Ok, now this actually makes sense

Ok, now this actually makes sense.

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No it doesn't.

I would have felt this more than what we did get

Personally I would add 2 limbs for dragonair, or maybe little dragon wings.

Go look up a mosquitos or a deagaon flys life cycle and explain to me how it makes sense.

I feel like the last one needs a necklace, not just one blue orb. And the wings on its head should be on its back.

has it fucked a zubat?

It should've been a branching evolution into something like that and the Dragonite we have now but also this

why does the anime call dratini a legendary?

Why did the horn placement change?

dragonite always made me embarrassed for dragon pokemon. lamest thing to ever exist

the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.

Attached: dragonite great dragon.png (630x513, 174.14K)

Because the anime is based

Yeah not in this case though

>Dragonair is the best looking form
>it's weak as shit

Sucks, man.

Same, desu.

I thought this would look cooler but actually looks like shit, sorry

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thats a serpent though, there is no reason for the last one to look nothing like the previous evolutions

>thats a serpent though
user it's literally a dragon

>Aquatic based larvae pokemon
>Evolves into flight based air breathing pokemon
It's literally a dragonfly and shares the life cycle of many insects. Sorry you uninformed visual information brain can't make this connection.
I missed when pokemon had this kind of thinking for evolution. The beta silver copy with the larvae Paras emerging from the mushroom spore provides a symbiotic relationship rather than the parasitic we were led to believe prior.
Pokemon should have been a constantly evolving series of creatures rather than mascot and plushie bait for autists.

what the fuck are you guys smoking

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What even is that source you fucking idiot.

its a known fact by now gen 1 fucked up magikarp --> dragonite and dragonaire --> gyarados, just like butterfree and venomoth lines

pokedex ;)

>magikarp --> dragonite and dragonaire --> gyarados
That didn't and still doesn't make any fucking sense you retard.

>pokemon flies through seemingly magical means
>evolves wings

>its a known fact by now
gonna need source
>inb4 here source gravity
I will sit on you, fag

I think the main problem is it evolves into a fat slob all of a sudden. There's no way to save that design.

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Make Dragonair fatter. Done.

At least gyarados is a wingless blue serpent and dragonite is... orange?
If you look at the mouths of magikarp and gyarados it's obvious they are related, it''s the same shape. The head of dragonair and dragonite are also of a similar shape.

I believe the venomoth>

I actually like Dragonite and wildy different evos. They're much better than shit like pic related

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Dunno about any retarded shows, but the Dratini line excluding nite have always been found on water.

I feel like when there are three evolutions they design the first and third one and then they just wing the one in the middle by making it close to one of the other two, with exceptions.

Fuck you m8, Krookodile is cooler and better design that barney the dinosaur.

What's wrong with this guy?

It becomes too large and heavy to fly magically/psychically, it has to grow full-sized wings to fly in Dragonite form.
It already started growing the wings on its head in dragonair form.

FireRed dex entry
>It is said to live in seas and lakes. Even though it has no wings, it has been seen flying occasionally.
Ultra Moon dex entry
>Some say that if you see it at the start of the year, flying through the sky and twisting its body, you'll be healthy all year long.

Sounds like flying is the irregular state and you must be super lucky to witness it. I wouldn't describe this creature as an airborne one.

Everyone is ok with Magikarp turning into a chinese water dragon but Dragonite somehow doesnt make sense?

that's irrelevant to anything, but okay

The only problem I see is that the second evolution should at least try to have inbetween colors

one of the most straightforward evo lines, similar to Slowbro

It doesn't have a 4x weakness to ice, though.

Always loved Dragonair in Gold. Something about its sprite was really visually appealing.

Attached: dragonair.png (56x56, 496)

No, this is better.

Attached: Illustration.png (1293x431, 306.11K)

>playing pokemon blue
>think dragons are the coolest because I was like 9
>dragonite looks like orange barney but ok
>only dragon type move does fixed damage but I don't think I even knew stab existed so ok
>know it's bullshit that lance has aerodactyl and shit and wish there were more dragons
>gold/silver come out with 0 new non-legendary dragons (fuck you kingdra is still a fucking sea horse)
>gen 3 comes out with a bunch of new dragons so it's awesome
>gen 4 has garchomp but dragon/ground is a gay esports typing and doesn't appeal to my inner 9 year old
>every dragon since then has looked like trash
why does game freak hate their supposed end game super type so much?

>I missed when pokemon had this kind of thinking for evolution.
And your post is fucking retarded. It's just a fucking dragon, and Dragonair can fly already.

haha just noticed the end of dragonair's tail is just anal beads

>Dunno about any retarded shows, but the Dratini line excluding nite have always been found on water.
You're replying to this yes? My comment on fucking Dratini flying or lack thereof?
>It is said to live in seas and lakes. Even though it has no wings, it has been seen flying occasionally.
And this fucking pokedex entry about fucking flying Dratini and how fucking rare it is for the creature to do it?
>Sounds like flying is the irregular state and you must be super lucky to witness it. I wouldn't describe this creature as an airborne one.
And my fucking line being supported by the creature being more aquatic with very slight airborne tendencies?

How is that irrelevant you fucking ape brain retard.

>through seemingly magical means
Uh no. Dragonair's headwings can expand to let it fly.

>what if animal
>what if animal but upright cartoon character
>what if cartoon character but with a different emotion

Hi Nintendo I take my checks in the mail

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Because you have shit taste.

What about Dratini's design says dragon exactly?

this color pallete should have been the shiny
why the FUCK do we get a lime retard in the end. like pink snakes are dumb too

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Dratini is cute!!

>Horn goes up and shrinks
>Becomes a chonk
Why though

Also Trapinch line into Flygon is reminiscent of this mindset.

Don't look at the horn

That's not half bad.

It's a dragon serpent kind of creature. Certainly makes more sense than a fucking dragonfly or insect larva.

Because Trapinch line is actually a bug line with a different typing, Flygon just assumes more draconic features than the other two.

I'm getting really sick of you Barney niggers shitting up this board.

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