It's time for revenge, re4fags.
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Who cares, even on the off chance they do remake re4 and it turns out worse I can just play og re4. Why are you people like this?
What could a remake even accomplish? The only thing that is obvious would be making the controls more modern, but everything else still holds up compared to modern TPS games.
RE4 is good unlike the previous games, hence why it doesn't need one.
I'd rather have another FPS RE8
Shitty clickbait article written by a nobody made to get autists like you mad and to share and click.
Good job you fucking spastic.
They won't remake 4. RE1-3 have a gameplay style that is too alien for newer generations but RE4 is still a tps, you can't move while attacking but I don't see a legion of people bitching about that compared to the things people used to complain about in the older RE titles.
please just make a new game
>both RE2 and 3 remove what made them special (scenarios and live selection)
so they are going to remove the wacky bullshit and wrestling moves from 4? Improving it by 1000%.
The time has come....FUCK RE4 FAGS
>you know, maybe I should accept Ashley's advances and give her the time of her life and-wait, is that a ghost?
What's the big fucking deal? RE4 is probably in my top 3 favourite games and I couldn't care less if it gets remade. I'll just continue to play the original, like I have been doing for 15 years.
lol, no it doesn't. Hitboxes are jank as fuck and enemies have bi-polar AI.
>Ashley is a negress
>entire castle is cut out
>El Gigante chases you around
>Press Space to knife Krauser
>village -> mansion -> island -> NEST 3
>the other spic dies offscreen
>no Ada mode
>recycled rocket launcher sequence
>weapon seller no longer exist
I can think of millions of reasons why they would remake 4. Hundreds of millions even.
Name 3 million.
>leon doesn't have his face or his personality
hitboxes are generous and that's a good thing ai is fine wtf
>What's the big fucking deal? RE4 is probably in my top 3 favourite games
>signs you were born after 98
What resident evil game do you want made? For me it would be one were you play as a merc in some 3rd world civil war, bioweapons being used by both sides, with the player getting access to stuff like a hunter companion, or infecting yourself with a control plagas, maybe a tyrant controlled like a drone. Also having stuff like combined arms with tanks and helicopters paired with bows
Nobody cares what Gamespot thinks.
RE4make is going to be awesome
Remake it how??? What could they possibly fucking do to it? It already plays like a modern RE
>leon and ashley are now snarky unpleasant cunts who scream "fuck" all the time
So normal re4, where leon looked different and had a completely different personality?
I've been dreaming of a Resident Evil 4 Remake for years. Resident Evil 4 fans deserve to suffer and there's no better way to do that than to remake their stupid game.
I'll have the last laugh. Heck, I might even like the RE4 remake. I imagine it'd be hard not to, given how shit the original was.
uuuuh make it bad and turn it into a generic third person shooter like remake 2
>Mercenaries cut
>Merchant cut
>No castle
>Ashley made into a goblin and given a burka.
Why don't they stop fucking remaking shit and just put all the money toward Resident Evil 8?
>RE4 Leon
The collision for morningstars has about 3x the radius of the actual model. The whole game has shit like that, but that's the worst example.
Remove all the wacky action b-movie segments like the midget Napoleon and make it survival-horror.
>Remove all the wacky action b-movie segments
So take everything that made RE4 good and interesting out?
So keep it the same then? Youre fucking retarded. RE2 remake plays less like a generic third person shooter than RE4 does.
RE4s gameplay: move through the corridors and kill the enemies. ALL of them. Dont worry about conserving ammo, well give you tons.
If they remake Code Veronica, I'd like to see how they redo this scene without removing it.
this game had a bunch of remasters, they don't need to remake it
Ugh, that would absolutely happen. Except they might retain Leon’s RE2make boyscout personality
>which I quite liked
>RE2 remake plays less like a generic third person shooter than RE4 does.
how can you say this when re4 has combos and tank controls while re2 just has basic shooting
but it doesnt even fucking need a remake it looks fine and it plays fine
>without removing it
feventh post best post?
Haven't you seen the FF7R threads, people are going crazy because of time jannies
Even if I hate it (basically guaranteed), I'm going to pretend to love it just to upset the re4niggers.
Don't be ridiculous user.
I can say this because RE2 remake plays like a classic RE survival horror where RE4 plays like a generic combat game with an RE skin.
Jesus what an absolute fucking joke. A survival horror has no business having fucking "combos".
hopefully they stop at veronica.
>user, is it true that they're going to remake me as well?
They won't remake 0 or CV, those aren't loved by legions of people unlike RE1-3
>I can say this because RE2 remake plays like a classic RE survival horror where RE4 plays like a generic combat game with an RE skin.
there is literally not a single game in the world that plays like re4, 5 or 6
>Jesus what an absolute fucking joke. A survival horror has no business having fucking "combos".
that's because it's an action game that happens to have survival horror elements
you seem very passionate about this and i even agree that remaster 1>everything but re2remaster is closer to fucking uncharted than it is re
>oh no not the Yas Forums threads, they used to be so good
>>Press Space to knife Krauser
how is that any different?
>re4fags already getting pre-emptively triggered
oh god this is going to be good
Already exists
people who are into resident evil would love shit called resident evil like they have been doing for years
>time jannies
Now dmc 2 is a game that needs a remake
RE2 doesn't play like classic RE. In classic RE you shoot at the zombies a few times to take them out while in REmake 2 they never die.
RE4 is not a survival horror but an action game so complaining about it having mechanics that don't belong in a survival horror is a sign that you have brain damage or severe autism.
That would be only hardcore fans instead of mostly everyone from the ps1 generation aka those who wanted a re2 remake.
finally, hope they include everything they could not put in the original release
>guns akimbo
>more melee weapon
>combo meter
>have the option to give ashley a simple weapon like a revolver
>dedicated taunt button
>big tiddy female la gigante
>depending on your style you could or not fuck ashley in the ending
>ada gets gangraped
RE2make is RNG based
sometimes you 1 shot a zombie sometimes they take 25 shots
Chad Leon is best Leon
nah they'll just remove things instead
i started with going to a friend house to play 1 on a saturn and fuck demakes
does re7 does this shit? just started it and so far is shit
What is there to remake though? It's perfect. Plus they'd fuck it up by making it too serious which would kill the charm
See, it's different than the originals.
No one cares, in the bigger scope the vast majority of people from that gen wanted a Re2 remake, this cannot be denied by saying "b-but i don't like the remakes!"
I remember it being a lot more reasonable in 7
>in the bigger scope the vast majority of people from that gen wanted a Re2 remake
fpbp. It’s a win win scenario. If it’s a good remake great. If it sucks, ignore it and continue playing the original for the next 15 years
>depending on your style you could or not fuck ashley in the ending
locking waifus behind the ranking system would be great.
S ranks get Ada, A gets Hunnigan, B gets Luis, C gets Ashley, D gets nothing.
Resident Evil 6 still is the best one.
that doest make any sense.
the demakes are worse then re4.
re4 wins by default the only one suffering are the re3 fagsfor killing this franchise again with 2 shit games in a row.
A remake of re4 can only do one thing succeed LEON WINS AGAIN
Little rough don't you think?
hmmmmmm have you considered those are wasted resources that at least could've gone into something new?
>they add the ability to run and shoot
>RE4 remake without Ashley upskirts and reduced ballistics
Why would I be mad at someone else spending their money however they see fit?
>line changed to "what the fuck, dude!? relax"
They'll give Ashley spats and she already curses at Leon for peeking
>plays like gears of war
who makes these threads and for what purpose?
because the money and time spent are finite and them making another remaster means them not making another new mainline title
>they add strafing
>machine gun minibosses are no longer a threat
The old game still exists if a remake is made? what kind of autism is this?
Personally I love the original but I also kind of want to see a remake, because why not? if it's bad then play the original
>>depending on your style you could or not fuck ashley in the ending
was this originally intended to be included or just your personal wish list?
pretty much any re discussion after the first remake was released begging RE2 to have the same treatment.
Like remakes or 2 and 3 that weren't shit.
>everyone hypes up re4
>try it
>controls are fucking dogshit
why do you fags pretend to like the earlier re games?
they all play so fucking bad
>They remake RE4
>Is now a fixed camera game
shills and getting ideas for their shit next game
D gets you HEY IT'S THAT DOG
Of course they will remake 1 and 4
It's fucking Capcom for christ's sake
>it's just Chris in a ghost costume
>complains about controls in RE4
>instantly outs himself as a zoomer
the controls are damn near perfect and are only even better on the wii
Trannies with nothing better to live for besides pointless drama.
hmmmmmm i don’t care
i have a better idea
>remake re4
>now it looks like the original re4 and not the shit we got
Fuck yeah. The overrated game which turned RE into the generic abominations that were RE5 and RE6 deserves to share the same fate of modern shitty remakes and to be pissed on. Karma bitches.
Even the concept of RE4 wasn't even the original concept of the game. Those who know about RE 3.5 will understand what I'm talking about.
you're talking about fucking 2005 then, a very different time and a very different group of people, hell given that remake 2 would've turned out the same way remake 1 did i would've loved it but this is just crap
but the old games are still great and the remakes (except for remake 1) are shit
The controls make the game what it is, it would be a different and worse game without them
They aren't "bad" you just don't get it, you probably have a low IQ or something
>RE4 babbys whine at Capcom so they make Resi 2 and Resi 3 remakes RE4 style instead of classic like REmake
>suck it off to no end
>now Capcom is going to do the same for RE4
Sweet revenge. Suck it down, bitch. I hope zoomer shits only play your soulless remake and call RE4 shit.
RE4-RE6 are the REs that can be remade without any changes just using the RE Engine, I actually want RE 4 with a new coat of paint.
>The Wii
Way to miss the point, casual. Too precise.
I agree, but the point is they could've remade 1 and 2 in the style of REmake 1.
Are those changes to the original game I see?
who fucking cares, the original re4 is still up. why are people like this?
fair enough
CV has some diehard fans, but 0? I don't think anyone seriously defends 0's gameplay or story.
But that's typically not the case with big developers
They'll either make something they think is a surefire hit, or nothing
I mean "remade 2 and 3".
Yeah, just like if you dislike the FF7 Remake you can just play the original, right?
But for most FANS it's not easy to accept that their beloved franchise is spouting out shit games, especially if they are remakes of good games, which makes it even more absurd because for the remake to be good all the had to do was make the same fucking game with modern graphics and gampeplay.
If we want to see great games, we must not conform to the shit decisions that the developers do.
>want a Remake of CV if only so it can have REmake 3 style gameplay mechanics like the dodge
>also don't want it because they'll censor it to hell and back thanks to the incest and transvestite plot
>and it'll have Slav Chris instead of slick as fuck young Chris
>and no naked Alexia
Fuck why can't Capcom just be good again.
Why is VothJill so perfect?
yea, who cares resident evil 4 isn't anything like 2 or 3 , what can go wrong? you can go back and play 2 and 3 anytime
>resident evil 5 and 6 are released
see? nothing at all!
>on the off chance they do remake re4 and it turns out worse I can just play og re4
Ah, the cycle begins again.
I can't wait for the remake fad to die.
3 wasn't loved by legions of people, it's almost universally the one considered "weakest" of the original 3
Normie gamers don't even know CV exists for the most part. I see this "will they do 4 next???" sentiment all over the place like that was the next one and the five years between 3 and 4 had no games
Can't wait for Capcom's new mature, gritty, realistic, tough talking, down and dirty, no holds barred, take no prisoners dialogue
>Where the fuck is everyone going? Fuckin' bingo? Motherfuckers.
>You're fuckin' right hand fuckin' comes off?
>Saddler you motherfucker, you're fucking small time.
>Hey it's that fuckin' dog
>No fuckin' thanks bro
>But that's typically not the case with big developers
then why is 8 nowhere to be seen while 2 and 3 are out now? they've been laterally developing games in chunks for a while but ever since iceborne and dmcv came out there's been no news whatsoever
though tbf the fact taht re3r is so shit might have something to do with them already working on re8
RE7 doesn't even has zombies
This is exactly how I feel man. I love CV, but they'd butcher it even worse than they did 2 and 3.
You ruined the chance for the remake RE2 and 3 deserves, now it’s YOUR turn, bitch.
I would love a new RE game that's longer than 2 hours so I really hope they do remake it
RE4 is literally the 4th highest rated game ever, it's a shame trannies will ruin it
>share a click by spreading a screenshot on Yas Forums
Shut up, dumbass
there's nothing to remake. there's barely any plot or dialogue. it would require a ton of work to recreate environments and bosses that nobody remembers or cares about.
I feel like there could be some way to combine DMC2 with DmC to make a good game. Just replace Mundus with Arius, Kat with Lucia, and keep most of the gameplay the same. They even both have a 'giant head' bossfight.
fucking based.
why do you autists keep calling the new remakes "RE4" style? there's like 15 years of difference in the third person mechanics, RE4 way closer to the classic games than REmake 2 and 3