hey Guys. Is there any kind soul who can help me killing dancer of the boreal valley on PS4?
Im standing at the top of the stairs with Ember on.
Hug her ass and play safe. Run far away during phase 2 slash whirlwind attack.
sent ;)
You want tips? If you aren't asking for a summon then I think she's weak to dark and magic damage, so if you've got a lot of points in faith and int you can use dark fireball, or if you've got a lot of points in strength, two-hand the FUGS or Exile Greatsword with human or pale pine resin. I also had one run where I ruined her with Sunlight Spears so that might work too.
Her windows are very forgiving for getting in damage because she's nowhere near as aggressive and unrelenting as Nameless can sometimes be, but you'll die if you get caught in her combo.
well. im dumb as fck . i shouldnt play this game,
I said problem is dancer but im standing still before Aldrich...... so still if someone can help im at the top of the stairs before aldrich
and Yes, im asking for summon
what's the password?
this i don't understand how people struggle with this fight vordt has a harder move set
>vordt has a harder move set
literally not true.
still at Aldrich? give me 5 min
thank You, im waiting
sry, this will take a bit longe, don't have any character at that level right now
vordt is fast harder to predict and when enraged his entire body becomes a hit box to defeat the dancer literally just stand behind her and run away when she does her special.
Because Vordt is a beginner boss, with clear telegraphed moves and less damage. Easier than Iudex Gundyr.
Dancer can insta kill if you are not careful.
Dude just dodge lmao
>Dancer can insta kill if you are not careful.
the only move the dancer can insta kill you with his her special which has a clear telegraph to run away every other dancer move is also painfully easy to dodge
still there?
just had to speedrun, im there now
yes i'm at the top of the stairs at the entrance to chamber
still ember on
password l2pds3
*before Aldrich
cant find your sign
gimme sec
is the pw I like in capital i or a lower L?
should be there already
nope, sry, can't see any signs
that's not in front of the chamber, but ok. coming
put my sign literally where you stand
cant see it
no idea whta language that is, but make sure to put your cross-region play on
matchmaking is on without password
lol wut? didn't you gave me this password
l2pds3 ?
use it, i'm way too high level for you to find mind otherwise
1 sec I will reboot
password is on now
see you now, my sign is down
Sir JD, now i really dont know why it isnt working
no idea, my connection usually always works
gotta refresh my game and than 1 more try .
same here
hope you anons make it work, i'd help but i'm half asleep
I'll try if you guys can't do it
no idea why it's not working. maybe corona traffic
well I guess it wont work;/ thanks for Your trying , have a nice evening there.
and now on to Dancer?
Thank You Kind Sir !
why not .)
i put my sign in front of the fog wall
1st time here, need do get cutsceen first
no problem, i have time
Wish I could spectate this
it was 20 minutes of failed connection attempts and then Aldritch got bodied in 60 seconds
I thought you were fighting Dancer?
almost there
no, first we had to do Aldritch, Dancer is next. waiting for polish user to summon me, but that will probably take 10 attempts again
maybe this time reboot will work
Can I join you guys?
you've got my support OP even though I can't do shit
why not?
pw is password l2pds3
the "i" is a lower L
maybe OP has better chances summoning you, because it failed already 2 times with me