>someone returns leaked source code to the devs
>Yas Forums RRREEEEEs about it
>someone returns leaked source code to the devs
>Yas Forums RRREEEEEs about it
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't get mad unless if it's an decade old game with a dead community with nothing but cheating russians left. Otherwise a source code could be put to good use for the game, instead of dusting in the devs computer for god knows how long and wont ever use again.
That shit is fucking stupid. I understand that if the game is like a couple of years old, but some of these idiots have returned source codes to the devs for a 10+ year old game. The game has already selled and there is no market risk in there. it could actually make people give a shit for the game again if people could mod it properly. And then, when they give it back, they get like some merch and shit that is not even worth it. So yeah, fuck this idiots that think they are morally superior
if it's leaked, returning it...fuck it yeah, whatever.
>Yas Forums RRREEEEEs about someone returning leaked source code to the devs
>OP makes a thread about it
Because I want to know why it's so upsetting.
It's pretty obvious why user. Nothing to be gained from it and a potential for something great is lost because one twat decided he wanted to be a corporate cocksucker.
friendly reminder nobody would want to touch illegally released source code because it's a guarantee you end up in jail so it's basically useless.
That's his business, not yours.
Plus it technically qualifies as possession of stolen property (though how it'd ever get back to you to prosecute is anyone's guess unless you did something monumentally stupid with it).
It's useful for preservation purposes.
Because there's no point in returning it. It was leaked, not stolen. Who the hell only keeps one copy of their work anyway?
Ask Sega. They barely managed to recover the source code of Sonic Spinball and Ecco the Dolphin.
Let it go Yas Forums at least the guy got a ticket to disneyland. That was worth it right? He got his good boy points from Blizzard.
Speaking of Blizzard, the source code of Diablo Hellfire was taken down from the Internet Archive.
Cliffy is based imho
I can't deny the influence he had in the industry with Unreal (Tournament) and Gears of War. And the Jazz Jackrabbit series was fun.
somebody post the merch that one dude got
go suck a dick, bootlicker
At least have the common courtesy to upload it to anonfile before you return it
because source codes prolong the lifespan of the game and its community.
look at doom or quake.
if that dude just released the source code, imagine how many fanmods and balancing checks that could happen and implement in sc
>copy files
>send it back and get gifts
>release it secretly months later from a mcdonalds wifi or something
>Metal Arms
Really? Interesting..
Those were legit releases, tho.
>Bottle opener
good how else would he open his s0i bottles
Activision Blizzard has already taken down an upload of the Diablo Hellfire source code.
Honestly, it kind of depends for me.
If its a random disk or cart found in a goodwill/storage unit from a previous dev or found on a old developer unit that was sold off, I say its fair game and should be preserved as long as its fairly old and not a game or console that is still being heavily utilized.
If the source code was stolen from a dev (Break in at the studio, HL2 level hack, something that is still in active development or on a recent console), I think that shit is a bit different and morally not great.
Because Yas Forums is filled with a bunch of poorfags.
>implying that makes a difference
Fuck off corporate cocksucker.
>morally not great
>no muh mods and potential
Based law abiding citzens dabbing on piratecucks like you.
>console that is still being heavily utilized.
So, are you saying that source code for old PC games shouldn't be ever released?
The source code of all software should be publicly available.
Actually yes. Most open source developers refuse to touch leaked source code because it makes them targets for DMCA notices.
oy vey muh dmca
Nobody gives a shit. Fuck off back to retardera.
Bruh, look at this dude.. Wait til you see the..
Name a notorious open source project done with leaked source code.
Look it might not revive a game but having the code out in public means that it will never die or can always be around for the more dedicated of fan.
Look at City of Heroes. It's not big right now, but ever since that almost Comic style adventure of finding the Source code and getting it up and running now there's an actual community growing around it again. People are making shit, excited about the game, reliving old adventures and making new ones. This was a game that was dead for at least a decade, and now it's not.
What the fuck's your problem?
Get the corporate cock out of your mouth and get off my website.
what's the story of the pic?
PC is a rare exception. If its something from generations ago, sure. If its a game that just came out (like RE3 Remake or some shit), then no.
>Look at City of Heroes.
>google search
>find this: forum.ragezone.com
Is this a legit upload?
You're completely unhinged. You're being told that leaked sources are dangerous, not that it's a good thing.
most open source developers are also retarded hacks
Nope. Try again.
it doesn't matter.
without leaks and releases we're forced to buy shitty low effort remasters every gen.
No project born from a leaked source has ever panned out.
I think the Starcraft source-code being returned to Blizzard was just a bit since that shit wouldn't just be found in a random box and his rewards from Blizzard for doing so were so terrible as to not be worth it.
so say that I, a layman, hypothetically was holding onto a source code disc for around 14 years because I didn't know how to use it or what to do with it. How would I go about getting it to a community or trustworthy person that knows how to use it in a way that benefits the game? I wouldn't want to let others know I had it because I wouldn't want to be robbed/targeted/sued/whatever unless I know that they would actually put it to use
did something get leaked?
>Mac users are too retarded to know what a source code is
Don't know myself. You'd be better off going to /vg/ and finding a thread there. I'm pretty sure they've got the legit download method pinned at the top by this point.
Is that gunga ginga?
is that the tranny that made nucular throne?
The Diablo: Hellfire source code.
>bragging about being a bootlicker
lmaoing at your beta male life
Upload it from a free wi-fi source like a Mcdonalds from out of town or somewhere to an anonymous download site like Mega. Post the dolphin porn link into a Yas Forums thread, and let nature take its course.
Reddit tards throwing away valuable data for karma
Not a tranny but yes.
Ismail is a man, but yeah, he made that game.
Talk to Jason Scott (from the Internet Archive) or the Hidden Palace team.