Animal Crossing

Anyone got good turnip prices?

Attached: Nooks.png (805x468, 397.4K)

Other urls found in this thread:


never sell on monday user, early morning wednesday at the earliest.


You bought?

Attached: hebought.png (1320x810, 104.96K)

probably all shit prices on a monday, only 73 here

My prices today were better than all of last week.

>ruining the integrity of the game by actively seeking extremely high turnip prices instead of accepting the risky nature of the stalk market
shiggy diggy

Can I get a quick rundown on these coondogs?

Hacked account drops by my island drops money bags everywhere.

Now the game feel meaningless.

That was the last time I let some from Yas Forums to my island

I feel bad for Raymond.
Poor fella wants to sell stonks and do business and everyone wants to turn him into a crossdressing twink.

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please tell me you sold for at least 500 bells and made a cool ranch 2 million off a full inventory

if you have a trashcan just throw the bags in there

Still open?

currently whoring myself out for good turnip prices on twitter and i don't feel good about it

I need stone bad, will trade 30 iron for 60 stone


Rest of the island is blocked off so don't bother coming unless you want to trade

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>bought for 95 last week
>had to panic sell Saturday night for 25

>bought this week for 103

I really need to start visiting other people's islands because so far I've gone full retard.

new code

>probably all shit prices on a monday

It is all random, just go to reddit or or twitter any other site. I just visited a japanese guy who had 580 turnips to sell and he only wanted 2 nook miles tickets in return. I made +2 million on my turnips. Meanwhile if you go to discord and other places people want +10 nook miles or 500k bells as a tip and shit

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Very nice, and gay!

51 bells

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Alright lads, I just unlocked terraforming and I need inspiration. Post your town layouts, screenshots of cool areas in your town, or recommend me some ideas of what the fuck I should do with this stuff. Also, should I start tearing down my bridges/inclines, then do all of the terraforming I want to, then add the bridges/inclines back?


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>only 2 million

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it's not usually complete random, there are patterns which is how predictive calculators for turnip statistics are a thing.



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>two turns with prices in the 400s
>one of them 448 people in line to get in
fucking what?

121 here


She looks like she works at EB games.


>some bitch in on island calls me airmail

Jews can fuck off.

gladys is secretly the best villager

>How dare you play smartly around a mechanic? You must be a dum-dum and turn losses like me

What is your nickname, bros? Teddy and Reneigh call me 'Vitamin C'.

Get on my level

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>charging anything for turnips
fucking jews

Zap suits in stock
Turnips at 152

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110 here.

This week will be the week

I just started my game, anyone got any shops open with nice clothes?

Copy that.

>Vitamin C
So you're something people forget about most of the time?

Why don't my villagers ever ask me to do them chores? I've heard from my friends that villagers do ask you do do stuff for them, like catch them a bug or fish etc. but my villagers are really boring.

Most times I talk to them they just brush me off with a one-line response.
>Sure is a nice day on the island, huh?
And that's it. Either that or they tell me about how there's eggs coming out of rocks now.

Even when they have a thought bubble or approach me with something it's only to give me clothes. Why won't my villagers be interesting?

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Oh boy just you guys wait until you see american turnip fees

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>frilly dresses

Vitamin M

The superior vitamin

Yeah, that about sums me up.

>2 mil
That's a whole inventory's worth

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What does paying your debt off to Tom (((Nook))) do?

The point is, why are people charging disgusting amounts for complete RNG? New Leaf never had this faggotry. I will bring some fruit over, but that's the extent of my tip.

omw senpai

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literally pointless if you do the math on that

Do people have no fucking shame? I would feel shitty to ask people for tips at all, let alone something obscene like 2 million bells.


Why are so many of you minmaxing, stretching and trying to make the absolute max profit of every instance in a game about taking things easy and having no pressure for things?

Granted the prologue for this game is shit but it's been half a month since release and people's discussing things like their life's on the line..

Attached: no, bro, not this time..gif (264x240, 2.64M)

he gives you free house exterior customization after the last payment instead of it costing 5k bells

Let's you expand your house

Bought 2 yesterday at 91.

They were 280 this morning and now at 592. Should I hold for longer?

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Yeah what the fuck?
>pay me more money than you'll make

It's babby's first scam. With a big enough audience you're bound to catch a few dumbasses. Same principle with scamming in MMOs during the haydays.


>Do people have no fucking shame?
I think you know the answer user

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592 post dodo, I'll let you know.

Zoomer Jews are ruining the game. In NL, there was never any expectation of a tip, much less a fucking fee to sell turnips. The only time bells were required was to dupe rare furniture sets, and that's because it was more time consuming.


I wanna plant and move around the weeds in my town. How do you plant those bigger stalks and shrub weeds? Do you have to like water them to grow them or something? Any time I plant weeds it's either just clovers or the small ferns.

592 is amazing. Plz open so I can come in?



Thread died, but gate still open if anyone's interested

host us bro

I wish I had good turnip prices
I would post in all their forums and offer my shop FOR FREE just to make them seeth

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>does a discord tranny have no shame?

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I was so excited to unlock waterscaping but now I don't want to because my island will go from natural paradise to a manmade abomination.

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My take is that this has more players/new people.
I too remember back in New Leaf, I could hop in a forum ask to sell in a town with high prices and wasn't asked to tip.


let me in!


set up a turnip exchange, I want in

This is why I suggested japanese twitter, sure they are still asking for something in return, in which most cases is a nook mile or two but thats about it from what I seen, not to mention that there are no lines for waiting and they are overall friendly, even if you dont know moon, they know basic english.

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That's bullshit, but I'll believe it.

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Use the acturnip site pls.
I liked when I used it last time just for these threads.

I'll see if I can drop by in a bit.

How can they even control that?
Can you kick people from your island?

How do I get on Japanese Twitter?

>nook mile or two
fuck off with that shit

>full set of magical girl dresses at abel's

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Do the zap suits have matching shoes?

I saw Netanyahu posting on and he said that if you didn't pay him his fee, he would shut off his internet, which allegedly would reset your inventory.

Hosting is such a pain in the ass you can't even play your game while people are coming and going. Hosts give up real world time they could be enjoying the game, for you to come and make your millions.

Better than 6 to some Discord Tranny teebeeage

>amiibo character didn’t give me a recipie today
Shit, I thought this would be a reliable source of recipies.


Invite 4 people with DM, let them shop, make them leave, repeat

you open still laddy?

Do you guys collect all your island's weeds? Or leave one area with weeds?

I just use it to even off areas where I want bridges


77 here

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did mods delete last thread?

Also have some viking gear and flashy looking mobster suit tops in my shop. Gotta update first.

Also , if you are rude to the villager in the camp tent, will it make them not move in?

Then don't host. Or leave your gate open and fuck off to do something else.

Eat my ass.

>How do I get on Japanese Twitter?
1)Search for カブ
2)Sort by latest
3)Google translate moon runes to see what they want in return for a visit
4)DM them and wait for answer

Thats all there is

if its the first visitor to your campsite, they will always move in.

not sure, so far my space boots go best with them


embrace your humanity user

I collect all the weeds
If I need more weeds then I can just go to a mystery island

>did mods delete last thread?
yes, since it was made by a falseflagging faggot that kept spamming generals on Yas Forums with the intent of getting AC threads removed entirely.

Why are you playing as a girl?

Do I go for Melba or Molly fellow anons?
They're both so cute but I really don't want 3 normal villagers (have Marina already).

Literally melanin enriched

just ignore the camper if it's not the first one

I'm coomer

Why do you care so much?

I don think it's going any higher.
Please open your gates online and post dodo. You will be elevated to god status here.
No one will forget Eurasia user.

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Why are you locked in the bathroom?

Cute boi, actually.
girls are for fags.

I'm not

>Or leave your gate open and fuck off to do something else.
*Camps in your town so no one else gets in*
Heh, nothin personel kid.

Still open?

>why yes I play animal crossing every day, how could you tell?

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Five FUCKING days in row.
The year is 20 fucking 20, 18 years after the first Animal Crossing.
The only thing that's new is 10 items that rotate in the shop. And that's if they aren't repeats.
Bullshitass series.

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Because they are cute. The only people who worry about it are people insecure with their sexuality.

Now, rate my small house and my villager.

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Why not both?

I take all the weeds. If I need them I just buy them at Nooks cranny. They're cheap.

Before someone asks, Ella Hollywood.
One moment they're a trap the other they are trans.

what is that tiger yelling about

>he's not a time travel chad

>pink wood

Why are you still asking this question?


>paper tiger
instant 10/10

>those shoulders

Probably has coronavirus. Hence, my mask.

Shit taste.

Agreed. I love paper tigers.

nobody is "worrying" about it
It's really weird and maybe a little creepy to play a self insert life sim as the opposite gender

Too pink for my tastes but pretty comfy
Facemask is a faggot meme and your pants don't match the jacket, nice hair though 5/10

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Elder God Pier
>16 planks
Walk in, drop 200k bells, 10 ticket stack, and gold nugget. Make sure to thank them.
Normal Tier
>14 planks
Walk in, do your business, and drop an egg. Leave a message saying they'd look cute in a dress.
Just End It Pier
>anything below 14 planks
Walk in, do your business, tell them to transition, and leave quietly. If you ever come back make sure to do it on a garbage connection so everyone gets booted off that crap island.

fuckign americans

>self insert
do you faggots ever get tired of regurgitating the same arguments? this is not a self insert game. fucking RPGs are not self inserting games

>tfw 2 villagers moved out in small time span

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My shop if anyone wants to grab stuff

Ill be afk in my house


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>10 ticket stack
Jesus fucking christ, there goes 5 days of me playing.