Valorant Thread

CS meets Overwatch, closed beta starts tomorrow via twitch drops

gameplay videos;

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>via twitch drops

and im out

Looks ok, but I fucking hate riot, why did it have to be riot?

and I'm in

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TOR 3: Loot box revengence

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Watched some Swedish faggot try and shill it. Game looks like absolute dogshit

>CS meets Overwatch

Yawnnnn, they might as well make it a Battle Royale while they're at it

the abilities video really puts me off

The artstyle looks like TF2 and Overwatch had a baby and that's not a good thing.

Also wtf is the bitch on the right doing? Is she like a human version of Zenyatta or is she like that bitch from Big Hero 6 and throws chem balls? Regardless, I expect porn of her using them as analbeads.

the shills are pretty hilarious with their claims

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I agree with you but your sounding like a massive faggot right now

>no OCE beta
riot why?

Oh well, sage looks cool, i'll probably try her first.

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She shoves the balls in her cunt and then shoots them out.

>cheap clone for chink money and diversity points
No thanks.

money laundering

they cant honestly expect this game to be a success as horrible it looks and plays

>they might as well make it a Battle Royale
That's the 2.0 version 6 months after this turd fails.

I have low expectations since this looks like Overwatch

>as horrible it looks and plays
oh you've played it? do tell.

sage looks so cool i use her in my every post :)

you can just leave the thread and save your post cooldown, but you won't because this game lives in your head rent free now

I've canceled my magazine abo after they started shilling console games. IT'S A FUCKING PC MAGAZINE.

>Poison area of denial gameplay
>also a sexy goth edgelord
oops picked my main

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First for thots getting patrolled. It's so cathartic for me to see this kind of patrolling.

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please tell me this game has cross team voice chat after game

Also this

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theres no lootboxes
there arent even character skins

skins + battlepass is confirmed

>shills shills shills!
And yet you faggots can't stop talking about it. Go lick a shopping cart, retard.

They need to hire new character artists because the drawings look cool but the ingame models aren't half as good looking.inb4
>this is an fps ree go play OW ree why do you care reee
If you bothered to make hero based cs clone, better go all the way otherwise they will fail at the attempt to kill OW and CS in one blow.

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not that user but it's weapon skins, not character skins

do the long matches bother anyone else? if someone leaves after like 5 rounds youre fucked for half an hour

and that will happen a LOT

Gun skins and battlepass yes, but they were very apprehensive on character skins in the Lupo Q&A

Second for the CS peeps in denial. Top pip, mate. Imagine being afraid because the game you've been playing for years is going to """die""" and you're gonna lose all those hours and money sank into it. LMAO just start fresh in another game, bruv.

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im pretty sure they have characters behind a paywall, or at least it says so in the OP video

they wil get shit on for that instantly, if so

>shill campaign starts
>threads up 24/7
>"just watch a guy watching our game to get a beta key, fellow gamers!"

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>They need to hire new character artists because the drawings look cool but the ingame models aren't half as good looking
that's concept art in general.
find 1 game where the in game models are as good as the concept art.

yes half the starting lineup is actually locked behind funbux
but that has nothing to do with character skins

>cross team voice chat
I'll be surprised if the game have a chat at all.


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>CS meets Overwatch, closed beta starts tomorrow via twitch drops
It's amazing, this sentence is like a cancer sandwich.

this is such a blatant shill post

>three sites

It doesn't. Some o' those streamers were using discord. You could even listen to the discord call sound during aceu stream a few days ago.

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please support shroud he hasn't been the same since he moved to mixer

Valorant is Artifact of FPS genre

It doesn't even look like the same character.
>find 1 game where the in game models are as good as the concept art.
Overwatch. In fact they're better in many ways.

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A paywall ? Is it in-game currency or real-life NEETbux ? If so, is the game free-to-play ?

Because if it's not and they put day one content behind a paywall this game is pretty much DoA as far as I'm concerned and they'll get a ton of shit for it (and rightfully so)

lol there's nothing that can stop this in online play

Girls in masks are always cute

It's going to become №1 fps.
Will kill Siege and CS:GO and maybe even CoD.
Everyone will play it.
And mean everyone, from 10 years old kids to literal boomers.
It already had top spot on Twitch when nobody even played it, people just watched pre-recorded videos.
The amount of hype is unbelievable.

waifufags are a big reason why LoL is so profitable
no waifus = no whales buying every true damage KDA pentakill deluxe star guardian prestige Lux skin = no money

And they'll call this turd competitive. Guess the next step is remove the text chat, so random guys couldn't hurt your feelings.

it has voice chat dumbtard

literally watch any video and you'll see the ingame voice popping up constantly, people used discord on the 3rd because they were only streaming pre-recorded footage

Do I need to have riot acct linked to twitch to get a code?

there literally zero people actually hyped for this, other than being hyped to witness how Riot makes fools of themselves

Fucking Lawbreakers was a better fps game.


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the game is free when it launches yeh

Literally the Fortnite of our generation.

This is true. It's slow-paced, casual, tacticool garbage with random spread out the ass and I-win abilities. This is just a natural evolution of the previous iteration of casual trash that will attract millions.

>he genuinely can't distinguish discussion from praise encouraged by payment



Is anyone else tired of every shooter having infinite range instant kill guns?

The gameplay might be fun but the art style is so fucking dull. The maps are all bland and the characters look like rejected first Overwatch concepts

yep, i want my bullets to evaporate instantly upon leaving the government-mandated Range Stat Distance(tm)