Why isn't anyone buying Persona 5 Royal?

Why isn't anyone buying Persona 5 Royal?

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but Yas Forums told me that it was gonna sell really well

becuase i have the first game and i never played it. i dont enjoy games with daily time limits and objectives you can miss

i bought it

Everybody already played it years ago!

because Yas Forums told me not to

I bought digital and the CE.

>Some changes to the end of the games story.
>Released on the exact same console it released on two year ago.

90% of the game is the exact same, only hardcore fans and people who haven't played P5 are really interested in this game. Nobody wants to go through 80 hours to get to the "new" stuff.

It's an fucking expensive re-release of a 4 year old game.

Maybe if Atlus didn't censor it and make it an exclusive for the worst fucking console of this generation I would buy it, until then I'll be having with P4 and PQ

>$60 for a $30 game
>Altus sale every summer

No, fuck you, Atlus. I’ll wait.

>Not on the Switch
That's why.

Because it's not on Switch. Fucking atlus can't do anything right

I don't own a shitstation 4. Release it on PC and then we'll talk

I can't wait for when Atlus finally buckles and releases Persona 5 Vanilla on Switch so this board does a complete 180 on its opinion of the game.

I platinumed the orginal when it came out and I was disappointed with Catherine: Full Body

Non-Nintendo games don't sell on the switch you retards

why would you buy a game you already own?

>maybe if atlus didnt censor it
>ill be having fun with P4 and PQ

is this bait or?

What exactly did they change anyway?

>switch has a bigger install base than ps4
>"lets release it on ps4 for the 2nd time" - fatlus
Suck my cock snoyfags

Do you think Amazon would deliver this if I ordered it?

Because the music is shit and ruins the tone of the game, the original ost set the mood and tone of the game as the phantom thieves being underdogs, not a wacky team of ebin heroes

I bought it but bitch-ass Amazon still hasn't given me an update on the shipping date since I purchased it on March 30th

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I did. Pretty fun so far.

>no PC version
>no Steam version
It's like they want this game to fail.

it's sold out on Amazon and OOS at half the targets in my area

>Falseflagging P5R threads
Should have seen this coming when it got great reviews

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But I did buy it, just the steelbook version though. That pathetic excuse of an artbook along with the collection is trash though.

Especially compared to the Xenoblade chronicles definitive edition set.

I want it but I can’t afford to drop 60 bucks as I’m in New York and we all mostly are out of work for 3 months.

Also I never finished my play through of the og version and I just don’t wanna start all over again

I’m just not entering or reading threads to avoid spoilers, aside from making this one post

I got the phantom thieves edition.
I got it for the artbook, is it really bad?

You won't be getting it for several months due to the coronavirus

dude just go buy it from target or walmart

I would buy it but it's on a console I don't have, and the people who do have said console already bought and played it but without the add ons. I'm not sure why Atlus thought this was a good idea

Why is Yas Forums becoming increasingly desperate to downplay the success of P5?

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Royal was received in the West better than people were expecting.

angry that a definitive edition of a once already popular game is getting a higher score then their games

theres literally new stuff in the first 2 minutes

The artbook is around 50 pages and mainly just finished character art and promotional art. The cover is sleek and nice but there's little concept art and rough drawings. It's not like pic related where you get to see all the various designs and prototypes alongside finished artwork.

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Just play vanilla

This, refags and ff trannies are on suicide watch

It's because Yas Forumsntendogaf are a bunch of seething nincel faggots and any success of any game that's not on their basedtch (extra points for not being on the pathetic platform known as pee-c) gets shitposted to oblivion

let them seethe

because it's the same fucking game that came out a couple years ago with some additions that ultimately don't change the game very much. If any other company did this, most of you p5fags would call it a crime but >muh anime waifus means its okay

I got the plat on the base game 3 years ago, haven't played it since. Bought P5R and have been playing it and loving it. Much better than the base game.

Any questions anyone wants to know? Ill try and answer any Royal questions for as far as I am.

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really? That's a shame.
I bought the persona 4 artbook and I love seeing the sketches come to life.
Does it have little comments from the artists/concept devs? I loved when they siad Ameno sagiri was inspired by a fucking eggsplatt

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1. Possibility of PC port; Catherine on PC and Full Body on Switch gives me hope that it will happen.

2. Aint trying to pay full price for a game I already beat with a little bit more content

>Much better than the base game.
Can you please explain how?

Who's going to buy the same game twice?

>This hasn't been shipped
Fuck it, I'm going to go do exactly that if my local Wal-mart has copies. The Ps4 I ordered with it is arriving today as well, so I'll cancel my order if I find it.

P5R is a fucking ripoff for its value and all of the perfect review scores are just sending a message that its ok to sell DLC as a $60 re-release (which itself contains it's own paid DLC). It's complete shameless kikery to the highest degree and everyone is eating it up.

Sorry your shitty ff7 remake couldnt make the cut

No shit it has good reviews, it's literally the same game as P5 again so the reviews are the same as P5. This is the case for every "remaster" that comes out. If Nintendo made "Odyssey + Now with three extra moons!" do you think the reviews are going to be anything less than 95? Journalists don't rate ports by how much they actually change anything, they review under the assumption that you never played the original

Gameplay is improved, palaces are expanded upon, confidants have been changed. A lot of small changes that add up to a quality experience but this is Yas Forums so you just want to shitpost

Because its not on the switch

SMTforgottons mad they don't make edgy persona on their switch

>Gameplay in a game that was already easy is easier


Genuinely not shitposting, it's just that most of the new stuff seem to be really small and not adress the issues of the game.

>buy the same game twice goy
I wonder why?

Not sure who to romance in Royal. Do they still do the shitty Harem dead end in Royal?

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People here would rather buy remakes and remasters that cut content instead of adding.


tfw bought both

It actually is a shame. I was hoping that there would be a new set of concept art alongside with the new artbook. Maybe Persona 5 Scramble will offer a more enticing collectors edition. Also yeah there are some comments abouts the intent behind each character design and locations.

Unironically this.
See what I mean?

Because nobody cares

Waiting for a price drop.

>Implying wahooers opinion matter at all

They changed Takemi's VA, I don't like her new one that much

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i already played persona 5 i will not buy it again for small amout ot new content

I was skeptical at first but it's grown on me. No nearly as bad as Chies'.

Why are you trying to hard to push this with no statistics to back it up at all? Are you a seething FF7 fag or a switch owner or something?

Switch owners won't get it. Scramble was the test and it sold like shit on the Switch in JPN.

Personally I like Chie's VA in Golden more than her P4 vanilla one.

I agree. It's cute and fits her.

cute and funny

Who the fuck pays $60 for a game they already played on the same system and for stuff that could just as easily been sold as DLC?

Keep coping faggot hahahaha

Probably because you're selling a spinoff sequel to a game that doesn't exist on said hardware that's a shitty musuo game on top of that. But no that can't be it, this is Atlus we're talking about. They never make bad business decisions

yeah she is

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Because this game made for incels and 14yo kids?
20 hrs in and I fucking hate this stupid shit.
I'm playing on safety btw
I just don't understand why so many people praise dis shit.
I don't like modern anime with school theme and wanna kill every moe character.

I'm OK?

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>for stuff that could just as easily been sold as DLC?
I'm only on the second palace, but to be fair Royal has added in a lot of new voice acting lines, retooled the palaces and boss fights, and added in new confidants. I highly doubt that could all be changed in DLC

>I highly doubt that could all be changed in DLC
What software limitation exists that makes a retard like you doubt this could be added in as DLC/expansion?

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All of that change and not a single thing done about the story, the one objectively shit aspect about P5. Bravo Fatlus

>i hate school anime
>buy school anime game

what an idiot.

Then why beg for a game you probably didn't play, retard? How do you know you'll like it?

I still don't understand why Atlus just didn't port Persona 3 and 4 to switch instead of wasting time with a switch version of scramble. Who is the idiot in charge of business decisions like that?

>Why do people ask for a game they haven't played yet, where's the brand loyalty??!

I don't have a reaction image appropriate for this

The switch version of Scramble was probably more of a KT decision than Atlus decision.

Nintendo fans have been doing that for decades.

>Beg years for game you only know because of memes
>Instead of buying a PS3 or PS4 (that's way cheaper than a Switch) and a $10 copy of Persona 5
>Return the console and game after beating it in a month
A lot of you lack a brain and it shows

Welcome to nu-vidya.

because I don't have time for another playthrough of this, and apparently the added stuff is actually quite lenghty so it's even longer than P5
also someone showed a picture of the big bad in this game, and I assume it's some kind of Akechi situation where we aren't supposed to know from the start so I cancelled my deluxe pre-order the second I saw that. I'm honestly not even mad, because of the time thing I already mentioned and because I now save 90 or so bucks. Thanks spoiler-user!