Why does Yas Forums hate this game so much? The entire gameplay loop revolves around autistically searching an entire solar system with gorgeous handcrafted planets. You guys should love it.
>ITT: Say something nice about Outer Wilds
Why does Yas Forums hate this game so much...
Thanks, Tim Sweeney, very cool!
Don't you know? It's free! Thanks to Tim of course.
I know, that's why I said thanks
>walking simulator
pick one
I pirated it. It was cool but i eventually just dropped it before beating it. I had seen everything it had to offer.
>walking simulator
>flying around in a spaceship and with a jetpack solving puzzles
pick one
I think you're thinking of Outer Worlds that everyone hates. Most people enjoyed this
But I don't hate it. I thought it was one of the best games of 2019. I fucking hate their publisher though because the game would've sold gangbusters if they were able to sell it on Steam and the devs would be much more well known from the exposure. I worry for them on their next game if they don't want to go with a publisher
Also one of the best soundtracks
I don't know if it's a meme to hate on this game but I think it's great. It doesn't hold you hand and gets away with no combat by making space dangerous.
Also the soundtrack. Next time I go camping it's going to be on full blast the entire time.
No steam no buy.
Time limit BAD
i pick walking simulator, duh
"Wow look you can speedrun this game in 10 minutes it must be a bad game"
If you knew how the game worked you'd know this is taken out of context. You can finish the game in 10 minutes if you use a guide but then why even fucking play the game? That's like watching a movie and reading spoilers for the movie while watching it.
>Why does Yas Forums hate this game so much?
Can't make a pretty girl because the character customization is intentionally bad.
I might try it when it hits something other than Epic.
>implying the 4 eyed fish creature aren't already fuckable
>tfw you finally land on the quantum moon
That's the point. You can beat it in ten minutes, but there's no way in hell you'd be able to blindly stumble into ash twin, know how to get past the anglerfish, and get into the vessel and plug in the codes. The entire progression of this game is based on information and the feeling of reward from completing some of the endgame puzzles is so satisfying.
It was fun to mess around in for a day. Why is it being brought up again? Did it get updated since uh 2015?
This game was so good. I plan on paying for it when it hits steam.
>tfw you realize there's still more to learn
It's pretty buggy or at least was when i tried it.
>You guys should love it.
We did.
At least me and the other 3 people who realize the game got released THANKS EPIC
Pls user tell me you're baiting
by the same logic "myst" is a walking simulator
Too many people confused it for Outer Worlds due to the timeframe of release which is dissapointing, to say the least,
It tries to be too big brained
Timed reset is bullshit. Dropped it once I found out it was a mechanic.
I was tricked into buying this game by basedboy shills
I loved it
Played it because a friend heavily praised it, absolutely no regrets, arguably the best game of last year. Plays around the medium incredibly well, makes you feel accomplished with its puzzles better than most puzzle games, great characters with minimal exposition, and it's amazing at being thrilling/anxiety inducing without being horror. Not perfect, some of the puzzles/solutions weren't great and the whole epic exclusive was a real shit move, but honestly the good outweigh the bad. Also most of the devs just seem to be a bunch of dudes that made this project out of passion and it shows.
Good games and good movies are still enjoyable even when you read up spoilers beforehand. This game, however gets invalidated just by the internet existing. Should've released it in 1985.
I actually uninstalled the game once by accident by confusing it for the outer worlds.
well, yes. it is
>Why does Yas Forums hate this game so much?
almost every outer wilds thread i've seen has been short but fairly positive. I think its probably the standout best walking sim ever due in large part to how fun Newtonian physics and zero G are to play with, even superficially.
post yfw you grab the warp core and youtube.com
Is a nice game but has no replayability, so after pirating it (thanks Tim!) there is no reason to play again, talk about it or actually buying it on sale.
>tfw you motionlessly float by a row of teeth in the bramble
>post yfw
Wrong game, user.
>oh this planet has a moon cool
>this planet has a moon too...
>wait no it doesn't...
It's not even out yet, fuck you for making me check
>Why does Yas Forums hate this game
Pretty sure you're confusing Outer Worlds and Outer Wilds. Just like everyone else.
I'd enjoy it more if there wasn't a time limit. It kills the comfy vibe of the game.
Oh, you're one of those retards. Nvm then, keep waiting for it.
user, are you okay?
>Why is there a thread about this
>Pls be baiting
>Nothing notable happened to the game whatsoever, first release was around a year ago and second release isn't here yet, no major news announce, nothing
You asked if anything happened since 2015, and it did. It released the entire game.
Then you said "it's not even out yet", which it is, unless you mean Steam release but the only ones who care for that are consolewar autist.
I'm with you on this. I pirated it and love the shit out of it, but I refuse to buy it until it's out on steam.
I hope they make some noise before the release date or it's just going to get lost under the rest of the crap on the store.
Wrong. Not even worth replying to.
*teleports behind you*
It's honestly somewhat disappointing when you fail to deliver it.
>Falling into the black hole for the first time
>Diving past Giant's Deep's clouds for the first time
>Seeing a rapidly approaching tornado coming straight at you for the first time
>Going into Giant's Deep's core for the first time
>Going into the Quantum Moon for the first time
>Going into Dark Bramble for the first time
>Getting into Dark Bramble's latter areas for the first time
>Jumping into the Eye to observe
>Getting feldspar flute and seeing the anglerfish
Anxiety inducing
>Dark Bramble during that part
You forgot the mirrored copy of you in the eye
This game was such a ride.
I can't remember the last time I felt like this, having absolutly no idea what I'll encoutner. Subnautica has some similarities but there I know there's threrats wherever I go.
OW has so many parts where you have no idea if there's anything behind the next door, and the feeling of being such an abysmal thing floating around crushes you so much.
It's really one of those games I wish I could forget and experience again.
I still shit bricks when I go to Dark Bramble
I did forget, thanks for reminding me user
Beautifully put user, I feel exactly the same way
>"Huh why are they talking about angler fish on the Ember Twin?"
>"I don't know why Im so scared there's been no enemies in this game"
>Get to dark bramble
What a fucking game man.
>playing a shooter
>i'd enjoy it more if you didn't have a gun, the gun ruins the vibe of the game
Even when there's no enemies.
The sand pilar in hourglass twins, the whole quantum moon, Giant's Deep or doing anything in space. The game has so many moments that make you feel threatened without a "villian".
It's the embodiment of "man vs nature" on a planetary system scale.