FF VII Remake Ending

This is some Kingdom Hearts bullshit.


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Looks amazing. The visuals and action are pure kino. Fucking doomers just want MUH TORTANIC.

eh most just want a remake and a good game but alas here we are

>nostalgia ghosts literally REEEEing

See OP? People don't care anymore. They just want to consoom, quality of the product be damned. It just needs to be shiny and noisy enough to keep their flitting attention.

no we wanted a remake, not this fanfic horseshit

>that framerate

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I finished the game today and while both final fights are great from that visuals and action point of view, it just shits on the narrative, themes and overall atmosphere.

As soon as you reach the end of the highway chase the characters you've been playing with all game suddenly start to talk in Kingdom Hearts-esque meaningless vague dialogue that seems like it came from an edgy 13-year old's fanfic. At that point it has nothing to do with FF VII anymore.

The worst part of it is the game is actually great and everything that was hoped for.
Until you reach the 63rd floor of the Shinra building with 2-3 hours to go completely off the rails.

What the actual fuck

At least they recreated the Crisis Core ending scene by scene. Should have remade that instead of FF7.

You come out of an extremely kino Rufus fight into the highway chase that is also fantastic and faithful to the original and then youg et hit with that trainwreck. It's so jarring.

>at least
>should have

Crisis Core is faggot shit. You're a faggot for liking it.

Oh for fuck's sake Nomura.

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VIIR is faggot shit too senpai

>he actually enjoys seeing a classic JRPG turned into a 3-part game with KH combat and filler when we could have gotten a game that could look, feel and play perfectly that fits on 1 disc + a shit ton of extra content

>KH combat
They're nothing alike you fucking retard

>This is some Kingdom Hearts bullshit.
Well it is the same writer.

All the new additions were co-written with the guy who wrote this. Remember this?

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lmao this is so fucking retarded it's nowhere close to faithful

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This doesn't exist.

Is the OST remade too?
Do we get One Winged Angel?


They literally tried to do the changing the future shit from Xenoblade but much worse

The fact that a 50 year old man wrote this is pretty embarrassing

Yes. A lot of the pieces are hit or miss though. Wall Market is atrocious.

Quite literally the least canon thing created in Final Fantasy. Dissidia is more canon than this. Stop posting it. Please.

>Seven seconds till the end


The Sephiroth fight is just hilariously out of place. They fight the main villain in an epic conclusive battle, then go catch a chocobo to get past the Zolom. It's gloriously tone deaf.

we don't talk about this

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I thought you didn't meet that tiger thing till later on in the game? Like disc 2 or 3 or am I remember it wrong.

And FF VII Remake was done by the same writer, and that's how we wound up with an ending that is even more retarded than Tidus dying from kicking a bomb.

Does Tifa still call Barret a retard on the stairs?

I don't know why, but I read some article a while back that was really desperately trying to sell that no censorship would be had. So now I ask you who have actually played this shit; does Tifa call Barret a retard?

>Sephiroth is flirting with Cloud in the middle of the void. What do we do sir?

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7 seconds is the length of time it takes seporti to drop and kill artis.

You remember it wrong, if you ever even played the original. Red XIII joins you in Hojo's lab in the Shinra building 4 hours into the game.

I see that Nanaki being not a playable character in Midgar is the least of a problem.

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Here is Zack's new voice for people who want to hear it

Also I've a question. I have game pre loaded on PS4. Does PS4 still do that "copying" thing? Like when it unlocks at midnight in Friday can I play straight away or does it have to spend an hour copying?.

All I wanted personally when they announced it, was a full game (all discs) how it was in the original, the ship planet free roam with real town cities and some cool chocobos hunting and muh golden saucer.

Ff7 wasn't played for edgy cutscene and story shit (tho was good), it was the gameplay and atmosphere.

All dead. Rip ff7 rip half life

Ok fags, look at 0:27 in the second video.

Sephiroth CONTROLS the time ghosts. HE is making sure the plot stays the way he wants. The time ghosts were not killed at any point. Zack is not alive.

>one winged angel remake
Gross. How does audio on hardware from 30 years ago sound better than shit released in 2020?

This is embarrassing.

that shit is probably less cringe with the real voice actors, might even be fun.

I don't remember any of this in classic ff7.

>This is some Kingdom Hearts bullshit.

So it's kino as fuck and full of soul? Kingdom Hearts rules.

It's still passable. The new tunes, on the other hand are atrocious.

I checked and that's actually true and makes sense.

What the fuck.

+.03 Social Credits, Mr. Chinchong-Pingpong.
How about you step outside and get covid so the actual gamers can properly discuss this dumpster-fire?

Does this shit have dual audio?

Yes, thank god. The English dubs are atrocious.

Hey there, paid shill.

Will never understand how people today think a ton of cutscene throughout "gameplay" is good. Devil may cry 5 did it and it was fucking terrible. This looks the same.

People played ff7 to explore and do side shit. Not watch gay cutscenes for the main plot.

give me a quick rundown on this

This was just as stupid an idea when Evangelion did it.

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Just consoom, don't ask.

Yeah, that's what i thought from the beginning. History Niggas are just some form of Lifestream fuckery that Sephiroth controls. And the whole bullshit about "timetraveling" is also stupid. Aerith also sees the future in some capacity. It's just some stupid "it's magic, I ain't gotta explain shit" stuff.

>The visuals and action are pure kino
Looks like it was directed by a fucking 5 year old

You don't want to know. Seriously, you don't.
This is the FF series' equivalent of the Zelda Philips CD-I games.

How about some qtes

Nah, the CD-I games didn't act as sequels to OOT

As someone who hasn't played FF7 the 'Time Jannies' name is the funniest fucking shit out of this whole fiasco.

Shit was already bad in X-2 tho, is it THAT worse?


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And that's bad?

X-2 is solid gold in comparison. It is so bad it is a miracle of the universe that it exists.
You could have a team of 200 people working together to on purpose write the worst thing that was ever written and it wouldn't be this bad.

Anyone know how ruby weapon fight is going to be?

Oh god yes it is. I dare you to read a plot synopsis of this shit and not laugh at how mind blowingly bad the writing is.

I feel like Sephiroth gets worse with every appearance.

As far as I know there isn't one in this release. I think the hardest fight is Bahamut to unlock the summon?

at least with eva you cant remake as much stuff since the animation of the original is already really fucking good

>all the shit anons told me was real
What. the. fuck.
Anons, what the fuck is this?

I'm between laughing and shocked at how awful this is.

I have an ongoing bet that we're gonna be seeing this by the 3rd game, if we even get that far

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I thought that Yas Forums was shitposting regarding Zack's voice, but Jesus CHRIST! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?

>Three legs
>Two swords

Can anybody defeat Sephihpes?

Its not *that* bad. Its nowhere near as good as his Crisis Core voice though

pure kino made manifest

As he counted up his payments
Was the sound of "FUCK GAMERS"
He came into the timeline
Left the canon on the sideline

He was sitting at the table
The whole fandom was ungrateful
Then he heated up a hot pocket
He was struck down, it was his doom

Janny are you ok
Janny are you ok
Are you ok janny

You've been hit by
You've been struck by
A cute Sephiroth

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It's Nomura and Nojima missing the entire point of Kitase's game they worked on in 1995-1997 and adding their Kingdom Hearts fanfiction to it.

Seriously, compare the character dialogue from any previous part of the game to the ending and it's completely different. Especially Aerith and Cloud, they suddenly talk like Sora, Riku and Kairi. "Muh Darkness. Muh Destiny. This is the path I chose."

from the thumbnail i thought it said "share the load", looks like gay shit

X-2 is only bad if you look at the concert shit and Team Rocket bad guys in the first few chapters. That game has a lot of good that goes overlooked, particularly with how Yuna's character is handled.

Kitase is the producer though and as far as i know producers can still have creative infulence on a project
why didnt he stop him

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Remember how X was about Yuna and Pals defeating Sin, then X-2 was about Yuna being able to live the life she always wanted to with Tidus?

X-2.5 says fuck you if you liked either of those, brings Sin back, kills Tidus, has Yuna break up with Tidus, introduces a love triangle, introduces Auron's daughter, and makes Yuna a Summoner who is devoted to Yevon again.

based Nojima trying to show you, morons, you are in a predetermined matrix. but of course you NPC will stay clueless.



This game is pure cringe from start to finish.

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I don't know if anybody here actually finished the game or just saw youtube videos and out of context webms, but it gets REALLY BAD, and it's even worse within context. I just finished it (31 hours) and honestly for the love of me can't figure out why the fuck they did this bullshit.
The game was already by no means perfect due to pacing, combat balance, and the time jannies are pretty retarded but the final 2-3 hours are some of the most ridiculous bullshit I've ever seen, contextually speaking if anything.

Why did they do this on the motherfucking Final Fantasy VII remake? How could they do this? This is beyond me.
Square enix is never getting another cent from me ever again. Fuck this company.

So the writer of this game is responsible for this.

It was literally directly confirmed to be canon and a lead in to X-3 before it was released to massive criticism and the entire X-3 idea was shelved.

It's actually really good for 90% of it.
It goes completely off the rails once you reach the upper floors of the Shinra building.