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oh my god i love dlc


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in some order.


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Bro that's Crash Bandicoot

Is there anyone still clinging onto hope like me lads?

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More contrary picks and only one fan requested.

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>Stevefags get BTFO'd so hard on Yas Forums they travel to Yas Forums and raid Steven Universe threads with the same three images
>Stevefags hide among Yas Forums trannies and in their Vidya Bros discord

It's weird, seeing them not here and being laughed at.

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>Travis Touchdown
>Lloyd Irving
>Gen 8 Pokemon
>Ryu Hayabusa
>Crash Bandicoot
Not a leaker I'm just very smart.

>travel to Yas Forums
for what reason?

I just want them to be revealed so I can move on with fucking life

Probably because they literally are tumblr tier and decided to watch Steven Universe.

>based soccer-eye making fighter pass vol 2 six fighters because he knew no one would give a shit about Arms


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>Gen 8 Pokémon
TPC is riding on DLC as their big product this year, Gen 8 is guaranteed a fighter in Ultimate.
>Ryu Hayabusa
I'm more surprised he HASN'T been added yet.
He's going to be the "hype" pick. Prepere for the Internet to become unusable for a week when he gets revealed.
>Tales of Rep
Sakurai's shit JRPG taste needs to shine through sooner or later. Lloyd or Cless are absolutely happening.
>Fire Emblem Guy 9
Yes, I genuinely believe Sakurai/Nintendo are delusional and spiteful enough to do this again. If a new mainline FE game is announced within this year then we're fucked for sure.

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>Tales of Rep
It better be Cless he's the one who started the damn series

I’ve been in those threads, can confirm
(I’m not a stevefag though, I just go to Yas Forums sometimes)

He's got a shot.

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speculation threads are more entertaining when rosterfags don't get their characters anyway.

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I want to believe...

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Literally the perfect outcome for FP2 which is why its probably not going to happen. Swap geno with Urishifu or whatever it's called and it's more realistic

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Replace Spring/Ribbon and Max then you got a 10/10

>"hype" picks
>when the "buy the pass" guy is whoever from ARMS.

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You can do that yourself by using any photo editing program and slapping jpegs on a smash ball background

I might be a little biased since I was a Springbro day one, but how isn't an Arms rep hype?
The mascot's an assist trophy, the 5 of its most popular characters have spirits. There's 15 characters in total that they can choose from, and we don't have even the slightest clue as to who it is. If it's Spring Man, then it doesn't matter if your most wanted was an AT because they could be upgraded to a fighter. If it's Min Min, Twintelle, Ninjara, etc then it doesn't matter if your most wanted is a spirit, because they can get upgraded (this already happened with Piranha Plant but whatever).

If it's someone totally out of left field, who gives a shit? There isn't a single unlikable character in Arms. The fighter will be fun no matter what.

All I want is Doomguy but I already got Banjo and Kazooie so desu I don't care if the rest of the DLC is pure shit tier duds, it'd just be preferable if it's not all Byleth and ARMS tier trash.

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>Milquetoast poorly selling motion game that only ever got attention due to being a launch title and has been promptly forgotten and dumpstered in the 3 years since.

ARMS couldn't even make it 3 years without being utterly forgotten. It's the exact type of game that belongs nowhere near Smash.

>4 fucking sword characters
You are retarded, sora will never EVER be in smash and fire emblem already got the rep

Byleth generated tons of buzz, downvotes and attention. But for Arms? Its quiet, not exactly what you want out of new smash character.

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>but how isn't an Arms rep hype?
because 3rd party ape niggers like him were expecting shit like crash and dante to "make up" for Byleth.

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>poorly selling
You're joking, right? Arms sold 2 million copies. That's perfect for fighting games, in fact, it's even better for a new IP. In fact, this new IP has sold more than every Pikmin game, every F-Zero game, every Fire Emblem game until Three Houses, every Xenoblade game, and every Kirby game.
I don't expect you to acknowledge this because it hurts your agenda, but believe it or not, literally millions of people bought Arms, literally millions of people played it, and countless people requested Arms characters before Ultimate even came out.

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fucking sword characters
>You are retarded, Banjo will never EVER be in Smash, and fire emblem already got a base game rep

It's probably going to be mostly Nintendo characters. They tend to go with their strongest stuff first or at least early on and if they started with ARMS, it probably means it's going to lean more on the side of Nintendo than "super duper hype" third parties.

>A character people are simply okay with getting in is worse than a character people fucking hated
The mental gymnastics in this post...

I want the reveal cycle to just be over with already. Anyway pick 5 from pic related.

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That's trash compared to Splatoons opening on the FUCKING WIIU and trash compared to the hits of the Switch library. 2 million on a console full of consoomers that buy everything is less than nothing. That's literally Golden Sun tier but at least Golden Sun was on a shit selling console like the GBA that only surpassed those numbers with Pokemon, ARMS is getting outpaced by a fucking multiplat and every major exclusive on the console and sold a million less than FUCKING 1-2 SWITCH. It's a garbage performance and makes ARMS the first Nintendo series that didn't earn a place in Smash through being beloved and iconic. (individual characters like Corrin, Incineroar, and Byleth have not earned their place but unlike ARMS, the series at large had earned it's place)

The only thing more trash than ARMS is the defense force behind it.

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Bylethfags are upset and trying a new tactic after people saw through their first bullshit narrative of lumping in ARMS Fighter with the poor reception for own character as an excuse to dismiss criticism as just "hatred for all first parties".

>That's trash compared to Splatoons opening
Stopped reading right there. If your whole argument is "it didn't sell 8 million copies so it doesn't belong in Smash" the majority of the roster doesn't belong in Smash. You're a seething 3rd party fag and I hope the next character is from a 20 year old obscure Nintendo just to see you seething in the next thread.
Get bent, rosterfag.

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Earthworm Jim

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>No large impression left on the gaming community at large on launch
>Forgotten after 3 years
>I-It's a worthwhile inclusion despite failing any and all metrics because I say so! Shut up and let me be shamelessly advertised too!

>You're a seething 3rd party fag and I hope the next character is from a 20 year old obscure Nintendo just to see you seething in the next thread.
If it's from a 20 year old game and people remember the character they've earned their spot in the roster, unlike ARMS, you simpering retard.

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Seethe some more Yas Forums
This is your fighters pass
Banjo Sora Doomguy Dante and Lloydfags are fucking faggots and every person here that wants these fags should kill themselves
Geno is in
Steve is in
Reimu is in
Ashley is in
Shantae is in
Drink bleach and die you delusional faggots
Banjo is a waste of a slot
Sora is owned by disney so he is automatically disqualified and he is cringe
Dante is cringe and disqualified
Doomguy is too violent and cringe and disqualified
Lloyd is another fucking anime swordsman and a literal who and disqualified
KOS-MOS is cringe and coomerbait and disqualified
Eggman is garbage and disqualified
Literally all of these characters would be an amazing roster
Steve has an unique and interesting moveset and his model would look fucking sick.
Reimu would be amazing because of her moveset potential and the fact that she would bring Touhou into smash.
Geno would be amazing because of his stage and his moveset he has laser guns and can morph into a cannon which is much better than Sora.
Ashley would be amazing because they could base her assist trophy into a fighter and make her OP
Shantae would be great because we need a genie character in smash and her moveset potential destroys everyone’s.
Arms is a good choice for a slot because now spirits/AT don’t deconfirm.
If you unironically want these 5 then you are cringe

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At least your bait is well thought out. See you next character!

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Banjo didn't have Disney on his ass, and no chrom didn't count he was an echo. No new fire emblem stage either? We really should've seen it coming


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Dante, Chosen Undead, Crash, Travis, Bimmy/Jimmy.
I was on the Doomguy train until Eternal got delayed.

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>Objectively correct argument as to why ARMS is an undeserved addition to the series, both lacking a major mainstream splash or longterm dedicated attention, being forgotten in record time for a new Nintendo IP
The ARMStard fears reality and truth

Chosen Undead
some FPS character (Doomguy, Gordon, Heavy, Master Chief, any of them would be nice to have except Tracer)

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>Nintendo characters need to "earn" a spot to get in a Nintendo game

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anyone else like it better in melee where theres only like 16 characters, its free, fast online and no dlc? dont want to start a gameplay argument i just feel like its tiresome

>i just feel like its tiresome
Stop rosterfagging. Play the game casually.

Aside from Steve and the FEH guy this is okay, maybe Ashley is too much of a side character to be in, I think Wario already represents Ware enough

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Melee has the worst roster in the series, the online is only good because its on PC emulator and even then its still pretty shit unless you find someone that has a good connection, and is a dying game no matter how hard you try to refute that. So no I don't like it better in melee

>Ashley is too much of a side character
>Wants geno

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Please let my boy Raiden in

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>3rd party rep (not a swordsman)
Get triggered Yas Forums of the west.


The novelty of Geno is over for me. I thought he'd be pretty funny but I'd never pay extra for him. He's gone from a character I'd be okay with to one of the only popular characters I'd pass on if included.

give me reimu and steve so i can watch Yas Forums burn

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the anime swordsmen who'll get in over crash and doomguy

wym, i do. i just wish there wasnt so much dlc considering theres so much wrong with it anyways

Euden from Dragalia lost.
He best fits as Challenger pack 11.

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how does it have the worst roster lmao. more characters doesnt mean better, even without ethernet with someone decently far away the connection is still miles ahead of ult, and its only dying because its 20 years old and doesnt appeal to kids and casuals

>awful online
>11 frame input lag (potentially worse with certain controllers)
>incredibly one note boring balancing of characters, usually centered around a handful of moves
>archaic moveset designs of the original cast class heavily with the ridiculously gimmicky new characters
>shit single player
>awful competitive scene of smelly autistic weirdos
>4 out of the 5 dlc characters are based, or at least rely on some sort of meter (the other one is a fire emblem character)

why even bother with the game at this point? even if they added your favorite character the core game fucking sucks

how would you feel if he got in?

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>Ignores the fact that the story in Super Mario RPG revolves around Geno after the Marrymore boss battle

>fast online

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He's still a side character while Mario remains the star of the game, dumbfuck.


>people bringing up Euden
Jesus christ I think that's the one thing that would be even more of a catastrophe than Byleth. People aren't entirely discounting the possibility of more FE anymore, so even FE #9 wouldn't be as much of a shitstorm.

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>party member >>> stage character
Come on, don't act like a fucktard

>One thing that would be even more of a catastrophe than Byleth
Why? Because he's another anime swordsmen?