Are we playing FFxiv ShadBrings tomorrow bros? New patch... New content...
Are we playing FFxiv ShadBrings tomorrow bros? New patch... New content
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I sure am excited for all of the 2 hours that content is going to last!
>doing the Hatching-tide quest
>Suzaku shows up
Is it relic weapon time?
what the FUCK was she doing there and why hasn't she married me yet?
If you did the Four Lords sidequest, all of them come to visit the ceremony for fun. Otherwise, you just see Genbu wondering if he can find someone to do his sidequest.
But I already did it, user.
I'm going to get my necromancer title and no one can stop me!
*dies to server lag*
cringe i really hope this topic is a joke
Ah its the time in the expansion cycle where they let us spend 200 hours to get a weapon that isn't even max ilvl.
SB may have not been good, but fuck the Ala Mhigo dungeon is amazing.
It's relic shit, so it will probably last like 200 hours...
This will be the very first time a new relic is released and I still don't have the old one. Fuck Eureka. Fuck it right in the butt.
congratulations, you've cleared the only true raid in the game
Yo why is my sexmuffin waifu here?
People like to whine about "muh role quest!" and "muh cut content!" but I'm leveling an old class and holy shit are these class quest annoying. Every 5 (and later TWO) fucking levels I having stop what I'm doing and fly my ass across the fucking map to so some tedious side shit and talk to some jackass about nothing and kill some mooks JUST so I can get some skill I already earned by leveling up.
It's fucking annoying.
Whenever they release the patch notes for a new patch, I read them with a bit of fear in my heart. One day they will release something that makes your starter city matter and when it happens I'm stuck with Team Tranny.
>Why yes! I'm a fan of Final Fantasy 14 A Realm Reborn. How could you tell?
Why haven't you taken the moviepill instead of playing the filler "gameplay"
Waiting for our bday and god we picked to matter
>tfw didn't know about ARR changing your fucking city-state, just wanted to try ACN
>was a Gridanian from 1.0, turned into a Lominsan
oops lol
hey anons when youre done playing the new content please tell me if the teleportation scene is the scions real bodies or just place holders for raid.
>unbsub at end of heavensward because i've done most of the content except savage/ex and it feels like im grinding out tomestones for no purpose, done my crafters/gatherers
>friends tell me SB is great, come play with them, they're gonna take it serious this time, we'll do all the content seriously for real this time
>resub, do all the msq, gear up multiple classes to the teeth - 'oh yeah we're going to play something else tonight man, oh we cant do maps tonight dude, soon though, oh nah i haven't looked up that fight yet' - 6 weeks later, unsub
>literally the exact same thing has happened AGAIN in ShB, everyone fucking doesnt take it even remotely seriously, have had to PF all of the eden savage fights
seriously fuck this, if i unsub this patch am i really missing anything? theres no new 24 man or 8 man right?
So I finished Praetorium earlier today and due to the road to current content buff, I'm already at level 55. Do I just plow through the arr postgame now and get better gear once I reach HW or should I grind Castrum/Praetorium to get some ironworks stuff before continuing?
I've been getting on just to level WHM and get off. What're they adding? I feel like I'm out of the loop
This small patch? No, just Relics.
Ironworks augmented or buy lvl gear from the MB, you're going to be stuck doing lvl50 content for a loooooooooooooooooooong while
Grind tomes, get all the Ironworks gear and augment them. You should be good till level 54 MSQ for gear.
is it just battle class relics? I heard there were crafter gatherer ones coming, but are they later?
also i'm not commiting to doing relics until i know what they look like
i unironically can think of maybe 3 relic weapons in the entire game so far that i think look good
Both are coming tomorrow
The game is designed such that you can move through the MSQ and that will get you better gear than lingering on old stuff.
There is no need to grind at all up to 80
That said, if you're interested in lore, I'd still recommend doing Binding Coil and Crystal Tower before moving on for story purposes.
i've been helping people through ivalice all day because i'm a good guy
Small correction. The Four Lords all show up regardless.
Raven-furred Rabbit (Genbu): Ohohoho! How long has it been since I traveled to these shores? No matter─I must find myself a great warrior, lest the Ruby Sea be bathed in the flames of destruction...
Feline Purr (Senri): Mortals, mortals everywhere...
Resplendent Rabbit (Byakko): Mortals are honorable creatures, indeed... I must keep my fury in check, lest I visit upon them death and destruction they do not deserve.
Flame-kissed Rabbit (Suzaku): To think that I might have enjoyed these festivities with my one and only beloved, had only I not been so weak and powerless...
Azure-furred Rabbit (Seiryu): When that fateful day, I vowed that never again would I associate with mortals. And yet, here I am...
why can't you make friends in-game? Or if those are your in-game friends and not your irl ones, why not find another group?
unironically can someone tell me how to make gil please?
i have an autistically pentamelded 2400/2400 gathering set - and full hq facet tool/gear omnicrafters so i can make nearly everything but idk what the fuck to make.
aethersands sell for fucking dirt on my server and are botted out the ass, i have like 9 zonureskin maps but nobody to do them with (was thinking i can turn the shell leather drops into rebel coats since those sell for 1.5mil regularly).
Should i just scour the market boards for various nuggets/ingots/lumbers etc and see if one is selling a lot/high gil and spam that or something or focus on high end crafts. Or housing parts? I have every single recipe book unlocked
Don't grind Praetorium. Just do new dungeons and Raids; you'll have all of the Poetics you need for Ironworks.
level AST instead. trust me.
write down the price of every skybuilders mat on your server
jump from server to server and buy all the ones that are 1/3rd the price you wrote down and resell on your home servers MB.
Takes about an hour to an hour and a half to make it around your datacenter
Then repeat and do the same with crystals and materia
How long does it take to get through MSQ? I'm lvl 53, still doing lvl 50 MSQ quests
what do you need gil for?
I'm level 75 at WHM. I'm gonna finish it even if I'm boring myself to tears. It's part of why I'm barely playing currently
It took me two months to do from 2.0 - 4.0 back when I started. Granted, I was doing side content during that period, like Hildibrand.
if ShB relic is as aggravating as HW relic, you might need some for a few steps.
Every relic required at least a little bit of dosh at some point
there's only 3 Ivalice raids right?
I hope your life is a joke, tranny
do crystal tower shit asap. ALL OF IT. then at 60 do ALL of alex and all of void ark. you should always try to get that content unlocked asap.
I'll finally be able to do Orbonne without waiting 30+ minutes.
This first part is literally just an instance and a EX trial. The eureka-like zone is only starting in 5.3.
yes, orbonne is the last one
Consider making some of the stuff you need to complete the crafter job quests. You can't demand big money for that, but it's easy to do and there are always lazy cunts who will buy. It's a steady stream of money.
oh. maybe i'll look at how good they are then. i dont really care about what they look like when crafting - but if they're better than melded hq facet they'll be worth i guess
ive played the game with them of and on since ARR, the FC was in my hands for a long time, i bought the house, decorated it, and pretty much singlehandedly keep it alive. so i'd feel bad. also i'll always be the outsider/new guy in a new group, whilst everyone else has their histories and injokes and so on
So is it just DoW/DoM relics or also the crafting relics?
so august or september.
wait, skybuilders materials are absolutely dirt cheap though aren't they? I levelled all my crafters by just buying them off the market board for like 50 gil a pop.
I didn't consider selling on other markets though, i'm on the most populated (Cerberus) so the prices are lowest, i noticed that when i bought the sheep mount and it was way more on others. thanks
it's just useful to have. If i want to try a new class out, i can just buy a crafted set to have it at a decently high gear level with materia straight away. I want a bigger, better house filled with cool shit for my FC. I can buy cool glamour gear or mounts or whatever. Gil is good.
Proud of you, son
holy shit it's been over a year since BA came out what the fuck where did the time gooooooooooo
>after the cutscene
>Genbu is at the Black Boar Gate
>Byakko is at the White Wolf Gate
>Suzaku is at the Red Otter Gate
>Seiryu is at the Blue Badger Gate
Deepest lore. God, all four of them are a bunch of nerds.
this is the conclusion I came to after a few minutes of thinking
at first I was curious why they would just take the lazy route like that, then I thought back on all the class stories I've done and realized they're mostly just hot garbage, so nothing of value was lost
Now do it 9 more times for the achievement
She gives you eggs and talks about what she's doing now. Otherwise, if you haven't done the Four Lords quest, she just mopes.
>skybuilders materials are absolutely dirt cheap though aren't they?
You're looking at volume. If you spend a mil on other servers and sell on your server for 3 mil you're making profit no matter how much they cost and they move fuckin fast, so even if you only have 4 retainers, you'll be making your investment back quick
wait until the next patch
on day one craft and sell the new sets
boom 100 mil.
Is there a Yas Forums FC on midgardsormr or LS on aether I can join?
Pls am newfag to game in HW, I wanna talk & play with you autists.
> sub
> skip all cinematics
> do shitty dungeon/trial 2-3 times
> unsub
Nice “game”
you can't do binding coil until you're high enough level to solo it or have a friend that can solo it
when I had just reached 50 and was doing all the raid quests before moving on to HW I sat in a queue for the first turn for literally 23 hours before I gave up
But the epic ARR experience user
>when I had just reached 50 and was doing all the raid quests before moving on to HW I sat in a queue for the first turn for literally 23 hours before I gave up
i did the same, ididnt even know unsynced was a thing
Coil isn't in the Normal Raids roulette so yeah you're fucked if you try to queue for it.
>make pf
>BC unsynched first time bonus!
>Fills up with 8 people in 12 seconds
Might suck if they insist you watch the cutscenes in an inn room