I hate Chris so much

Name 1 (one) personality that describes Chris. For a series full of charm, he's just a walking default white guy with no personality after 7 games and counting

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All he wants is for Leon to fuck his Sister.
Everything he does is for his grand plan.

No way fag meme is the only way Chris is minutely interesting. Among playable characters he's as bland as Helena.

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Yeah, It's probably too late to even develop a personality for him though.

>Name 1 (one) personality that describes Chris

In 1 he is pretty generic, not much to say. He does laugh when Wesker reveals the Tyrant, which is one of his more memorable moments.
In CV he's defined by his desire to save his sister and also his rivalry with Wesker, but in terms of actual personality there's still not much to say.
In 5 he becomes the meme boulder punching man. Much less entertaining than RE4 Leon.
Haven't played 6 or 7 so I can't comment on those. Piers is cute though.

The true main character of Resident Evil. The rest are glorified supporting cast.

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Whyd they make him look like a mong?

I realized why this is called "Not a Hero." Chris fails his mission pretty hard. He doesn't save anyone from the advanced team, nor is he able to capture Lucas as he was supposed to.
It dawned on me, Chris fails a lot.
He failed to save most of Bravo Team in the mansion incident, he lost Jill at the Spencer estate, failed to help Alpha team in Africa, got his squad killed in 6, and ultimately watched Piers die too.
For being the team's favorite protagonist Capcom really runs him through the ringer.

t. Leon

Instead of remaking RE4 they should just give him another mainline game that plays like a mix between RE4 and RE2make. And like RE4 it should be a side story with new enemies that has a minimal amount of relevance to the rest of the franchise.

This. Nobody cares about anyone but Leon, the best character of all vidya.

>remaking RE4
How many remakes are they doing? I don't know if RE4 needs it. Code Veronica probably needs a touch-up (if they care) and that would be the final one for a while IMO.

Also yes, definitely give Leon another solo game.

I do want them to remake CV, as long as they don't rush it out the door like they did with RE3. If they give the RE2make team enough time it could turn out good.
Remaking RE4 would be a total headache and they shouldn't bother honestly. Leave it be, it's fine.

>Name 1 (one) personality that describes Chris

its almost like white is our favourite colour of the world
who knew

Dumb as a bag of bricks.

Survivor's Guilt Genuinely gives a damn about the people he works with and the people working under him. 5 shows he gets traumatized in when Jill went missing and he shows great concern for Sheva, so he doesn't lose his partner again. In 6 it happens again with the BSAA team that all got killed working under him in Europe which caused him to a drunk depression, and his new team under him in China slowly get picked off causes him to rage in response, just getting more of them all killed till Piers is gone. In 7 it shows with him trying to save the people under him again in the Not a Hero Scenario, but they all ended up dying due to Lucas's traps.

>roid monkey
>gruff military dude
>hateboner for Wesker
That's pretty much it.

- Wide eyed rookie in RE2
- WMAF connosseur
- Charming superagent in RE4
- Dante from DMC (tm) 'Lite
- Cute brown secretary in Hunnigan
- NWF'd President's daughter
- Friend with president
- Shot the president

Leon has so much spice compared to Chris. How can the Redfield line ever compete

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That's why Chris wants Claire to marry into the Kennedys. The Redfields are a bunch of losers.

Leon > powergap > Claire > and then there's the rest

Leon is the undisputed main star of the series and the Capcom-approved movies. Chris has about as much personality as Ethan, despite Ethan only having appeared in one game.

Who is this mofo ?

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I still want a Jill+Leon game.

The Redfields are lame: Think about it Leon had RE4, Jill had Nemesis and the Redfields have CVX

>Leon/Jill game
Definitely long overdue. Rebecca and Claire can show up as well. Ingrid on radio support.

What is Jill's personality other than competent STARS agent, female Chris. Granted Jill has fairly iconic design, but she's still pretty bland

Well if in old RE3 she showed more character than when she was Chris' partner like RE5 and Rev1. She was tough but not a huge bitch.

There's also the fact that Jill would have been way cooler to interact with Leon and an aged up Sherry Birkin than Chris when you consider the fact she was also relentlessly chased in Raccoon City by a monster and was also cured from a virus she was infected with

Capcom thinks Chris Redfield is the protagonist of RE and they're wrong

Damn... actually makes you feel bad for him now. C'mon Leon, throw him a bone.

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>Name 1 (one) personality that describes Chris

Leon is based

>throw him a bone
He can't continue the Redfield bloodline that way.

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He was pretty alright in the original RE and CV/CV:X, after that he kinda just falls off as generic military man though he occasionally has his moments, but mostly not

>I still want a returning character + returning character game.
No wonder this series is stagnant and dying. RE6 should've just been Jake and Sherry, but nooooooooo. And yes, Sherry was fine as "returning character" because she grew up from being a little girl. We need more new faces and maybe the occasional returning character as support.

That's a strange picture of Jill Valentine.

Someone with refined taste. Based Leon fans.

100% agree. Getting away from the mainline series was probably why RE7 was so popular (nevermind that Leon isn't in it).

There's probably no way to salvage the insanity of what RE6 left in its crazy-ass wake. Although Leon's chapters were great. You kill a monster shark, fight a boss that transforms into a tiger, a tyrannosaurus rex, and a fly monster.

I'm sorry, but the only cast that matters is everyone in the first game. Marvin is better than Leon. Leon has brain issues and Claire is a D level Jill.

Jake was the worst thing about RE6. I'm glad we may never see him again. I hope his canon reason for never appearing again is that he died on a toilet after eating bad middle eastern food.

What's stopping Capcom from treating RE6 as DMC2?

I guess the problem with Leon Chris Ada Jill Claire Barry is that their powerlevels are too high now and for some reason Capcom is still pretending that RE is a horror game, rather than survival action game. The only character who has the charm of the MC's but still has relatively low powerlevel is Becca. MILF Becca game when?

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Sherry sure but you can fuck right off with that piece of garbage Jake

Make Ashley game. Get some instathot to be her model. have her titties hang out and escaping classic outbreak, instant money. She's famous enough to have her own game. Give Leon and maybe Barry a cameo. Barry was great in REV2

Thank me later capcom

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Re1-generic cool guy, implied to be a hot head based on history, jill is just as bland because it’s the first game in the franchise
Re2-3-working to take down umbrella, not really featured much
ReCV-drops everything to save his sister, is a badass who btfos bows that make wesker run, cares about family
ReUC-ReRev-close partnership with jill, feels like it’s his responsibility to take down umbrella. Starts to grow into a leader
Re5-suffers ptsd from losing partner but has become a top tier operator, hot head tendencies show up again, but by the end he becomes a great partner to sheva and saves jill
Re6-ReV-losing his team almost breaks him, but after piers sacrifice he stays strong, even when he loses men he doesn’t lose sight of the objective, leon looks like a bitch in comparison
Re7-same chris personality, just doesn’t trust ex umbrella operatives, but after seeing them sacrifice themselves he acknowledges them
Basically chris is a team player who cares for his teammates and family, but is a bit of a hot head, he also has an understated sense of humor that comes out in later games, without making retarded jokes like leon(who only acts like that in re4 and damnation)

No way fag.

Still love his monologue at the end of RE5 where he ponders whether it's worth it to b save the world from complete global saturation. Like shit nigga, it's either the world destroyed or not destroyed

The dumb protag is leon
>I’ll just spin kick this giant
>instead of blasting this midget right here I’ll throw a knife at his hand
>better free ada first despite her obviously being a spy

>>I’ll just spin kick this giant
>>instead of blasting this midget right here I’ll throw a knife at his hand
>>better free ada first despite her obviously being a spy
A Capcom guy is dense with women. Call the cops.

Gets immediately btfo’d and infected
Almost gets btfo’d by his own knife
>dense with women
Loses plagas sample

Chris punch boulder
Oh man Jake is holding a gun to my face better stand still and see what he does
Get off of my dick Jessica I gotta find Jill

>implying Barry is not the protagonist.

At least it's only himself he's hurting, unlike Chris who gets almost everyone he knows killed.


>full of charm, he's just a walking default white guy with no personality
you can't have every character be "charasmatic quippy dude" or else that loses it's charm as well. You need grounded,boring, people.

>boulder punch
Actually works
>jake shit
Chris knows jake won’t pull the trigger
Unlike leon chris doesn’t chase after thots and spies

Most RE Character are that way?Leon and Claire only get a pass because they have very distinct voice acting since the beginning.That is why i like the Protags of RE7 as bland as they are.Ethan looks like a danm autist and Mia is the closes of something diferent we get with the working for the bad guys but not being a bad person.In a world of goody two shoes and saturday morning villains like RE any diference is good in my book.
About Chris he at least i the one with the most develoment,surviving the spencer incident,helping Creating BSAA beating his arch nemesis.He is the one that should really retire since he fulfill more than anough.

Leon is even worse.They nailed a perfect personality in RE4 only to ruin it up and making hin another generic gruff serious business hero in the movies/RE6 that have nothing to do with the history now.People only like hin becuase of the memes and because people remember his best moments...too bad capcom love to ruin it.

>only himself
>And I lost over seventy-thousand people, including the President

Chris punch boulders,Leon runs from then
checkmate leonfags

Yeah chris would demolish leon 1v1, chris can fist fight wesker

>Cares for everyone
>Big bro
>Killed the main villian in RE
>Can punch mosnters 6ft in the air
>Peak male body

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Leon also was considered a piece of shit before RE4, look at him now.

>Chris married Jill


>He doesn't know

It’s weird how everyone acts like thats leons personality when he only acted like that in re4.

No Jake was the modern Steve Burnside.

Fuck Jake Wesker

No he doesn't. Chris knows nothing about Wesker

>No Jake was the modern Steve Burnside.
No, Jake was more of a less asshole Nikolai that ended up as a more carefree Chris.

>Chris knows jake won’t pull the trigger
He didn't knew, he was willing to take the bullet if it meant Jake surviving and give his blood to create the vaccine.

Yeah, Chris has been pretty consistent since RE1, except he matured from inconsequent to more responsible.