Terrifying model shows what avid gamers could look like in just 20 years

>Terrifying model shows what avid gamers could look like in just 20 years


Is this accurate?

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Other urls found in this thread:


i already look like this

what game does he play?

Why would gaming turn me into a white man?

That’s what they look like today

is gamer a codename for transgender now?

Does this person think vidya is only a recent hobby?

>in 20 years


>The researchers explained: “The visualisation shows that Michael has pale and pasty skin from years of being in artificial light and the result of lack of Vitamin D and B-12. He has stress-related eczema across his legs and arms and a permanently bent back from poor posture.” Michael has painful bloodshot eyes due to extended periods of time staring at a screen. The model also has an indent in his skull due to consistent, light pressure of wearing a gaming headset.

Attached: just.jpg (615x894, 63.35K)

Are you from the future user?

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>work out 5days a week
>collect neetbux
>smoke weed e-v-e-r-y day
>HOT gf
>game on xbox oneX
>am tall, WHITE, blue eyed
life's good

Do you have Playstation Thumb or Nintendo Arthritis Yas Forums?

Attached: gamer_man.jpg (615x619, 36.49K)

>Researchers from OnlineCasino.ca

innacurate since most of them are anime fans and considering that most gamers and anime fans are socially inept reject virgins they eventually become trannies.

>Unsurprisingly, years of gaming have had a detrimental effect on Michael’s hands. The model suffers from Onycholysis - a nail disorder caused by repetitive trauma such as tapping fingernails on a keyboard or controller causes the fingernail to loosen from its nail bed. Meanwhile, Michael has built up ulcers and calluses on his fingers due to the repetitive strain injury of using controller.

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>light pressure of wearing a gaming headset

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Holy shit GAMING is BASED

Anything that's from Asia, mainly Japan though.

>Finally, Michael has developed a hunchback and rounded shoulders. A condition that slowly develops over time, a hyperextended neck, rounded shoulders and hunchback will start as a dull pain occasionally and work its way from your neck to your hands and back as the strains slowly create a bend in the neck which creates the hunchback. This is caused by elongated periods of time sitting in uncomfortable positions without stretching or counteracting with regular exercise.

That’s literally me

People who made this have no fucking understanding of how biology works

They gave him literal retard eyes. Fucking dying.

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It gets worse every time this pic is posted lmao

>Not defying the laws of nature to push your agenda

Post your gamer body, Yas Forums.

wolfenstein, mass effect, tlou, nintendo games

>How to avoid looking like Michael
>Exercise - Making sure you take time to get up, stretch and exercise
>Evenly light the room - Avoid glare from your screen by evenly lighting the room
>Follow a healthy Diet - Following a healthy diet will help to support your in-game performance by improving decision making, concentration and energy levels
>Sit properly and regularly stretch - This will help with short term aches and pains, and will protect you from the future gamer hunchback and rounded shoulders
>Stay hydrated - Try to avoid fizzy drinks, and drink lots of water

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>Researchers from OnlineCasino.ca
Britbongs and

>the mirror

Way too much hair

he looks good just needs to buy some new clothes fix his posture and bee himself

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No mean posts please

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I refuse to believe Gamer Skull is real. Tyler's head always looked like that because he's a mutant.

No, it's a codename for coomer.

Cookie Clicker

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Just bee yourself bro and go outside bro you'll see it's easy

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Look at that cranium. Minimum 150IQ.

lol I'm in my 30s and I look great fuck off with this shit

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He looks like he fucking loves CUNNY


you'll get all the same shit from working in a soulless office job but [they] dont want you to know that

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you say you're 30 but your clothes say you're 13

Stop bulling some unfashionable /soc/ kid, user. They get it bad enough.

literally none of your outfit matches. please seek fashion advice

Eczema is a hereditary skin condition, what the fuck is this retard blabbering about?

>Why yes, Hyperdimension Neptunia is my favourite video game series, how could you tell?

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>painful bloodshot eyes due to extended periods of time staring at a screen
dumb old boomer meme
staring at screens can put strain on your eyes but it doesn't damage them
I remember when people were too scared to get close to CRTs because they thought they would go blind

>"Why yes I go to bars that are thinly veiled gay clubs, how did you know?"

did your mom buy those for you

if thats you then you look like a faggot


they forgot the square eyes from looking at a screen

>normal person doing THIS activity will turn into a DISGUSTING TROLL
Another one of those. Who the FUCK makes this shit? It's also blatantly the most low-effort one yet.

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Incel hands wrote these posts.

Never heard of this shit happening even with people that game 24/7 as an addiction.

100% of Asian descent. Only a slant could dress this much like a faggot.

I'm a cel actually

you missed a post

I laugh Everytime /fa/ thinks they look good in shit like this.

>people who have been gaming for 40+ years already exists
peak religious fanaticism.

>he doesn't have gamer hand yet

same, right down to the pisspoor hairline and terrible posture

You look like a guy that asks me if I want you to suck my dick at a bar on friday

World of World War II 3

gnarled chad hands wrought this post

Of course that can't happen. A skull is too strong for it to bend because of headphones.

I'm 100% white, bud.

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If I had to dress in clown outfits like this to be considered fashionable, I'd rather stayed unfashionable thank you very much.

Looks like dsp

if fashion is about looking good then the opinion of the average schmuck that will be seeing you more often is surly the most important opinion
you have to achieve the maximum amount of people thinking you dont look like a faggot at any time


Pretty /fa/bulous my dude.

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>He has stress-related eczema across his legs and arms

I'm 34 and you look like a faggot.

You look 100% gay

t. incel

how embarrassing

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>implying actual gaming addicts aren't twink asian chads
consolefags and PCfags will never know the depths of dedication that arcadechads possess

also 100% gay

me under the vent in the bottom corner

cute girl jacket user, you look like a cute tiny boy, I wouldn't mind bending you over and fucking you in the ass

Your bussy is gonna be 100% white after I'm done with you

What is that outfit? user, I don't want you to get upset, but you dress like a faggot

>tfw this is what my chosen profession is doing to me
I deserve a raise

We must meme this

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id rape you


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What on Earth is that bathrobe jacket you're wearing

that felt... goowd!!!

The funny thing is that you tough guys are calling me a "faggot" on the internet, but not a single one of you would have the balls to say anything to face. No guy ever does because I'm a paragon with confidence. If a guy makes eye contact with me I just stare at him until he looks away. Meanwhile women constantly approach me telling me how they love the way I dress.

And before you guys try to get clever and suggest they think I'm gay or whatever, let me tell you that I've had sex twenty-two times with EIGHT different women in my 33 years on this planet.

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delete this

>Nintendo Arthritis

Okay I've seen this one before. Fuck off shitposter.

Your exzema can also have a lot to do with your nutrition, look into it user

This HAS to be some parody post.

W-wow he is LITERALLY me!


Lmao I dress better than you and I'm only 21.

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>I've had sex twenty-two times with EIGHT
different women
lmao did you write it all down in gay little diary?

Is this obtainable natty?

This guy is such a queer holy shit

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gaming turns you into a feminist blogger?

You hold your phone like a freak.

Yeah, nah, you're a faggot.

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if you had sex 22 times with 8 women then that means you had sex with 14 men
check mate you dress wearing fag