Why do I never see any threads about Dusk? It's one of the best FPSes ever made. We should talk about it.
Why do I never see any threads about Dusk? It's one of the best FPSes ever made. We should talk about it
It's there any way to bind weapons into 1 slot? Because i don't like pressing 9 or 0 all the time
its a linear single player shooter game, what is there to talk about?
Because a schizo will come out of the woodwork to screech about shills.
Are we not on Yas Forums, the Video Games board? Where we discuss Video Games?
I beated it
This post has cancer! Time to clean it with soap!
first day?
>Why do I never see any threads about Dusk?
Because this is a false statement.
>It's one of the best FPSes ever made.
good game
good soundtrack
kinda easy but still fun
not much else to say
>kinda easy
Man, Cero Miedo's fucking kicking my ass. No idea what you are talking about.
Eventually you learn the maps or how to abuse the AI. It might be harder than I remember.
Intruder mode is hard AF though
garbage artstyle though
The only thing hard about intruder mode is having to back out to level select after each map because it doesn't reset your health and armor.
Amid Evil just got a new level and they teased an expansion/dlc.
It is great. Ion Fury and Project Warlock were good too. Nightmare Reaper was alright so is Hedon. Curious about Wrath and Gloomwood.
>It's one of the best FPSes ever made
its really not
its a generic boomer shooter
>made by a gamergater
Arcane Dimensions is better.
we're talking about dusk not doom eternal
Too bad Amid Evil's level design is "run on a narrow ledge with an abyss on both sides while monsters run at you in single file."
I'm a boomer and I don't get the point of these games. I mean, what's there to cream about? I've probably played all the FPS games that got released from 93 onwards, I tried Dusk and got bored after 6 or so levels.
I just don't get the point of these games that try to emulate other times. Besides, it feels more like Serious Sam than Quake or Blood or whatever the shit people are using to shill it.
you don't have to try to find out that shilling is real, whether OP is one or not. especially when they use a trip
Both are fantastic though.
For Davids first shooter it's real good. All he did before Dusk were walking simulators.
I love how you somehow attribute E3M1 to the entire game when that's obviously not true.
It's for zoomers that want to pretend to be boomers. As a fellow boomer I also don't understand the appeal of this game. It feels like a cheap ripoff and the artstyle is garbage.
I'm a zoomzoom and I loved Dusk because I really enjoy the game design and mechanics of older shooters like Doom and Quake. They are way before my time, but I prefer them to modern shooters.
The art style is the best thing about the game.
It is pretty good. It is like Thief but instead of sneaking, the sections between goal reaching are filled with Doom combat.
>made by a gamergater
Picked up!
>Project Warlock
Playing this atm, just beat the egypt episode. Does it get harder? I'm playing on the hardest difficulty below hardcore and its so fucking easy. The game is fun and all, but god damn is the balance poor.
Best atmosphere in an fps
Waiting for the supposed update where you replay the game as the corrupted treasure hunter
>I tried Dusk and got bored after 6 or so levels
I almost quit early on too. The game its gets substantially better with each episode. It's a linear ramp in difficulty the whole game.
>I just don't get the point of these games that try to emulate other times.
Because people like games from those times? What's wrong with making something inspired by the past?
As a tomber, you're a faggot and the game is good. Get some taste sonny.
I actualyl never finished it because I got annoyed with urban levels. It has some tougher enemies there I think but the game overall is not that hard. You can just destroy everything with axe + shotgun combo.
Not him, but agreed on Dusk's episodes. The game only gets stronger and stronger, and right when I got bored, the game started throwing the surreal levels near the end at me, with all the gravity flipping and shit.
Even then, though, I was hooked from the first level. I loved the atmosphere and level design, I'm all about that rural, backwoods shit and I feel like I don't see it often in games.
This. The second last level was nice insanity.
Absolutely nothing wrong, I just feel people overrate these games. I much rather have games like Titanfall 2 or Doom reboots that actually try something different, even if flawed or whatever.
>It's one of the best FPSes ever made.
Nah. It's really good, but come on.
I like it but I never finished act 3. DESU the game is so fucking stressful between the art, horror, and intense level design. Yeah it's fucking good (especially the movement) but it's just emotionally draining to play.
>Get some taste sonny.
Nice try, Gman.
>It is pretty good.
>It is like Thief
Fuck no, you've never played Thief.
Garbage game for indie hipsters retro nerds. It's fucking gay.
I'd rather play it than talk about it
But this game is only superficially like old fps and is even poor in that regard because the art style is trash. The only game to get the atual gameplay formula correct was Ion Fury.
So many buzzwords in one post. Holy penis.
Nah, it's easy all the way through. I think the devs are working on a higher difficulty level. Beating it on hardcore was fun too.
But Dusk does try things that are different. Sure, the base is objectively inspired by Quake, but the enemy design, atmosphere, level design, that stuff is all far beyond anything you saw in Quake's time. Play past the first episode, you'll get some seriously cool industrial crazy levels, and near the end the game just says "fuck it" and starts throwing esoteric surreal levels at you that fuck with the gravity and level design.
It just uses the nostalgia factor as a base. The game itself is really unique and unlike most shooters we have now.
I started playing Dusk this morning. Only a few levels in, really not digging the level design so far.
The level design is like that.
b-b-but civvie is a boomer and he said it was good!!
The atmosphere and setting are nice. The music is some next level shit. It would have been easy to throw some rock/metal esque tracks in, but the ambient music really gives DUSK a unique identity.
Couldn't beat that fight without those green crystals. That level nearly filtered me.
>Not binding weapons around your movement keys E S D F.
Are you serious?
Unless there's a story explanation for what you just described, that is literally why the game is shit. They didn't have the talent to pull off an actual quake homage and lost focus.
It's not even that good. It takes nothing new from the genre and caters to people who have a hardon for retro FPS titles. Uninspired and really boring.
Yas Forums doesn't care about good games
they care about the latest and greatest most popular triple a titles that are garbage because they don't know what a good game is, only graphics and what stupid ass youtubers say
You don't lurk enough.
So the game is good because there's story explanation for that.
Far superior. Fuck your game.
if you think those are creepy you ain't seen the bone balls my man
You havent played Dusk.
The Jakob fight is what filtered me. Every boss before that was slow and easily telegraphed their attacks, then Jakob snorts a pound of crack and shoves a Riveter up my ass.
good post user ::^^))
>But this game is only superficially like old fps
What does this even mean? It shares a lot of core design philosophies with older fps
>no regen health
>episodic levels
>non-linear levels
>fast movement
>gameplay over story
Just because its not literally a reksin of an old fps doesn't mean its isn't inspired by them. You'd have to be a legit retard to deny that inspiration.
>even poor in that regard because the art style is trash
Plenty of people like it. Cry more gramps.
"They said fuck it"
Uh huh
>Thinks this is present in only one level
Why is the enemy design in this game so fucking good?
>walk past scarecrow, it jumps off the wood plank and gets out a double barrelled shotgun
>emaciated cyborg woman screams in pain as she shoots rockets at you
>fuck it, giant balls of gore that constantly shit skulls
The Horrors are way spookier. E3M4 made my skin crawl.
Because in it you can go bing bing bong hop hop hop hop hop zoomie zoom swoosh
just like good games used to be like
Because I'd rather play the doom clone thats political SJW libtard feminist femitard femoid commie poopoo peepee forced diversity
babbys first throwback fps, ultimately level design becomes a joke and the combat encounters become forgettable. Looks like shit and like a poor imitation of what quake did.
>I haven't played the game and I am still arguing about it
zoom zoom
>doom, quake, duke 3d, blood etc are all reskins
The absolute state of zoomers
The way they introduced the Horrors was great, how you could hear them crying and sniveling while your fucking flashlight is broken.
For a game that gives you a super rocket launcher in like the second level, Dusk spooked me pretty hard. I seriously hope they make a sequel. Does anyone know if New Game + is coming soon?
>muh hand crafted levels
whoa dude you're like a hardcore gamer
not like you sound like a complete faggot though. im most likely older than you and im 29.
>images you can hear
>we no longer judge people by their opinions, instead make half-assed guesses as to if they are a child or a geriatric, based on nothing but false flagging
I need to stop coming here.
Heretic is reskin of Doom.
Hexen is reskin of Quake.
Hexen 2 is reskin of Quake 2.
Started playing this recently, it's fucking amazing.
Literally read the posts itt. Look at the statements, punctuation and zeal, and reassess your position.
Take your meds, schizo.
what in the fuck are you even talking about?
Amid Evil is way better.
>things that were not said
>"we're gonna be adding ng+ and we're making console ports guys!!!"
>two years later
Did they forget about the game?
You forgot Cart dog
>The creator just thought it was funny