Was Xbox the beginning of the end?

Was Xbox the beginning of the end?

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The beginning of competition. We'd be a whole generation back right now if it werent for Xbox. Remember when OG Xbox cock slapped PS2 in terms of power and features?

No, OG Xbox and Xbox 360 (until 2008) were based.

>pay for online
>turn consoles into pc abortions
>loq quality controllers
i wonder user

The Xbox was a Dreamcast 2 so no.

>turn consoles into pc abortions

Yeah, we should be stuck with memory cards, janky local co-op and blurry graphics to this day, right?

Xbox had the highest quality controllers that generation with their long cables and would disconnect if snagged instead of taking the whole console with it. It also was neither the first console to have paid online or the first to be similar to PC architecture. It's not Microsoft's fault Sony's hardware was retarded.

>It also was neither the first console to have paid online
It absolutely popularised it.
>the first to be similar to PC architecture
Which was first?

>introduced paid online
>introduced paid dlc
>introduced microtransactions
>brought normalfags to gaming with halo
>westernized the gaming industry
>put a bunch of smaller japanese developers out of business by rushing gaming into the hd era
>directly responsible for causing AAA to focus more on multiplayer skinner boxes than complete single-player experiences
>eroding game ownership with cancerous subscription models
microsoft replacing sega was possibly the worst thing that ever happened to gaming.

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Yes, that's right.

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its dinner time go ask your mother for it

Dreamcast ran on a fork of windows CE. Coincidentally it also had paid online yet one is acceptable while the other isn't. Pretty much every Xbox game with MP came with a month of free Xbox Live too and DLC for games were free like Ninja Gaiden's Hurricane packs.

I stopped at
>brought normalfags to gaming
Playstation literally ushered in normies and adult gamers and has been the casual system of choice every gen since.

>It's a Xball
What did they mean by this?

>rush gaming into the hd era
I had a widescreen HDTV in 2003. Are you underage?

>Coincidentally it also had paid online
no it didn't. online was free, seganet was completely optional and not required to play online. the dreamcast even had crossplay with pc, something microsoft never bothered to do until recently.

>Dreamcast ran on a fork of windows CE.
Doesn't mean it used PC architecture dumbass. Windows CE was never made to run on PCs, it was for embedded devices with embedded CPUs like MIPS and SuperH.
What PC used a SH-4 CPU?

>introduced paid online

>introduced paid dlc
Paid DLC has existed on the PC since the 90's, idiot.

>introduced microtransactions
Gacha games created microtransactions in the late-2000's, thanks Japan!

>brought normalfags to gaming with halo

>westernized the gaming industry
Oh look, another retarded weeb who ignores the west invented the gaming industry to begin with and never abandoned it.

>put a bunch of smaller japanese developers out of business by rushing gaming into the hd era
But enough about Sony.

>directly responsible for causing AAA to focus more on multiplayer skinner boxes than complete single-player experiences
Gee, didn't know MS had a foot on EA's and Activision's executive board.

>eroding game ownership with cancerous subscription models
But enough about Valve/Steam.

the only reason microsoft even made a console is cause they were seething at sony's success

>muh normies reeee

Xbox live was worth it at the time. No console could compete with its online. Then in the next gen, to be able to compete, Sony started charging but Microsoft gets the blame. Also, I literally paid sometimes as low as $25 for a year sub and never over $40 for like the first ten years of having xbox live.

>Xbox live was worth it at the time. No console could compete with its online.
Nothing Microsoft offered was worth paying for. It still isn't.

Fact check your crossplay

Blatantly stupid hexbox

i got my first hdtv around that time too, but hd wasn't widely adopted in the mainstream until the late 2000s.
the hd era was tough for smaller developers because it required a higher level of graphical fidelity than they could afford. generally they either moved to handhelds or went through financial trouble trying to keep up. even larger japanese developers struggled at first (capcom being the prime example of this). nintendo chose to kick the can down the road and sell a refurbished gamecube as their "next-gen console."

Well, they pioneered the pay to play online model and by the sound of it they'll be pushing for more subscriptions this coming gen...

I bought both ps2 and xbox at launch and can definitely tell you Xbox was more worth it. A pc at the time that could run better than Xbox would cost 5x the price at least.

>nintendo chose to kick the can down the road and sell a refurbished gamecube as their "next-gen console."
Honestly? Pretty good call.

I'm talking about the online service. The Xbox itself was an excellent machine with a great library. Same for the 360 before the kinect happened.

4x4 evo, quake 3 arena, and pso had crossplay with pc.

I'm a physical fag that doesn't support all digital or subscriptions but you're retarded if you don't think it's all headed in that direction. The people are embracing it everywhere.

No they didn't see WoW

NES was the beginning of the end

They already did. Game sales on console are 50/50 physical/digital these days, and it's all digital everywhere else.

Oh without a doubt.
ride that microsoft cock more faggots and go ahead and try to defend paid online retards

Why though? Unless you have extremely shitty internet there's no reason to go physical

I played quake arena on Dreamcast. I know at least shadowrun on 360 had crossplay. Xbox one also has play anywhere where you can play your game on pc or xbox. They get no credit for consumer friendly shit they do.

Expansions were actually worth it faggot. You'd know if you weren't a zoomer.

>logo is sphere with x
>not xSphere
microsoft is fucking retarded

Play Anywhere is limited and pretty much limited to MS first party games. It's a good feature but it needs to be expanded.

>they pioneered the pay to play online model

Eve Online and World of Warcraft were doing pay to play two years before Xbox Live became a paid model. Stop letting Jim Sterling form your opinions.

I buy physical because it's cheaper and because I can't have my games taken away arbitrarily with a banhammer.

paid online as the industry standard is 100% microsoft's fault.

>Paid DLC has existed on the PC since the 90's, idiot.
only a zoomer would try to compare expansion packs to the average paid dlc of today.

>Gacha games created microtransactions in the late-2000's, thanks Japan!
microtransactions in console games started as a microsoft initiative in the early days of the 360:

halo was the beginning of normalfagcore.

>Oh look, another retarded weeb who ignores the west invented the gaming industry to begin with and never abandoned it.
japan perfected the gaming industry. it's no coincidence that the glory days of gaming were when the industry was centered around japanese consoles and japanese arcades.

>But enough about Sony.
it's not sony's fault that microsoft rushed the 360 out because they were getting their ass handed to them.

>Gee, didn't know MS had a foot on EA's and Activision's executive board.
the success of xbox live and skinner box trash like halo caused ea and activision to hop on the bandwagon.

>But enough about Valve/Steam.
both steam and gamepass are guilty of eroding game ownership in different ways.


Reminder that not a single cent from xbox live revenue has gone into game servers. No not even first party titles. And yet retards still defend it and boot lick microsoft. It boggles the mind.

ITT snoy cope

xbox saved pc gaming. sony literally tried locking devs into their platform with the ps2 there's a whole documented history about it and microsoft feared devs would abandon pc gaming and there was a common perception from devs that pc gaming was full of shovelware and hackers so they made the directXbox and pc gaming has been saved ever since. could you imagine a timeline where you had to buy a shitty playstation to play games? gaming would be dead and buried. MS literally saved gaming and for that i'm forever grateful. asshurt shills need not reply.

Xbox was probably the best thing to happen to gaming up until Don Mattrick.

>Western gaming was given a platform other than PC
>Pushed for Indie games
>Top Tier online gaming
>Amazing and diverse library full of west and east.
>New Innovative IP's and games at the time
>Amazing eco-system and community

Don Mattrick was solely responsible for Kinect and the start of Xbone and the lack of games. The most amazing thing about the Xbox is that before you could only play games like Morrowind, Fable, Halo on PC but now western devs had a platform.

People forget how hard it was to work with Sony and Nintendo just out of pure xenophobia, we had Unreal Championship, we had Mech Assault. Sega got to release sequels to its dreamcast titles on the Xbox like Jet Set Radio Future, Crazy Taxi, Outrun and Panzer Dragoon, Half-Life 2 was on a console. If anything Xbox doesn't get enough credit and thats mostly because of Don Mattrick and these false narratives about Microsoft popularizing some bad industry practices when it was all EA, Activision and later on ZeniMax.

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Xbox Live wouldn't even be defensible if it did finance game servers, because not having the ability to host your own servers and direct connect to them should not be supported.

Because it's often cheaper than digital and you can later sell or trade it for a different game. It's kind of a no brainer to someone on a budget. I replay probably 2% of games I finish. I'd be stuck with a huge digital library of shit I dont play.

Inb4 I'm a poorfag or people thinking I get a nickel from gamestop for a stack of games. I literally sold my old game collection from 90s-erly 2000s for 5 thousand a few years ago.

what problems are you having with any game servers? or did you just create a strawmen so you could attack him?

>the hd era was tough for smaller developers because it required a higher level of graphical fidelity than they could afford.
It costs nothing to dump extra processing power into resolution and framerate

Western gaming is pretty shitty on console. All it has going for it is racing games and the occasional WRPG.

Who cares if its worth or not? Its a downloadable content none the less, hell, MS wasn't even the first one to bring DLCs to consoles, SEGA did that two years before on the Dreamcast, Phatansy Star Online anyone?

Xbone turned based with the latter half of the X. I only touch my gaystation these days only to play with friends because they don't agce an xbone. Otherwise, superior UI and ports on Xbone, + GamePass

>common perception from devs that pc gaming was full of shovelware and hackers
Still true

>Microsoft hasn't invested a single cent of XBL money into Azure
>Azure, the thing that makes them the most money, even more so than office or windows
yeah right

Xbox is the thinking man's console.

Game Pass is pretty based right now, but Netflix was based a few years ago too. Look where it is now.

>but you're retarded if you don't think it's all headed in that direction.
>The people are embracing it everywhere.

If thats the case anyway then it just adds more validity to the consoom meme. I already skipped this gen and I'll entirely retire from modern gaming if it slowly progresses into becoming fully digital. The convenience of digital is questionable on so many fronts.

Microsoft won in every gen they put their paradigma of gaming over sony and nintendo:

>paying for online
> pc stuff
> market game cover with "exclusive shit"
> xbox live store


Nah, this shit was inevitable back when the PS1 was so desperate to cultivate the normalfag audience, an entire market buying consoles just to play sports and COD and spend money on microtransactions and overpriced, frivolous DLC once the infrastructure was in place.

Honestly, even beyond that I'd go as far as the Genesis but we didn't know where it would snowball into.

>It was first made available to the Xbox system on November 15, 2002.
>World of Warcraft was released in 2004
>Eve Online was released in May 2003
Why are you making shit up? Maybe I should clarify that I meant playing to access online multiplayer.

If a game supported 480p, it also had a good chance of supporting widescreen. Playing Eternal Darkness right now in 480p widescreen and that came out in 2002.

Beginning of dudebro era