Venice, home

Venice, home...

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Imagine the smell.

what do they eat?

they filter shit from the water

Fresh caught spaghetti


Fuck tourists

This city won't exist in a couple hundred years. The rising oceans will swallow all islands like this.

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>rising oceans
wasn't florida supposed to be underwater like a decade ago?

its already a floating city retard, it'll just float higher

No. Who said that? The headlines at Fox?

I hate what tourism did to that place... at least corona did something good


When I was there I got to witness their /fa/ police beat the shit out of a bunch of leftists from my hostel window. It was literally a day before the election where the Lega just sort of won.

Pretty city, hell, the whole region was beautiful. I want to go back some time, God willing.

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Shut up, Greta.

What do they eat?

Here's an article from NPR that says everything below miami is supposed to be submerged in 20 years

But the land rising after last ice age will counter that


nooooooo dont prove me wrong orange man baaaaad

Man, climate scientists literally cannot help themselves can they? The people who don't take any of this shit seriously probably would if these retards didn't spend half their time doomsaying shit that clearly doesn't happen. They've been doing it for fucking decades.

yeah good thing the climate isn't real and science is gay

If you knew anything about the politics and economics of science, you wouldn't be such a smug asshole.

To be fair NPR are the same people that were telling us we were going to fall into a civil war if trump won

Well, it's not like we have a lack of trying from NPA and other leftie faggots.

>His model calls for a sea level rise of just over 2 feet by 2060
Are all of you retarded and unable to read numbers?

but do they have blimps?

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If you read the article NPR says 4 feet

I guess I'll watch Venice to know when global warming has us

Did nothing wrong

looks like an Ace Combat map

Science is gay.

It doesnt float its built on small islands and stilts

Would you say that his revenge on Constantin*ple was an act of blind fury?

>year 2021
>The ocean has risen by 4000 feet
>Venice is on massive water stilts, the rest of the world is like that shitty Kevin Costner movie


Over the next century, 2 feet projected for 2060.

>live on a florida key three feet above sea level
My whole property is underwater every time there's a storm surge.

Smaller Italians

Here's PBS saying that the oceans are going to rise 2 feet in 30 years which is about 30 times the rate it is now.

Now that cruise lines are bankrupt maybe Venice can be nice again.

Venice has to do two things to make the city nice to be in again, stop with the cruises, and fucking ban the Chinese.

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The fuck is this, GTA?

I dont understand why articles like this never mention that there are a lot of climate scientists and industries working on developing more efficient capturing methods. EPA is progressively increasing standards with manageable time periods to ensure that companies continue production, meet the quotas, and don't go bankrupt. Proposing major change in short time periods does nothing but create havoc
Like I work for a utility company that's also the largest renewable provider in our state, and has pledged their plan for neutrality by 2060. While building new gas plants with more efficient gas capture, closing coal, and keeping nuclear power, the power grid remains functional, economic, and allows the company to fund green energy projects, because they are not monetarily efficient. Yet we still get environmental protestors claiming that we arent doing enough.

Neither will Los Angeles, you win some you lose some.

Cities Skylines is my guess.

In my state we're going ham into nuclear and solar and it seems to be going p. well.

Boston and New York are also built on man-made land. The pilings under the foundation were exposed during an exceptionally dry season and started to rot. Eventually all of east Boston will collapse.

Won't that just be a tragedy.

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Didn't Al Gore say Miami or New York or something should be underwater by now back in his shitty movie in 2005?

>read page and ctrl f just to be sure
>no mention of 2 feet or 30 years
>only mentions ice plateau and Shanghai getting flooded but no time frame
Am I getting baited or are you actually handicapped?

Did I say 30 times? I meant 75 times

Just because Al Gore is an idiot and vastly overestimated the timeline doesn't mean oceans aren't rising.


Ehhhh the most important coastal cities will probably be able to seawall themselves. It's the islands that'll be taken away on all sides.

The point is, we've had this chicken little climate doom shit since the 70s. Not that it's a bad idea to reduce pollution of the environment, but to not even look at the real source (China and India), is fucking stupid.


Well yeah, they've always been arguing the wrong point. Stop talking about climate change since half the US thinks that's a conspiracy anyway and just focus on improving air quality. Also the fact that the US contributes fuck all pollution compared to China and India.
Somehow I linked the wrong one. Here they are blaming storm surge on climate change and not people living on the beach, they also claim 19 inch rise in just 30 years

Shit and p*lenta, like the sub humans northern italians are. Cats too.

also dont forget to have less children and import niggers so they can have them with your daughter

AC2 was a fun videogame. It wasn't balanced in any possible way, making the combat a joke; also the stealth sections were poorly made (bad AI, bad enemy placement) and you had way too many tools to handle them.
And yet it was fun.

When you consider the fact of how environmental regulations in the US really don't do much to slow climate change while negatively impacting the output and profitability of US businesses, while we do nothing to try and curb China and India's assault against nature it does kind of seem like a conspiracy theory.

My home

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If you only knew how bad things really are. But hey, here's a carbon tax and you can buy some carbon credits.

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Air quality is fine in the US since we don't produce anything anymore. It's china we have to worry about.

Based on that map a 4 foot rise puts my entire island underwater.

Too bad it's sinking and will likely cease to exist in 40 years

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Do it again Chad doge
