>Sold out on gamestop
>Sold out on Amazon
>Sold out on Amazon Mexico
>Sold out on Amazon Italy/France/Spain

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Guess paying off reviewers not to mention the 100% botched story paid off
normies gonna buy it in droves

>game has shortages due to production issues caused by Cornavirus
>sells out
No fucking way.

artificial scarcity

no ones complaining about Clouds completely out of character behavior in wallmarket, which is possibly the worst part of the game but also truthully it's greatest

Say it with me now

Sale =/= Quality

I ordered two copies over a month ago just in case this would happen

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So far, 4 outlets have talked about it. But for these 4, there's 12 that did not, in my personal experience today browsing reviews.

>a spic
SUre it not avaible because you apes can't get it without stealing

nobody said the game would flop though

Nobody is saying part 1 won't sell
But oh boy do i have my doubts about part 2

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>no one is left alive to produce and ship the games
>sold out

You do realize Amazon and Gamestop are having trouble stocking due to the pandemic right? Hell Animal crossing wont be in stock till May

Im out of the loop so hard.

Didn't they say the game will be in like 3 parts? Is this only part 1?

the tortanic and its consequences have been a disaster for the Yas Forums board

Looks like I’m getting digital then. That sucks.

they have sold out multiple times over the past several months friend, this remake is trash though so all these people are going to sell it back asap after finishing it

This part will sell, but with the next one there will be a huge drop off after people realize that they don't get FF7 but some shitty AC, KH hybrid. They fucked up.

My hope is that since we got Rian Johnson to direct Part 1, they bring back JJ Abrams to direct part 2 after they fire Nomura, so he can retcon all that shit out.
I'm serious.

eb games aka game stop are closed all across Canada. op is a moron.

this is like star wars trying to shoehorn darth vader everywhere after the fans decided he was an iconic character.
It doesn't have to make any sense, you first decide what type of fan service you want, then you write whatever to justify it

I have no doubts this game will sell.
The only question is how large the shitstorm will be when people reach the magic ghosts

do you think reviewers actually play more than 1 or 2 hours? i doubt any did for any game ever

>seething ninteniggers
God damn I’m 100% buying this game now

>All the customers who are oblivious to the time ghosts


yeah, they must have just created the game footage them selfs.

Part 2 is Tabata
Part 3 is Uchikawa
Part 4 is Taro

>spot cute girl on the train
>few hours later realise she's a useless cunt more annoying than yuffie
fuck this game

Attached: FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE_20200402010234.png (1920x1080, 2.34M)

>there's fans who kept themselves completely in the dark and waited this for 5 fucking years
Any FF7-related resource right now is a bomb on a short fuse. The blowout will be fucking immense. We're talking about one of the precious holy cows of any PS1 era nostalgiafag.

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>First couple of hours are perfect
>even the new filler shit with Jessie, Biggs and Wedge is pure Soul
>get to Aeris
>things start to get shit
>walmarket begins
>Game gets it's steam back
>Shinra arc happens
>everything turns to shit
>even Cloud becomes more shitty the closer the game reaches it end

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A lot of the reviews for FF7R are talking about the ending and how it's going to be controversial

Excited to see how the grand opening of part 2 will show badass SOLDIER 1st class Cloud beating up monsters with Sephiroth

>after the fans decided he was an iconic character
Who else would decide that he's iconic?

i didnt play and i can talk about that too

>preordered before it sold out on Amazon
>won't ship because "not essential"

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I can’t wait to see Maximilian’s reaction

sorry to burst your bubble but the last nintendoshit """""console"""""" i bought was N64, i bought 7R deluxe and already finished it a couple of days ago, i just don't like the game.

The people buying this shit are braindead NPCs who will just cum to the anime cutscenes. Even these unbribed youtube reviewers are saying they get why fans wont like it but they themselves love it for some inexplicable reason?? How fucking retarded do you have to be to see that this rewritten story is some retarded bullshit and then still say you loved it? Because le epic cutscenes and music gave you goosebumps for a second?? Literal braindead fucking NPC product consoomers.

Fuck man I'm becoming so jaded with humanity I can't stand this shitty ass planet anymore

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love how they're just shitting out all the spoilers

I'll wait for pc or Xbox series x

Can i enjou both games.

What kind of mental illness is this?

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But gave good scores because it's a good game

Who is this qt I keep seeing?

a lying, conniving, stealing CUNT

Nero's wife

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cope, next part would have sold less even if they kept story 'intact'

Same for me user I just canceled and bought it digital it’s not gonna ship until corona calms down.

It was always going to be a commercial success, brainlet. SquEnix has too many retarded brainwashed fans for it to not. It's a complete flop, as expected, on what it delivers as a 'remake.'

it's the Geisha exaggerated body language because the original had that so the remake must have that, god i wish they just rebooted the entire thing completely instead of pandering to nostalgia blinded boomers

I mean his character became the main focus of the series for a while based on fan response, not necessarily because it was the best choice for the story.
You can write a story to justify anything as long as you have access to magic ghosts, "force" or time travel

>taco language
Every time with you """""people""""".

>create artificial scarcity to create hype and sell more than they would otherwise
>works fine for nintendo consoles
Square's just evolving and learning. Their games still suck balls though.

I'm not sure which has worse Garry's mod animation - this or that motorcycle scene with the dude flopping around on tires and then changing direction mid-jump.

How many of you had your doubts pre-early release when you saw how many nods to Sephiroth there were in the demo/trailers, along with the super cool hxc bike riding character doing wacky stunts?

Now how do you feel knowing it's much, much worse than anticipated?

It is literally just Nintrannies and PCuks mad that ANOTHER GOTY is on a Sony platform again. If this game were on the Switch or PC the entirety of Yas Forums would love it. It just goes to show how nintendogaf this place is.

i got my copy and I'm loving. It's the ultimate parody, i haven't laughed this much in a while

The ending and the first part almost feels like two completely diffrent games mashed together

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You seem to be the one coping right now
Square managed to shit both on nostalgiafaggots and made a confusing jumbled mess for the new players
They don't have anyone to blame for the inevitable part 2 flop but themselves.

So can we safely say that the metacritic score has stagnated now and that it can only go up or down by at best/worst 1 or 2 points?

67 reviews so far and it's not getting more than another 30.

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people who played the old game and are freaking out about spoilers for this make me giggle

maybe cus of corona? didn't they say there were gonna be delays with physical copies?

Mine shipped today, just because our sandbox government is not taking the threat seriously.

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>a confusing jumbled mess for the new players
are you a brainlet? the story is pretty straightforward

I must learn who she is, she will be my waif

Who cares? None of the reviews are negative

I’m still confused
Are we getting that later parts or is this it?
They changed a lot of shit to the point where I can see square say “yah this is canon ignore the original”

i have already played original, so I'm excited for this

will be available at any second hand store in a week for 1/3 of the price after every zoomer trades it in after running through the 10 hour campaign

Did Yas Forumstards really think that the fucking FF7 remake was going to fail?
Really? I mean I know this place is full of retards but surely there's a limit to just how dumb a bunch of teenagers can be, right?

Yeah it’ll probably stay at an 87-88. Damn I really was expecting like a 95

what regions got the game early? australians are all in bed, and the french are..... french. everything in this thread is lies and misdirection

>Italy, France and Spain being devastated by Coronavirus

How can they play video games at a time like this when hundreds of their people are dying?

I was expecting 88-89 so not too far off from my expectations, at least for now i guess.

it's marie from persona 4

no one on Yas Forums said it was going to fail

>high sales = quality

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>be a new FF7 player
>first 5 hours is a pretty cool cyberpunk story about eco terrorists
>suddenly organization 13 and parralel dimensions starts taking over an otherwise interesting plot

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That's a bold face lie considering I've seen people saying just that.

>locked in your home with no choice but to stay in with absolutely nothing else to do


anyone know who voices her and chocobo sam?

>only people who get paid off have anything positive to say about anything
I know we're the asshole of the internet and the internet hate machine, but you're not going to be kicked out of the club if you don't constantly cry about how anyone who doesn't rage and scream about video games is an ally of the demon jews.

You're excited for the shittiest meta fanfic forced down your throat?
Keep it to yourself faggot

except barry

>average score below 90
>paid off
I think you're confusing square with nintendo user

Yes. What are we supposed to argue about individual mechanics? That would just amount to saying "Well I think it's shit" or "Well I think it's good". Accomplishes nothing.

>80% of the game is quite literally the best FF7 content we had since the original FF7 that carefully expands on the characters and Midgar itself
>only to SHIT ITSELF OVER in such an embarrasing way it tops Star Ocean 3 in terms of bad JRPG plot twists

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Because it IS. It's the result of them not wanting to throw away the work that was done when the game was about a 1.25:1 remake. SE suits panicked because they thought that no one would buy it if it wasn't different enough and then Nomura decided to go full fucking retard, got a new design team to start making some retarded retcon ghost plot. Everything that was 'done' was kept as is where they could and then the rest was redone. Expect part 2 to be even more off the wall stupid shit that doesn't make sense without the context of the original game.

Tempted to do the same but I've got plenty of other games to keep me busy. Cloud's time jannie adventure will be there once I finish with everything else.

why would you want to read same exact script for 3rd or 4th time but in muh hd, hang uself

I hope that after everyone realizes how garbage this shit is SE HQ gets firebombed and Nomura and all the employees there are executed and buried in a shallow grave.

It's also sold out in every german electronic store.

There's enough good changes in 7r
The problem is, they are all utterly FUCKED OVER by kingdom hearts tier fanfiction and you need to have the shittiest taste in the world to enjoy it

Are you crazy?

People are going to seee Costa del Sol and Gold Saucer in the beautiful unreal engine, and throw in Yuffie for good measure, and be 100% prepared to preorder

This may come as a shock to you but not everyone is a manchild like you living in your mother's basement who'd rather bing bing wahoo instead of watching news like an adult, retard.

I knew the instant Nomura was involved he'd be inserting his godawful OC trash into it, but yeah, I didn't expect it to be anywhere near as extreme as this.

At first I was just laughing my ass off, then it turned to frustration from seeing all the positive reviews and shit-eating "fanboys" (they are more corporate dicksucker fans of SE than FF7 itself) defending the changes, and right now I'm feeling kinda sad because I just want an FF to capture the charm that the games used to have but it's becoming more and more clear that it will never happen.

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whats the extra one for?

So basically how the jumbled mess of plot of the original went that people still somehow came to praise?

It wasn't any better then the original though. It was weaker in terms of writing from start to finish. It just so happens to be significantly worse thanks to the weird plot fuckery Nomura decided to do.

Maybe at least in the Remake I'll understand what was their problem.

nice fanfic bro, is this the thread where we pretend we know exactly what went on behind the scenes? Here i go

>Toriyama trapped Nomura in a crystal and decided to make the last part of the game a XIII-2/FNC sequel and Sephiroth will transform into Kain while Aerith will transform into Lightining in part 2
>Nomura tried to insert Yozora and make a musical at some point but Sakaguchi put a stop to him together with Toriyama he is now trapped forever inside a crystal and will wake up in 10 years to make KH4

Every Fifa game is better than all of your favourite games

>even Cloud becomes more shitty the closer the game reaches it end
Yeah, that shit didn't make any sense. It was like they got his personality reversed. Like at the start of the game he is happy and carcks jokes and towards the end he is all serious and shit. It's supossed to be the other way around.

Doomers live in their own world. FFVII is too big to fail, and SEs trailer hype game is on point, even if the story itself is bizarre. The only way sales dip considerably in my opinion is if they allow this to be more than a trilogy.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on the story between Cloud and Zack? I beat the game but it’s been years and years so I forgot. Isn’t it something like Cloud’s memories are actually Zack’s last and not his? And Cloud was just some random soldier or something?

If you're watching the news for more than an hour each day you're a fucking 80 year old piece of shit or extremely depressed, retard.

there's no reason for their garbage changes other than to cop-out on doing a proper remake for the upcoming parts. I think this game is still alright, but they extinguished my hype for whatever is coming next

"we are unsure when the contents of your order will be delivered, but we will notify you as soon as we know"


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No offense user but this is peak goalpost moving

this is one of the best scenes in the game. are you telling me they cut it?

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>nomura directing
>game split into parts
Any hope I had was immediately dashed. I felt a bit of optimism when we started seeing footage again a year ago but soon after E3 my cynicism returned. Actually, I think it was the trailer that first showed whacky bike man when my interest dissipated again

lol imagine being too stupid to follow a straight forward plot while defending the dude who couldnt even write a cohesive story in a mickey mouse game. you retards are something else

Cloud gets so mindfucked at one point that he becomes a strange mix between Jenova cells, Zack and Tifas memories.

They hijacked it and went somewhere else completely with it.