they actually made pretty decent changes. it will be as good as pandaria. it will be a good expansion. im so hyped and happy Yas Forumsros.
Wow is back on the menu Yas Forumsros
>good expan past WOTLK
>they actually made pretty decent changes
such as...?
fuck off blizz shill
>it will be as good as pandaria
So it'll be complete dogshit that competes directly with Warlords of Draenor and Battle for Azeroth for the worst xpac position?
Hey, advertiser, your guidebook must be out of date.
No one says Yas Forumsros anymore. Not for at least half a decade.
>wrath good
end yourself zoomer scum
You can be a Panda Death Knight
but Pandas should be deleted
pvp vendors back classes reverted to basically 5.4
imagine playing blizzard games the manifest carrot on stick in videogames imagine still playing WoW.
Jesus christ
fuck off shill
vanilla tbc and wotlk were actually good xpacs that got more and mrore people playing it and no amount of coping or trying to be contrarian snowflake will change that
Pandaria was a good xpac with nice amount of polished content and no amount of "mmuh chinese pandas" change it, because its criticism based on your tastes and not on actual game quality
Thus said, vanilla tbc and wotlk ended bringing more people at the xpac end that they started. MoP is praised for awesome quality and design, so here's (you) contrarian faggot, because statistic shits on your buttblasted asshole
and, wod and bfa are shit, because actiblizz blown all their resources on legion and now they're out of steam and ideas (and competent people). Cata is just shit designwise and not qualitywise thus low ratings
>pandaria bad
had a rough start but 5.2 picked up the pace and it turned out really good in the end (and yes I know about the year long drought, I was there)
>member pandaria?
the absolute state of retail
I'm just happy PvP vendors are back desu.
Is it too late to get into Classic by the way? I'm finally getting burnt out on this trashfire now that the end is in sight but I still need to kill time until then
>it gets good after the first year i swear
For fuck sake user, where are your standards?
>He still plays WoW
>Not even classic BUT RETAIL WoW
Holy shit kys.
Wrath objectively didn't get more people playing it as it was the first expansion to flatline and stop growing (the death of an mmo) retard
>(and yes I know about the year long drought, I was there)
And you shall remain there because you are a tasteless faggot unironically slurping Blizzshit for reasons i cannot fathom
Don't forget to buy the fel-corrupted pig
>start at ~10mln at tbc end
>end up at nearl 12mln subs
Sure thing, now imagine a single game getting around 2mln new players you fucking mongoloid, because it was a fucking record back in time, unbeatable to this day dumb nigger. learn to count
even most sceptic records give wotlk a bonus of 500k people to already 10mln players
Aka more than any single fucking game at that time
>mmo loses just as many if not more players than it brings in
>not a sign of poor expansion quality only being kept up by the memory of what the game was eventually culminating in the decline of the playerbase
I can understand you started in wrath but take the nostalgia goggles off for a second and realize how fucking retarded you sound
hopefully they set ww monk storm, earth and fire ability back to its original design. as much as i hate everything else in the game that alone would make me buy the trash. was a very fun ability to use and now it's a buggy undertuned braindead dps cooldown. same goes for a lot of different class abilities but that one sticks out to me because of how badly it was ruined.
that is incorrect
cs 1.6 and wc3 had far more than 10 mln players at once, its just that you cant count that, because its mostly in closed off communities especially in ex-soviet countries and Asian countries
5.0 monk was kino but i'll accept 5.4 too, also remove DH from the game
>game starts with gigantic player pool
>gets even more gigantic, but small compared to already massive pool of players
>other mmos dies because most of them are shitty koreans tyle grinders
>new mmos tried to copypaste wow design that is unbeatable to this day maybe except for minecraft
sure thing contrarian snowflake
you could play cs for free since it started as hl mod
you also paid for wc3 + xpac once
yet, 12 millions of people at some time were paying sub. Its can't be really compared, because even then, mobile games just shit on everyone with hundreds of millions
>ignores the flatlining aspect completely because he objectively has no counter to it
Core zoomer tier post
I like half of wrath but everything after they kept introducing systems that made the game worse and worse.
chinamen don't have subs, the numbers are inflated
>good product gets even more consumers
>shitter products get less and dies
And checkmate faggot, played dark age of camelot, everquest, lineage 2 and some other shits like mu ragnarok and all of them was either massive timesinks or grindy as fuck games. Wow came as casual scum tier where you could get to max lvl within 2-3months. Only real competition was guildwars that tried his own unique style. People stopped playing grindy shitters with itemshops. Grindy games desginers then switched to wow style of making mmos and fucked up. Then you had second grind push aka aion, tera etc with mix of grinds and wow triangle style. Even guild wars 2 tried this. but then, people get feed on MMO's and wow quality was above anything else until FF came up with his unique style
Before you call someone a zoomer check if you're not the one yourself, contrarian retard
get off the internet ian, you're not logging enough time-played metrics. nobody wants to play the game you killed. you're losing to Anime Cat Girls - The Weeb MMO Experience and you should feel bad.
As good as pandaria does not sound good to me, at all.
>it will be as good as pandaria
Jesus Christ, guess I better save my money and skip the next expansion!
>STILL skirts around the flatlining
>no response except "muh contrarian!!!"
So when did you start wotlk, 3rd grade?
>product get new update
>gets more consumers than before
like, you didnt finish any grade yourself contrarian nigger. keep being special snowflake for (you)'s and keep blaming wow because you shitty mmo for br monkeys got shut down
holy fuck how retarded are you? Sure modern wow is shit but cmon
Just wait for TBC like all the GladChads
I really don't know why your small zoomie brain keeps bringing the argument to wow vs other mmos. Wow killed the mmo genre, we all know that. The argument this whole thread has been Wrath vs what came before, and it OBJECTIVELY began losing more players than it could bring in. No amount of you screaming and crying and pissing yourself while ignoring that fact is gonna change it.
>game sells more and more
>keep claiming its actually a decline
peak mutt education i see here
Seasons 6-8 were the best PvP WoW ever had, Ulduar was the best single raid for mechanics and ICC was premium story kino, ToC being an absolute shitfest was unfortunate but one bad content patch in an otherwise stellar expansion does not make it failure
what are your hopes for the next mount you will get when you buy another 6 month of sub?
here we go again
just play xiv
>game sells a lot
>still manages to lose more old player than it's bringing in new ones
>very next expansion the decline finally hits a fever point
SURELY your zoomie brains aren't that rotten that you can't recognize the sign of a dying mmo. I'm only saying objective fact, you're not gonna change that by crying because it's the xpac you started in
this may surprise you, but the average person isn't a retard autist who plays the same game for 15 years. of course numbers will keep fluctuating/going down.
we just entered the third decade of "WoW is dead, for real this time guise!!!" i can't WAIT
Is the level squish to 50 then level to 60 through new expac confirmed? Keen for that if it is.
Honesty if they give us another progression like artifacts instead of azerite gear, I'll come back. Or better yet to revert talents changes/add more talents.
The game has had less and less subs since it' peaked in Wrath. Hell taking the most optimistic look at WoW Census and believing that each active character is one paying subscriber you still end up with less than a million subs. and that is combining retail and classic.
>every single PC is a catgirl named Nobufaget Takafagshi
try learning to read retard
Did they finally realize that gutting specs because they can't be played ON A TABLET is a bad idea?
>vanila ~7mln flat increase of players since firts report
>tbc ~3mln flat increase since last vnailla report
>wotlk ~1mln flat increase since last tbc report
And there is no report of people from vanilla/tbc stoping playing in wotlks vs newbies coming to wow. No sane statistic gives shit about that. Wotlk still go t pretty big number on it and contrarian is shit like you trying to pull with mmuh objectively loosing more. What people see is flat number going up
And wow didnt kill mmo. Stale formula did it. Same with RTS games, because zoomies now prefer things like lol. And even now lol is loosing against fortshitee and mobile games. MMo was something new and fun years ago. Now even basic shitty indie game have multiplayer component and interaction and nobody shits their pants about it. Only thing wow killed was shitty competition making mmos to farm money off retards buying shit in shops and grinding. And yet that cancer came back in form of mobile games
>there must always be a lich king
>celestial steed
>crown of eternal winter
>dungeon finder
The report is the fucking flatline of subs you subhuman zoomer
Blizzard will never be able to live up to MoP's quality.
ulduar hard-carried wotlk or nobody would bother to defend the expansion, prove me wrong.
Nobody gives a shit about it in statistics unless somehow old players bring more money than new one. Do you count newbies vs oldfags in cs too retard? Thats why you're called contrarian because you're tryharding to shit on something that from market point of view is a huge success
No no no, i mean that wow peaked at wotlk and from there it became even more and more shit, with MOP and legion being jump in quality but not on pair with first trio + everyone were getting already fed up with mmo shit after playing it for years
>in good standing
most of you will not get to experience alpha because you are filthy botters, exploiters and racists