Game blatantly recycle previous assets

>game blatantly recycle previous assets

Attached: suburbia.png (1080x716, 1.73M)


Peak soul.

this isnt america btw


It literally is.

What do they eat ?

seethe more yruoshits, its in china

god i hate HOAs

>no mentions of america until this post
Rent free.

This is how Americans actually live.

Attached: ciphers-book-slideshow-01.jpg (1250x1000, 748.99K)

>you MUST have white fence
>you MUST mow your lawn on this date ONLY
>you MUST have this specific house paint
>your garden MUST only have these approved flowers
Agreed, they're all cunts.

it's kind of crazy to think how many extra permits you'd need to build a bit different house on that kind of area

looks like it'd be a sweet ass community.

Meanwhile in Europe.

Attached: europe_house.jpg (1024x682, 193.74K)

that’s turkey

could've let those two roads connect and create a seemless highway with an offramp. but no, instead lets add another choke point

>"every Englishman's home is his castle"
I think they took that a bit too literally

Attached: Moving-the-goalposts-300x2402.jpg (300x240, 31.57K)

There must be an embedded image in this.

And in Cuckrope it's soulless depressing commieblocks. What's your point?

Attached: skywalk_02.jpg (1000x668, 424.91K)

This is unironically much better.

>apartmentblock better than your own house

Attached: chirls.jpg (503x441, 30.13K)

sure thing

>look at maps of north america
>straight roads going east/west or north/south
>look at maps of europe
>fucking spiderweb architecture

Attached: doeurocucksreally.jpg (1398x485, 211.88K)

That’s because you’re a yuropoor and feel nostalgia for your home

a good apartment is better than the average house
I doubt picrelated is such a case, but thinking a house is intrinsically better is sure sign of a brainwashed retard

Attached: leonkrier-70.jpg (750x601, 36.5K)

i visit my grandparents once a year and it is super comfy

now look at maps for atlanta georgia

What happens if you don't?

imagine having to touch something a hundred other people have touched just to get into your corona containment center you fucking pleb nigger enjoy dying of poverty

>tfw would prefer top to bottom any day

>commieblocks don't exist in America

Attached: amaia-skies-sta-mesa-1-bedroom-unit-manila-condomium-near-sm-sta-mesa-1.jpg (1400x1050, 245.12K)

do hast

what's wrong with it?

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-06 at 9.46.45 AM.png (878x530, 454.74K)

privacy is an insanely valuable thing, you would not understand, as you don't have a garden to sit in

And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same


what am I, an old lady having tea and crumpets?

The first post was do Americans ya dingus. And the answer is always yes

suburbia is quintessentially american.

>big dirty road destroying any centrality or sense of community that could have existed.
Also you already know whose housing that freeway was built over. Spoiler: not white people, that's for sure.

it's a latin word you retard.

>not sitting in your yard with a cold beer and a radio on a hot day
go outside

i guess dinosaurs were latin too because they all have latin names :^)

that's in the Philippines retard

Cities like paris are way older than something like new york. It was build upon and expanded over the centuries, so of course it isn't straight lines and whatever

Aren’t you comparing Old cities to new ones?

Oh, so it's a rented house? Less bad. I thought the neighborhood association had some kind of real power for a second.

What do spics have to do with it?

>Soulless suburbia
Do Americans really?

It's not.

They’re not rented

Is this hell?

dinosaurs have new latin names, the word SVBVRBIVM dates back to antiquity and refers to essentially the same concept as the modern phenomenon.

no idk. im from scandinavia but I was just assuming that's how it would work. They would somehow shame you or kick you out? Idk. Exclude you from the store low-price deals? Fuck do i know. But I'm also curious.

Left: Soul
Right: Soulless


wtf are you even talking about?

No, you own the house
But your house ownership is conditional to the HoA liking you, so they can force you to sell the house and get you out of the neighbourhood

cheaper too

No. You can't be serious. That doesn't sound very free at all. What the fuck. Is that in some contract you sign on purchase?

America, The Canada part of America and not the United States.

i know retard, the point i was making is names dont matter.

your backyard isn’t “outside”, retard

ok brainlet

PoC minorities got their homes demolished by white folk to build those interstate freeways.

Wtf is wrong with that?
Looks like a nice neighbourhood to live in

stfu kike, your people did this to whites in both New York and Detroit

>Is that in some contract you sign on purchase?
It gets even more fucked up for houses that were built before an HOA gets established. They get bullied and get hit with lawsuits unless they join.

shit really? is it inside?

>have to live in a hoa
>have to live next to black people
take your pick

It's in the contract that you agree to the HoA's authority and you are not allowed to sell to anyone who does not agree to the same
They are always incredibly restrictive and there's usually some old fart with nothing better to do inspecting the neighbourhood daily for any violations
If you don't like it, you can choose not to buy that property

Turkey is about as civilized EU as Chile is America as people in USA sees America.

now look at nigger filled community

>everything you could possibly need to live in a happy white community all in an efficient, tight-nit area

Seethe euroniggers

>posts an image from the Philippines
yuropoor education

do americans really?

A personal car basically required to get anywhere since services such as a store are at least a kilometer away and not within comfortable walking distance. Forget about any kind of mass transit.


Attached: city1.jpg (3840x2160, 3.5M)

you dont live there for the stunning architecture and variety. you live there because niggers cant afford a house in this neighborhood

>tall nigger buildings

Why not just get rid of the nigs then?

>you are not allowed to sell to anyone who does not agree to the same
So, it's basically real estate aids? Once a property has got it, it's not going away, ever? Anyone knows how that affects the property's price?

this is just so dumb
like even commie block is more aesthetic than this

Give me some nice comfy city builder/civ type games anons, already tried the Anno games and liked them. Also played actual Civ and Surviving Mars, that type of thing.

Pretty much
The only way it can go away is if the entire HoA is disbanded or through legal action where the court dissolves the contract while letting you retain ownership

this is basically a way better version of having an apartment