Faggots who treat games like chores and checklists instead of entertainment, ruined vidya, debate me
Faggots who treat games like chores and checklists instead of entertainment, ruined vidya, debate me
ya, that's why i prefer procedually generated games nowadays
>Posts an >I AM SILLY comic
>Wants "debate"
Fuck off if you're just here to argue in bad faith.
No, you're right.
>follows an item/build/spec guide of said game to make sure every run is winnable
Faggots who treat games like entertainment instead of art ruined vidya, debate me
Faggots who treat games like art instead of way of life ruined vidya, debate me
faggots who debate me ruined debate me debate me
the wagegap doesn't exist and Nintendo haven't made a good game since 2001
i'm 10 hours in persona 5(not royal) and i'm playing like this
should i stop using the guide? i really don't like missing out
I will not debate you, that's true.
>trusting developers
i would say to not use a guide for dungeons or for finding enemy weaknesses. A guide for the daily life is acceptable since it is difficult to do everything
Devs are notoriously bad at presenting choices and balancing consequences so if I miss out on something good that takes out of my enjoyment of the game.
>look at me i'm so hardcore i do everything blindly and miss out on 60% of the game's content this is what entertainment is all about
Play however you like the most, don't let retards sway your view. Maybe try out the alternative sometime to see if you like it, but there are no rules to having fun.
>We should have arbitrary hidden walls that gate you from content unless you play the game 3 times over, make copies of save files to go back to, or use a guide and spoil things.
>Oh and these walls aren't do to any inherent lack of skill on you're part. We just have random triggers that are completely unnecessary to activate normally, or better yet hidden in some stupid tucked away part of the game.
> miss out on 60% of the game's content
Literally nothing wrong with that, that "content" metric should be forbidden.
What actually ruined "Choices" in vidya
>Get a choice in a game
>Option 1 has the game insult me on such a personal level that it's like the dev themselves is offended at me picking the choice and I'm forced into the bad ending which adds no additional content and makes me miss half the game's content unless I restart and play through 20 hours of the game again
>Option 2 gives me absolutely nothing of value and might as well not exist, wasting my time
>Option 3 gives me a ton of useful items, the game praises me and is necessary to unlock all content in the game
These aren't "Meaningful choices" or "Paths". This is a shitty "puzzle" in which you need to guess what the devs were thinking with far too much is at stake. Even the OP image's I AM SILLY example has this despite being blatantly biased.
If you want people to not use guides, then make the different choices actually result in different paths or stories that are individually interesting and not strictly superior/inferior to other ones.
>Literally nothing wrong with that
In and of itself of course not, I was just strawmanning OP's strawman.
Many people however like to make the most out of one playthrough and there's nothing wrong with that either.
What's the objectively superior choice in New Vegas
Who gives a shit about how OTHER PEOPLE play video games?
If you want to not miss out on content, all you gotta do is have a confident guide. Just that one that tells you what to say. But really you don't fucking need it. The game is piss easy and you can't really miss out on content.
Just have fun bro, it ain't hard. Close the guide and "I'm gonna have fun from this day onward."
If you mean the main storyline, then there really isn't. That's why most people don't use a guide to tell them to follow the NCR, do the Yes Man route, etc.
If you mean random miscellaneous quest lines, then they tend to have the exact problem I talked about, although thankfully it's usually not a big deal since most quest rewards are junk anyways. Most of the "Mistakes" you can make usually just exist to make you feel bad about yourself.
does the game get easier?
i'm admittedly a shitter playing on hard and getting my shit pushed in in kamoshida's palace. is it going to be an issue in the future if i don't follow a guide for confidant levels?
One of my friends is literally the bottom dude. He always plays with guides and has to know optimal ways to play right away.
>poisoning the well with more bad faith
why are you worried about how they play the game. that's even more autistic then the people you're complaining about
I avoid games with multiple endings. My autism prevents me from being satisfied with not getting the true ending but the idea of combing through levels and shitty clickbait guides to 100% your shitty collectibles sounds like pulling teeth.
I agree 100% and lay the blame directly on millenials. All this shitter pandering disguised as QoL is anal cancer.
RPGs are notoriously bad at presenting evil as a valid game choice.
>choice 1 the evil path aka "Red" has you kick a baby and eat the family dog and you get 5 gold to boot, score!
>choice 2 the good boi path aka "Blue" gets you a holy avenger+200d6 damage and every peasant from here to baldur's gate sucks your cock because once you gave an unfortunate farmer 10 gold
Vidya isn't ruined. People just need to stop only looking at AAA garbage to have fun.
Think it through, brainlet. If more retards need things dumbed down to the point it's all just busywork, then more games will be tailored for those retards. Not that I necessarily agree that that's what video games have become.
Everyone ruined gaming. Devs have to make a game that sells to the highest percentage of people so they naturally have to dumb down aspects of the game to appeal to the wider audience. Basically, gaming got too popular and infested with normies.
>make hentai game with different routes
>12 different endings depending on what you do
>idea is to make a lot of these levels, so you can pick one at random and even if it's a repeat, try different things than last time.
>mistakenly release the first full level to get feedback, see if its worth making the rest
>players think the object is to get every ending
>they're annoyed the other levels don't unlock
>they're annoyed that playing the level again means they play the level again
>they're annoyed that hacking their save game breaks their save game
>they're annoyed a 3rd party tool can't play the game for them
>they're annoyed it takes longer than a week to make a level
>they're annoyed it's not playable on android
>they're annoyed their fetish isn't catered to, or that they had to make a decision they don't agree with irl in order to get all the endings
Making free porn anonymously for absolute retards was the most enlightening few months of my life
stop making bad morality sliders and shitty weapon systems where every weapon is last weapon+1 then
Anyone got a guide for missables irl?
People treat video games as the most important things in their life and then they put their worth into how well they do, that breeds people min/maxing because they want to be the best, not have the most fun
Also the ADHD gen y and z cant handle missing out on little details and failing for once in their lives.
From here on you have two paths: either give up like a little bitch and drop the game entirely, or double down like a man and finish the game exactly as YOU want it, without any of that limp-dicked "feedback" bullshit. Whoever likes it, likes it, whoever doesn't, tough shit. It's free anyways, right?
Stop making games that literally give you a checklist to fill out then.
the people that ruin gaming experiences are data miners.
They're only ruining it for themselves. Anyone who checked guides for animal crossing will never experience what most of us got to experience with the first AC game we played.
>path 1
>choose to kill literally who without any other consequences
>reward big ass sword of rape
>path 2
>let him live. from now on he only stands in one place and doesn't have anything say
>reward positive karma :^)
Maybe learn to balance your shitty game, or don't assume your shitty game is so great that it warrents multiple playthroughs
Faggots that dictates how people should play their games ruined vidya, debate me
this but unironically
The two are synonymous you coward.
Only that when you miss something it's already too late...
Stop then kill yourself
>defending devs
The people that brought you water levels, sewer levels, forced DRM and nowadays will fight you on Twitter if you didn't like their game get the rope.
Boy I sure do hate the 2 or 3% of gamers who act like that
>Dude you DIDN'T get the golden leaf before fighting the mantis boss? Too bad, heh, guess you have to replay the entire game to get the full ending lol
>the subtle hand edit
nah, you'll be fine.
Dear game dev, I'll play your shit game once and I want to get the ending you intended, not the meme ending you added to be able to say your shit game has a branching story
This, blame shit devs not the players. There shouldn't be 1 good, cannon ending and 3 other non-canon, shitty endings.
no gods no masters
debate ME
>implying that the majority of devs care about their games
>implying that it doesn't go like this
decision 1: you are wrong player so here is a shitty item
decision 2: well i see why you would chose this but that doesn't fit the story here so here is a shitty item
decision 3: yes yes this is the easiest way for me to continue the game and obviously the choice i like the most so here have the best reward
instead of having different tiers of rewards the rewards should be balanced around your actual decision and not make my warrior say "yes, i agree that this situation should be solved peacefully with no need to get anyone hurt" to get the best weapon as a reward.
What you just described is optimal though. Having one true ending that is the default path and several meme endings for replays is peak performance.
name 5 games
can i get this meme in wojak format please?
>game has a bunch of alignment and relationship meters that have to be micromanaged if you don't want to get a bad ending
>game never clearly tells you what actions add or take away from your meters
>sometimes you won't know until much later whether or not you fucked yourself and ruined your entire game
>dialogue choices that sound almost exactly the same give you extremely different results
not him but you're picking a standout example, not how most games do it
>debate me
Why? You're right.
Fuck walkthrough zoomers.
The only thing I would use a guide for on the first playthrough is the Twin's fusion quizzes and maybe the locations of Mishima's targets although I can't remember if the latter is spelled out for you
achivements and their ilk ruined all of it. and i want to complete them when i can because they're available. i hate human nature in that respect.
I hate people who pick up hard/challenging games then instantly copy paste faggot builds/cheese just to say they beat it.
>REEEE how can these gamers not play the game the way I want them to play
If I want to be a completionist, I'm going to do it and you can't stop me, stay mad loser.
I agree.
>disagree option
>fuck you
this is the majority of decisions simply put.
not just the dialogue but the decisions are well thought out and the majority of times the dev wants you to play the game HE thinks is the best
>You can softlock yourself out of a shitload of sidequests in a fucking RPG of all things
KoTOR I was a mess, the writing was on the wall that Bioware didn't know how to program for shit
This. It wouldn't be a problem if devs actually thought like in OPs meme, but many do not.
>oh sorry, you didn't talk to this person enough. BAD END.
>oh sorry, you didn't follow this build order/meta. YOU LOSE.
>oh sorry, your character is locked out of this entire storyline/path/mechanic because of a seemingly inconsequential choice you made earlier. TOO BAD.
>oh sorry, you didn't build/level your character optimally so endgame content becomes a frustrating and miserable slog. SHOULDA KNOWN BETTER.
Undertale actually wanted you to do a neutral ending first so Flowey could tell you to play again and not kill anyone for "a surprise".
I don't think most people even realize that because they straight up go to Pacifist ending thanks to the fandom.
Devs being creatively bankrupt and making unlockables only through tedious grind or behind a paywall killed vidya.
*aren't well thought out
I couldn't save Bastila on my first playthrough because I actively avoided talking to every one of my party members due to thinking they'd be as big PITAs as Carth.
>>oh sorry, you didn't follow this build order/meta. YOU LOSE.
This is the absolute fucking worst, especially if the game locks you in to your picks so if you fucked up you have to completely restart the game or make a new character. What the fuck is the problem with letting the player respec? Why does it send some devs into a mental breakdown?
Pretty much. A lot of MMOs are like this Last game I checked the fuck out of was Warframe. That game is literally BIG NUMBER UNGA BUNGA and there's fucking nothing interesting in it even at just 100 hours in. Numbers autism mixed in with min/maxing lazy faggots ruins a lot of games and fanbases.
'open world' ruined everything
the only game i think does it good to recent memory is days gone they put their heart and soul into that game
These threads are always pointless because you can cherry pick one example one way or cherry pick an example the other way.
It is 100% true that walkthroughs and easter eggs lowered the replay value of most games and lessened the mystique of finding Easter Eggs and secrets yourself. Since you can't magically reach into the computer to stop this from happening, the best solution is to simply not look up any guides, walkthroughs, or gameplay videos until you've had a good experience with a game and feel like finding the rest of it out.
locking yourself out of shit is dumb as fuck
there's certain cases like VtmB or new vegas where they earn it, but most games don't earn it. legend of mana for example, does not earn it and is one of the worst cases where I want to play and enjoy it, but it's so poorly designed that if you don't use a guide you'll miss out or softlock yourself
linearity isn't a bad thing, even in many rpgs
Actually it's faggots that treat games like a way to pass time like movies instead of a hobby ruined the industry debate me.
>days gone
>Upon release, it received mixed reviews from critics, who praised the open world, gameplay and Sam Witwer's performance as Deacon, although the story and lack of character development was criticized.
>the story and lack of character development
>lack of
critics aren't human beings
I have legitimate OCD and get satisfaction out of 100%. I feel no frustration from it.
I can control myself enough to justify not 100% ridiculous shit (like Yakuza games) or games I don't like, or getting all achievements.
normally I just play games blind first time and then 100% it with guides the second time. very few games are worth playing more than twice.
I genuinely am ADHD and barely have the attention span to be a game once, so if I play it once I want to make it count, y'know?
"Management" games are the absolute worst for this. Don't set up your infrastructure juuust right? Have fun imploding in the midgame with no way to bounce back.
every last one of you ruined video gaming with your terrible purchase habits, uncontrollable libidos, and fragile egos. prove me wrong you can't.
I think people are happy when the consequences of actions are known before making a choice.