/Comfy Animal Crossing/

NEET Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


so my villagers are talking about a "big day" coming up but no more details than that and it seems separate from bunny day shit

Hornsby moving tomorrow. Is he based?

Who has turnip prices right now?

stop you nigger

Bulletin board says fishing tournament this weekend. Enjoy all your eggs


I just checked it's 38 per turnip in mine.
I'll let you . a smart Yas Forumsnessman, sell, ONLY IF you rate my island. Deal?

Why are they so cute?

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My nips are going for 69 and if you want in you should tip me 2 nook tickkies

>le comfy thread
just put /animal crossing/ you rentboy, or go to r9gay

kek or cringe?

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Opening my island again since Mabel has a space cowboy theme going on. Come by to grab the Astronaut suit, Nightvison goggles, and hat.


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>just unlocked terraforming
>absolutely and literally no idea what to do
I was having a lot of fun but now I feel like there’s a huge chunk of game I’m not accessing and it’s stressing me out. I might just ignore it

user, there are girls in these threads
if behave ourselves they might let us donate to their patreons

I wish one of my villagers would move out for once.

>4 ears

should I send a jap I'm DMing on twitter about turnips a bogandoff edit? will they even understand it?

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107 right now.
Should I sell?
I bought at 90 so it'd be a profit.

Who wants to come over and help me keep an eye on my villagers...?

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how the fuck is op not banned yet?
he's been intentionally spamming generals for 3 days, all completely out of spite to get them banned/removed.

No. Fuck that little shit took my lazy spot. He’s so ugly and boring

It was going great till fucking Wart bought a house. How do I kick him off, Yas Forums?

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you don't.

Can you not put up other peoples designs in the Able shop? I dont want to have to make clothes so my animals avoid wearing those defaults they've got hung up.

mine is 78 baka

Bro, no. I sold mine at turnip.exchange last night for over 500. Worth it

>tfw creativitylet
>tfw started playing significantly less after terraforming instead of playing more

I really like the shitty villagers I got. I am wrong?

How do you DM someone on twitter.
Do you need the stupid app to do that?

>how the fuck is op not banned yet?
Why the fuck are you still playing this game? They've got literally 0 regulations and rules for cheating. The only thing they do is find new ways to round the game against their people. The only benefit this brings is that you don't lose out on the meat grill of playing the game and you don't always lose to a cheater, which is the most frustrating thing about the game and how very few of us have it figured out and are on top of the game. If this game is so unfair why do so many people play it? The Game is the embodiment of a story that has been ongoing since it's release.

>hating on based sesame bun frog
You dont deserve him, simple as

where is what what cherry user when you need him?

no I'm doing it through the browser
you have to verify your phone number for it to let you though

op triggering for getting called out for his hypocrisy, I see

Gonna open 10 presents and 1 message bottle now in hopes of getting at least a single cherry blossom diy. Wish me luck

user are you ok?

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Why are the three room upgrades progressively pricier when you’re just doin the same thing: adding one room to your house?

based schizo poster

>girls (delusional males)

>maid dresses at able sisters
>not tranny so not interested in buying them
Such suffering my friends
Also have frog head and tuxedo though

I mean, I'm at 129 if you want.

op has actual brain damage, he hates the fact there were so many ac threads so has dedicated himself to making more of them on a regular basis to...prove a point?

Tom Nook didn't become a successful businessman by offering consistent low prices.

>faggot falseflagger keeps making general threads
>idiots still keep using them

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what's the 1.14a update?

88. Btw, who's the Sminem of AC?
We need a saviour.

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Who cares

They reduced eggs

Patch notes:
-Enhanced user experience


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Last week was a disaster, bought at 105, and the price only went up above 105 ONCE over the 6 days 12 prices.
Ended up selling at some user's island for 400+

>being so insecure that you have to tell your Yas Forums buddies that you're totally not interested in buying the cute maid dress

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What's your usual route to "making it"? Making a tarantula island and using the proceeds to buy and sell turnips?

OP here, that guy isn't me. I love Animal Crossing.

You do have a bathroom/gym in your house, right?

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I just told you, 38.

Don't, they're fucking jews and some can even scam you. Wait the week and you can get it for free here, anons are good people.

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Fuck you user I want the maid dress.

I wouldn't even be mad if AC is moved to /vg/ permanently, it at least makes sense on there and /acg/'s biggest problem is it moves too quickly, the community isn't any different from the Yas Forums threads otherwise (unlike certain over generals), but it's still retarded that this faggot falseflagger is still making threads. It doesn't make any sense for them to do it, if he hates animal crossing threads then stop making so fucking many of them.

My house is still small, but I have a shitting area, yes.

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Farming butterflies that spawn from rare flowers, buying turnips, and selling them for 300% profit.

>tfw got the punching bag but no weights yet

>those paintings
How can one room possibly be so based

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>He doesn't purchase literally everything in the dressing room
Never gonna 100% it

Can someone edit the op pic from saying it was the worst to it was awful

I made a love hotel themed room for all the girl clothes I got.

>Village at 2 stars
>Isabelle says I need more flowers
>Plant a trillion flowers
>2 stars
>"Try planting some flowers!"

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Better be playing some Boyband Catalina

I would but you can't wall of the toilet and that's just disgusting.

Attention whoring trannies genuinely ruin my enjoyment of any of these threads. Go somewhere else for fucks sake

I'm rangebanned on /vg/ again because of the stupid fucking mods so if the threads are banned here I can't post or participate at all

Try planting some flowers!

Merengue is at my campsite, can I sell her to some r*dditor for big bucks?


What trannies?

not my problem, and it doesn't justify you spamming threads so much on Yas Forums, especially when you're putting these up long before the previous one has even archived like a complete fucking idiot.

Yeah, one friend of mine sold the entrance to Sahara there

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I'm sure the update helped but it definitely seems like actively catching sakura leaves makes the cherry blossom recipes more common in balloons.

You mean the frugal dress? For poor people?

Guys I think all those posts might be made by a single user

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Hope the rest of your island terraforming/building goes well user.

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>being a retard shitposter who gets banned
Consider death

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I just got another fucking urinal and I don't think it's worth squeezing in
it already looks silly as it is
I have an ironing board I replaced the pants presser with too and a wall heater now

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well go to leddit and ask there, fag

Spread the flowers out, I better not find a massive flower medow right outside nooks. Also just try to get more people to move in.

Hey I want the frog head, do you want a green frog suit? I can order more later for myself

Having a hard time grasping turnip exchange. Where do people post their turnip codes?

How did you deal with people posting images of female video game characters before trannies entered the public conciousness?

too late I already sold all my shit to some jap and all he wanted was hybrid flowers and random recipes
anons are too slow

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Is there any way to buy 2 shirts or 2 hats at one go from the able Sisters or do I have to buy them one at a time?

I have no idea what to do with the pavements.

user just buy the maid dress, it's okay to wanna be cute sometimes and you clearly want to !

I wish there was a store exclusivity for furniture.
I get the idea is to DIY most of it but so many of the recipes I have require furniture I don't have.

who is that villager he seems cool

I'm not the one making the threads you stupid niggers
you don't even know how a rangeban works
kill yourself

Dude fuckin same

I think it's because the flowers have to bloom.

this aged poorly

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It's okay user, you just need to exit this website and return to reddit.

Yeah, great timing, Ninty. Fucking eggs.

Your rating only changes when the day changes.

Have you tried planting some more flowers?

All I want them to patch is diagonal and edge paths so there's not grass edges

C.J. because of good fish prices

less is more.
Choose half of the items there and remove it.

>Our price for turnips today is 67 bells a turnip!

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one at a time. shit sucks.

How about you communicate like an adult instead of using memes?

>wanting to be cute means you're trans
Imagine being this insecure about your masculinity. Sad!

>I'm not the one making the threads you stupid niggers
then you should stop posting in these threads entirely, along with everyone else here including my faggot self responding to you now

Have you tried planting some fucking flowers?

>hype has already died down
>by the time I get it no one will be playing

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Think about it, you're not gathering the materials for him like you were when you were getting Nook's cranny set up. His supply for building materials is drying up and his vendors are charging a premium for increasingly scare resources.

I want all my visitors to be able to shit and piss at the same time

He's pretty based but reddit have done their best to ruin him, like everything


After you reach the credits and pay off your house there is very little left to do, unfortunately.

*scarce not scare, my typing fingers are illiterate today

It's the game with the most threads about game discussion and tips, though. The only game that comes close right now is the Riot shill.

Got some kimonos and the full pilot set
turnips are shit

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bros Celia keeps looking concerned then when I go to talk to her she just hands me clothing. is she about to kill herself?

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Holiday events?


Are you even sure he hasn't been? You know how bans work right?

And that one day at the start of every new month where you catch all the bugs and fish.

There a turnip selling board on leddit where 100 people respond to good prices within the first minute of posting. I hate this shit.