What do you think?

What do you think?

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I don't know, that's why I asked.

>relies on luck

>the class that relies most on pure aiming (other than sniper) and maneuverability skills to succeed
>luck based
No way.
Shitter soldiers rely on luck the most, and even the best medic will flop if their team is made up of bumbling retards.

Move Engie to teamwork, skill, and awareness
Move Scout to skill
Then imo it'd be pretty accurate

If you rely on luck for any of the classes, you are just shit. Spy and Scout have very high skill ceilings.

>high skill ceiling

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>aim bot

>shooting at the ground and timing projectiles correctly takes skill
>while tracking while also being agile and unpredictable with your movement doesn't
>medic doesn't rely on awareness despite his whole playstyle being able constantly pay attention to teammate's health, keep an eye out for roaming classes out to kill him + stray projectiles and paying attention to find the perfect timing to pop kritz/uber

This can't be true because Pyro is the most noob-friendly character.

Does it even matter anymore? Every server is full of bots that insta boot the server and community servers at least in Aus are all 24/7 hightower.

Attached: heavy-robot1-300x330.png (300x330, 101.04K)

Swap Soldier and Scout

Australia has always been shit for servers, you don't even have MvM servers so you get booted to Europe

Just gonna ignore these, okay then

>Doesn't rely on awareness
What did he mean by this?

>relies on skill

Attached: 194.jpg (436x399, 79.07K)

Now post the mouse and keyboard one

Don't you guys have a general for your dead game?

facestabs is just the hitreg being shit
trickstabs mostly work on people who never played the game before
stock revolver and dimondback are better

Attached: Demoman takes skill.jpg (350x418, 25.12K)

Exploiting retarded hitboxes is not a skill, faglord. Might as well add high interp to your spy "skills".

Facestabs can be practised to be pulled off consistently. It’s taking advantage of the game’s faults, just like rocket jumping.
Trickstabs still work on higher skilled players if you mix it up. Performing the same corner and stair stabs everyone knows will get predictable of course.
They are only better if you can’t consistently hit headshots. Diamondback is a bit much though yeah, it needs a rework.

>Equip Pyroland cosmetics
>Rainblower, stock shotgun, lollichop
>Run around the flank with near impunity because everyone thinks I've just installed
>Delete overconfident scouts
>Soldiers never learn to stop feeding me rockets
>None of them call can call me W+M1 cuz i finish of with the shotgun

Attached: pyro.png (238x240, 39.51K)

If you can do it consistently and it works then why not? You are sounding like you been caught out by it one too many times

yea ok, fag.

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That’s what I’ve seen. Best way to win is to take off your hats

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I am honestly amazed at the number of people who think playing engineer takes any sort of skill

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I think I just want to complete my god damn contracts but the game is getting raped by bots

>stay in front of a spy
>get backstabbed anyway
>"it's ok because i can pull it off consistently :)"
>unironically comparing facestabs to a game mechanic like rocket jumping
I wish the game wasn't dead, a patch fixing the garbage hitboxes would make all spy mains join a collective suicide ritual

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What skill does the soldier and demo require?


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floor shooting and sticky spamming

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Scout does feel like a slot machine to me sometimes. Like I swear I'll get a solid meatshot on somebody and then I'll do like 15 damage. I don't have that problem in other games.

If you're using DH, yeah.

This, the number of times i've been face stabbed by some spy with his ping through the roof. It's an outright exploit at that point.

>all these shitters who can't rocket jump or sticky jump

Pyro """""""mains""""""" are scum and always create low quality content such as the OP.

Demo relies more on alcohol than skill
No matter how hard I try I just can't use him when sober, but the second I get tips I turn into a pipe god. Don't even need stickies either, just stock grenade launcher, a shield, and whichever melee I feel like using.

Scout and Sniper require skill to play well as
Soldier, Demoman, Spy, and Engineer can be played skillfully
The rest are just easy classes.

all you need is map knowledge and have played another class with a shotgun before

>Spy requires no skill
>only class that gets significantly harder the better you play it

>Needing skill

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There is a gigantic difference between a good Engineer and someone who doesn't know how to play him.

Shit lag compensation, and don't even dare compare it to rocket jumping
Only work consistently on bad players, and only works once on good players
Irrelevant when L'etranger and Diamondback are better alternatives for complementing Spy's knife or revolver, respectively

If you playing as pyro but avoid M1 when moving its almost like being invisible

Doesn't this count for every fucking class?


literally only f2ps engage spy in melee distance. anybody that has played the game for more than 2 seconds knows not to get close to spy.

>Fires rockets / grenades blindly at the choke point

ahem, fuck VALVE for banning me UNFAIRLY

At least properly learn how he spells the username before trying to LARP as him.

I thought heavy was considered braindead
He used to be my favourite but people kept telling me i was a noob for using him

Scout is the only skill based class in tf2.

best class in the game

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i don't understand why you linked a beta trailer

I think you're a retard if you're playing tf2 in 2020

>letting other people influence what you play or find fun

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fuck you

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>Might as well add high interp to your spy "skills".
Skill is literally when luck becomes a habit

What do you think of me being a spy main?

b4nny inspired me to be a demo main

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>That ONE medic
>Pockets his boyfriend soldier main and follows him into certain death
>Moans every time he dies about not being protected
>Overcommits to a Ubersaw hit every time an enemy is in the same room as him
>Complains about scouts taking healthpacks but never buffs or heals the scout
>Refuses to heal players for really petty reasons
>^ but goes on to complain about his team not working with him
>Pulls out the cross bow every two seconds and misses every shot
>Suicidealy solo-charges the point despite having 75% Uber because a teammate isn't in his immediate vicinity
>Won't stop peeking that sniper to try and land a crossbow shot
Medic main genocide when?


Thank you based user.

how so?

>that feel when I'm always the only medic using the Amputator

Based image. As someone who’s slowly becoming a heavy main, I can relate to this image 100%