Risk of Rain Thread

Risk of Rain Thread

Starstorm host when

Attached: loader.jpg (600x600, 18.23K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>The only good song in Risk of Rain 2


Also Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Terra Pluviam, Into the Doldrums and Hydrophobia

A big oof on your tastes.

Are risky threads already over? It's only been less than a week.

redpill me Yas Forums

>commando is ok
>huntress is shit
>mult is good but i keep dying with
>engi is good+
>arti is shittiest
>merc is shit and keep dying with
>rex is very good
>loader ok
>acrid literaly chernobyl vomit-chan

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Monsoon really isn't that difficult
>>commando is ok
>>huntress is shit
Only until you unlock her alternate R, then she becomes one of the best.
>>mult is good but i keep dying with
Mult is trash because he's too slow to start, if he doesn't have some kind of mobility upgrade by stage 4 you may as well self-obliterate
>>engi is good+
Engi is overpowered and boring
>>arti is shittiest
>>merc is shit and keep dying with
Merc is arguably the best character in the game, git gud
>>rex is very good
>>loader ok
Loader is the other arguable best character in the game
>>acrid literaly chernobyl vomit-chan
Absolutely correct

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Why am I not getting Berzerker's Pauldron in my logbook despite completing several runs with the item?

>Whoops we didn't balance the Artifacts for Monsoon whoops
>Fuck you were not fixing them

> Commando is ADC that destroys late game
> Huntress got better with 2nd M1
> Mul-T's glory days are over, idk wtf he is now
> Engi is Comfy Bungus or actual viable build late game with movable turrets
> Arti goes against everything meta so she falls late game
> Merc is good all around, just have to get used to mellee and positioning
> Rex is a fucking plant idk
> Loader is a weaker Merc due to no i-frames
> Acrid is a weaker Loader due to no shield from mellee

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>decide to give ror2 a shot with a friend while it's free
>eventually unlock my boy from ror1 merc
>zipping around everywhere slicing the fuck out of everything
Man, I love Mercenary.

Is there a wiki page or something for how to unlock all the Starstorm content?

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Anybody else feels like Artifact of Command raises the difficulty of the game?
Also does anyone know if Swarms increase droprate of items from Sacrifice? To me it feels like it doesn't.

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no you have to join the stupid discord for rainfusion and look it up

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> Trying to validate using command as it making the game harder
It makes the game more fun but way fucking easier, off set it with a shit ton of artifacts. I usually turn on spite soul vengeance evolution.

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??? command allows you to build a perfect item set every game, how does that increase difficulty?

I'm just too bad with the Merc, I can play him fine but I can't do the stay above 100% health for a whole trial for shit

Hostan for a couple hours. Going to try out some dumb ruleset I made on the spot called "Protect the Bungusman":

Modded Risky 1/RoR1 Server

How to into mods: pastebin.com/Lyc7HEED
Starstorm Mod Info: pastebin.com/Faj2m42J

Port: 11100

Starstorm (1.8.3-beta2, extract to ...\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain\ModLoader\mods\starstorm: drive.google.com/file/d/1sv6FYImGI3rP47bSCI9L9BoA5ZR3dj4A/view?usp=sharing)

Profile Flags:

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in progress so fast :(

Hosting a 10 man game.

RoR 2


read these instructions to join.

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hold on had to finish up the rules, (also starstorm updated to beta2):
Protect the Bungusman
>1 player is fungusman engi alt
>no natural health regen for everyone
>all health regen items are blacklisted except for bungus

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>Not even one of you got it right
Step aside for the real best: youtu.be/CDimDNAT7JE


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Is there any worthwile guide/chart to which items pick on which character? I'd like to join multiplayer matches but I just got the game and don't want others to leave after I pick up wrong items.

why the fuck are malachite enemies even a thing

why would they add an elite that's always, without fail, more threatening than the actual teleporter boss

Because teleporter bosses become non-threats by the time Malachites start spawning.

Loader's R doesn't feel like it belongs to her kit at all.

BASED walterposter

which one of these bastards as claimed your life the most? Here's mine.

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Fucking lasers

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*launches u into the air and then deletes you with an unavoidable laser*

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I keep seeing noobs activating command because they're too shit to play the game with random items. So when they force it on I just go straight to the teleporter with loader and then instantly activate it. As soon as the boss is defeated I teleport to the next area and then I collect their juicy tears.

Wisps are the worst

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So rather than mod a model over mercenary I think I wanna just make my own character. Is the process documented here? I really don't want to join the modding discord. If I think it's good enough in the end i'll link you guys

Christ I'm gonna vomit.

I teleport as quickly as I can so they can't take items during the teleporting boss phase, and then they can't buy anything after because I instantly go to the next stage. It's their punishment for being so shit at the game and wanting to play with command. Command is only justifiable if you're wanting to make a specific meme build or are playing with other hard artifacts on monsoon. But they're just noobs that want to make their OP builds. They're the worst kinds of players. And thus, I righteously punish them.

>Big retard can't read code i see ? The api makes interop wayy easier and also make sure quickplay is safe (Come on u dumb shit bait better than this)

Oh no I might use the more item details mod in quickplay!

I don't think there's any proper documentation adding a new charactermodel into the game, but you could probably use this abandoned project as a reference.

My wisps are only at 32 surprisingly, I guess sometimes when I rage a wisp killed me it was this fucker sniping me

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wandering vagrant for sure, that fucking aoe attack is so inconsistent with how much damage it does sometimes i'll be at what i think is a safe distance and it'll still one shot me. plus i get greedy thinking i can kill it in time

Anything more up to date? I saw the sora mod and the miner mod, so I'm figuring their's a process to animate and add my own character but the modder faggots haven't documented it yet, right?
I sure as hell don't document shit I do lol

Our resident mod user had some stuff regarding models, but as for functional modding dunno. Check "old instructions".

>do one Command run
>now every run without it feels like a slog in the first loop

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I know I saw this yesterday, are there instructions for making my own character here? If I successfully make the one I want, I'll make one or two Yas Forums wants and add it into a package So I can play my character when we all play :^)

but it was always a slog.

>join quickplay with randoms
>dont ready up so everyone has to wait in the lobby for 1 whole minute
>sneakily turn on Chaos artifact 1 second before game starts
>instantly teamkill everyone with Loader charged punch
>enjoy the rage
>leave and repeat

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>Artifacts are released
>Every single run is Command
i want to go back

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Turn on frailty last second and laugh when they die from fall damage

>malachite lesser wisp horde of many

Closed for now.

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Changes in starstorm beta2 (from mod man):
- More work into Nemesis Bandit.
- Added Ethereal elites.
- MULE's "FAILSAFE ASSISTANCE" now adds a temporal shield if the player is at full health.
- Fixed MULE's flickering invincibility frames on "FAILSAFE ASSISTANCE".
- Temporarily disabled Squall Elvers since the last update, i forgot to mention that, this is to see if crashes are related to them thought it seems like they are not

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How do I get better with Acrid? Unlike Mercenary he isn't mobile enough to reach a lot of flying enemies, but his vomit is on a relatively long CD given the number of fliers in the game.

R does a good job of weakening wisps and preventing them from attacking early game. pick em of with M2 and if necessary, shift to close out a group of them. for meatier fliers like the bells and greater wisps either leap at them a shit load if you have the power or run and gun em if you don't.

Do what I do and ruin the entire run

How the fuck does anyone play Loader so smoothly? To me the grappling hook feels awkward as fuck, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I got every character down to a T, I can use them generally well, but when it comes to Loader I'm the only autist who doesn't know how to use it.

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absolutely based
fuck quickplay chinks

Just run blight moron

Imagine you're Spiderman. That's it.

You can either use grapple before the punch for more damage or after for mobility.

That's what everyone says but it still feels hard to me, controlling that hook. Also, it doesn't help the fact that only now I've discovered that the strong punch works better if you sprint (I got used to have sprint set on ctrl, so this means I must press shift and then ctrl; the other way around stops the sprinting. This makes playing as him all the more painful)

>people are still complaining about wisp every thread
You people are fucking dogshit, how the fuck do you die so many times to this shit? You play with a contoller and can't aim?

Attached: wisp.png (343x402, 27.71K)

>charge punch
>grapple enemy
>gain speed
>release punch
>rinse and repeat

nice job modding your deaths

Friendly reminder:
Lobby ID with the 10-man mod

10man mod: pastebin.com/Ceu7zgjG

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>t. drizzlet/rainstormlet