Blizzard has fined Los Angeles Valiant's Jung-won Mun, aka 'Lastro'...

>Blizzard has fined Los Angeles Valiant's Jung-won Mun, aka 'Lastro', and San Francisco Shock's Dong-jun 'Rascal' Kim $1000 for some banter unintentionally broadcast on Twitch to the whole world during an Overwatch League match.

Are you buying Overwatch 2 Yas Forums?

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she was made for the great white cock

nah ill just fap to the porn instead

Stfu OP and post more ashe porn

By what authority is Blizzard able to issue fines?

I just wanna suckle on her left cheek so hard that when I let go it makes a "POP" sound. Am I the only one?

>$60 for MvM mode that should have been in the original game
I'm going to hard pass on Overwatch until they add community maps, which they won't because there would be a ctf_moonman in seconds. Also 16v16.

The authority of the Chinese Communist Party.

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That's the most hilariously innocent esl banter I've ever seen. How "no fun allowed" do you have to be to ban them?

I thought OW 2 was just a big content update for the first one which I already own. Do I actually have to buy a game that has the same exact maps and characters?

Not defending Blizzard but they're kind of the reason these soulless e-celebs even make money to begin with
Also I can't honestly care if some bug slant that looks like a cartoon character loses money

Attached: StormQuake_Lastro.png (528x528, 212.76K)

>Los Angeles Valiant
>Jung-won Mun
>San Francisco Shock
>Dong-jun Kim
Every time.

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>buying Overwatch 2
>supporting a shit company that stands for china and making shit games
Kill yourself.

oh the ultimate authority.

E-athletes as a whole fail to understand that the moment they started playing a videogame for money they became employees for a big business and therefore must act like like employees.
Leave the banter for your personal off-clock matches with friends; when you're working you must carry yourself like a professional.

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This post is just autism god damn

they run the "Overwatch League." Same thing as a fine in the NBA or whatever

True. In real sports people either act professionaly or beat each other up. Shittalking is just boring. I'd watch a flight tough

The things that Overwatch are good for is the porn and the stable jobs provided by Blizzard.

Reply only with only the greatest OW "content" here.

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are you blind? it's true
the only way to become a "pro" without being policed for what you say is to be an unsponsored solo game player, being on a team makes you nothing but an employee who has to work to impress and stay in their place

>the moment they started playing a videogame for money they became employees for a big business
Why can't they make their own teams and organizations like Dotards do? Oh wait, I keep forgetting these scenes are artificial and 100% financed by the famous Tencent subsidiary Activision-Blizzard.

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Have you ever held a job before? You are supposed to act formal, say only the necessary and being respectful to everyone because it's what the business expect with you.
You greet customers with a
>"Good evening; How can I help you".
You can't tell customers "what's up cockface, imagining the smell?" and then be mad when you're fired because you were "engaging on fun, silly banter"

>Imagine getting fined $4000 and getting suspended for posting an emote

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No. I have not bought a Blizzard product in years and I never will again. Every release and every single piece of news coming out the company reaffirms my decision. All they care about is China and Social Justice (Ironically they can't push any Social Justice in china so they change story elements for the Chinese version of games).

Is Big White Cock filtered now?

I’ll honestly be surprised if even one person I know buys OW2

>Some faggot steps out of line while playing egghand
>Gets fined nobody complains
>Some faggot steps out of line while playing esports
>Yas Forumsniggers lose their fucking mind
Grow up autist

>he's azn

Remember to buy Overwatch 2 so the CCP can fund their bioweapons lab and invent Corona 2: Electric Boogaloo.

I haven't played overmeme since it came out, who is this?

uh oh! stinky nigger! stinky nigger need diaper change? stinky need make poopoopeepee?

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>people aren't discussing egghand on a video game board
nobody bats an eye...
>people are discussing video games on a video game board
Yas Forums boogeyman... this says a lot about our society...

> Tracer is gay = so brave
> Soldier 76 is gay = so brave
Wanna be really brave?
Make a Taiwanese character.

Professional gaming is such a joke.
"Big dick"
You can't say that ongomg give your sheckels.
"I'll never say big dick again, not even in private I'm so sorry forgive me please "

What if that emote hurt my gay feelings?

>beating your girlfriend nearly to death or having a dog fighting ring is the same thing as talking about big dicks to friends
Imagine the level of american brain power required to not make a food comparison, and still shit the bed on it

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Tracer isn't gay.

God overwatch is such fucking trash. Two years from now it'll literally be

>Engage teamfight
>Teamfight over. Coinflip determines winner.
>Congratulations, big party, your girlfriend gets to fuck chad as a reward.

I don't know, how about you suck some big black cock?

It is easy to be brave when there is nothing to be afraid of.

its true you retarded underage

Thread theme

How did his voice change so much over the years?

Whats the rock you been under?
I want in on it


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it's called cope
if you go to the overwatch general you'll understand what I mean when anyone discusses tracer. I wouldn't recommend it though since it's shit

Don't forget the player perspective
>Join a team and get worked like a sweat shop employee
>Have all of your money spent for you because china knows what you need better
>Get beaten like a dog by your manager while your teammates watch you get you shit kicked in. When your manager is exposed a sorry is all is required
>If you had even minor reputation before OWC/L (which you'd need to even join), Blizz owns your name and brand forever
>They can kick you for shit you do off the clock, off the screen, or even what they THINK you'd do

Honestly only the largest of cucks or desperate would join OW, Paladins is easier and pays better, and CSGO is more fun

no, but great white cock sounds funny because it's like a great white shark but a dick

By my dick.
I don't know what's worse, their forced 'league' or that it's filled with chinks.

>I thought OW 2 was just a big content update for the first one which I already own
It is.
You only have to pay for the PvE part.

>private companies can “fine” people
what the fuck is going on in burgerland?

widowmommy owns my cock

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damn i'm never actually heard the first part.


if that's a corpse then i'm a necrophiliac.

you were based until that last line


its in the contract they sign, they can be anywhere in the world not just USA

>private (e)sports organizations can “fine” players (and teams)
Yes. Are you 12?

>Leave the banter for your personal off-clock matches with friends;

Fuck you nigger

This is slightly unrelated, but when I was 16 I joined my highschool baskeball team (more like forced because my parents wanted me to do team sports). During practice one day I accidentally tripped one of my teammates and I helped him up. Our coach came by and slapped me on the back of the head (very hard too) and called me a fuck up so I turned around and I slapped him in the face. I got kicked off the team and he never got fired despite hitting me. I didn't care that much because it was a good excuse to not play anymore, but I can't imagine what he might have done to other players.

Is this edited or is the artist a complete and utter retard?