He dumped over 5000 hours into this video

>he dumped over 5000 hours into this video

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Other urls found in this thread:


And meanwhile what have you created?

could've played RE3R 5000 times instead

Isn't that the guy who got dabbed on for over 8 hours for being a retard and defending Dark Souls 2?


brevity is the mark of wit

>4 hours and 18 minutes
Do people really watch this shit

Different retards were involved that slap fight.

People don't, no.
Underage autists on Yas Forums, yes.

It’s the guy who couldn’t even walk in a circle in Super Mario Odyssey.

watched the first 3 minutes and had to turn it off. I don't mind watching long videos but I can't stand someone wasting my time with endless unrelated rambling. what a fucking idiot.


Joseph Anderson is fucking awful. How can a failed novelist have such an inflated ego?

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Eh, not Matt's best work. Still better than any of the shit Joseph Anderson's ever cobbled together though

shill thread is shilling

Yeah seems like Matt's just doing some quick "thoughts on" videos in the meantime between proper reviews.

oh look, another shill thread

I just hope they don't delay the proper reviews

>he says, spending 16 hours a day shitposting on 4channel

Kanye West and his crew poured 10,000 hours into a single song and we ended up with 'Power'.

This dude has a youtube video that like eight people will watch all the way through.


No, it's the guy that threw a hissy fit and refused to debate MauLer because MauLer called him a 'massive'

the anderson dick sucking is awful aswell, he isnt all that either

>Kanye West and his crew poured 10,000 hours into a single song and we ended up with 'Power'.

You got a source to back this up? I MAYBE might believe he poored 10,000 to MBDTF but not Power only.

He's shit. Always has been, always will be. His ego is his hubris


I misspoke, it was 5,000.

"So even a song like ‘Power,’ I spent 5,000 hours writing it, and it’s really the psychology behind the lyrics; it’s not just blatantly, ‘I’ve got all the power’ — ‘No one man should have all that power.’ It’s worded it in a really sensitive way that opens it up for everyone. Even if I use first person and say ‘I, I, I,’ it’s always for everyone."


Did 10,000 people work on it for an hour or what

>this video
This one and two more.

>Video game critique

where the fuck are these idiots coming from

Maybe, but it fuckin' shows in the song. MBDTF is an overproduced, maximalist obliteration punch to rap.

You, Yas Forums.
You're the one watching them.

Nobody gave a shit about Ratchet&Clank here. This was a Jakfag board, until some britmutt did a video series on the games. Now all you underage and ironicunderage are pretending to be lifelong fans.

Can't wait for some shitlord to make a Ty series, then EVERYONE will claim to be fans of that, too.

Makes me sick.

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>Nobody gave a shit about Ratchet&Clank here. This was a Jakfag board,
Nigger Ratchet and Clank threads have been on Yas Forums for years. They didn't magically appear overnight after some youtuber did a series on them.

>>he dumped over 5000 hours into this video
And he got good money from it

It's because he's a massive normalfag. He lives in that bubble where he's impressive compared to all the other casuals or plebs, and is too afraid to engage in the niche, thematic and subtextual.

>putting any amount of effort into anything is autism

Solipsist bastard r&c has been on Yas Forums for years.
What if I were to accuse you instead of you noticing recent r&c threads because of the same assumption?

Here come the furries making up lies.

Gee, let me guess
>I did this one quest and it was pretty good
>then I did this other quest and I didn't like it as much
>then I did another quest, and it was good
Etc for 4 hours?

Kill yourself faggot

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Oh fuck off with these threads already
Of course people will watch long content for various reasons
Often in many sittings
Just because you cannot do it for whatever brainlet reason doesnt mean no one else can

People want long analysis of media that go into depth, instead of short shallow review videos

It’s good background noise when you’re playing an open world game or RPG

these videos appealed to me when I was in the lowest pit of my depression. i don't know what it was.. but id just watch autistic game critiques like this and super bunnyhop

maybe it made me feel like less of a loser


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No one watches these. It's just background noise to simulate human interaction

And it's great and timeless.

Why am I supposed to prefer right over left? I haven't watched either videos or played BoTW, but isn't the left one actually attempting to prove that this mechanic or whatever is inconsistent rather than just stating it with no facts? Or is there something in the video itself that makes the right clearer?

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Fuck off

He's clearly drunk

It is. One of three 10/10 albums that come to mind.

You're right. The Anderson dick flatteners are just as bad as the Anderson dick suckers.

making youtube videos isn't really creating anything of value. It's all just background noise.

Mattew should be 3 lines explaining why it's inconsistent along footage.
Joseph's main issue is that he drags on his explanations for too long regardless if they are right or wrong.

>listening to video essayists
>thinking long critique is deep critique
remember when someone talking more than 10 minutes was considered long? why don't people value their time anymore?

It's fucking verbose. Matthewmatosis assumes a baseline IQ for his general audience. Everyone with a brain knows flurry rush is inconsistent so it's not worth discussing.

I only found Joseph Anderson recently because I beat Control and was looking for someone else's thoughts on it. Mostly because while I was happy to have finished the game I distinctly recall having moments of "I dont like this game I should stop". Watched his Baldur's Gate analysis after that. Dude is aight. I'm not gonna binge his whole channel. He can be a little long winded sometimes but all these video essays can.

I got a Master's Degree, a well paying job, and a girlfriend. I also still play tons of video games.

videos like that don't review a game, they review an experience
as if everyone's experience could.be the same

The only conceivable way that it could take four HOURS to explain a critique of the game is if you're a moron.

Not really, that's how he talks in all his streams.

Gallons upon gallons of semen.

A legend for myself in my hometown. Nothing since though.

imagine this being your bar

10 minutes of content streched to 4 hours.
No thanks.

>Why am I supposed to prefer right over left?
Because you're a busy man whose time is valuable and you don't enjoy having it wasted by retards who like the sound of his own voice.