beings.

I think only Doom 64 is a part of this canon