Resident Evil 3

What's Yas Forumss problem with her?

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it's always that she's not animu enough
remember that

jill is ugly and mean

i prefer claire, shes cute, goofy, and sweet

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She says fuck every other sentence.

Dios mio. El silencioso hombre creatura.
La goblina...

stop using Yas Forums as an alternative to leaving comments on her insta you fucking subhuman

Have you ever hung out with any military or law enforcement female? Ever?

Her dialogue makes her seem like a middle schooler but in terms of design/voice/gameplay she's good.

How are you guys enjoying DMC6?

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The Donte of RE

does it change the punch counter to royal release?

That was pretty good.

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Yas Forums is full of unironic faggots and pedos. NuJill is relentlessly beautiful.

Yeah, some experimental writing choices in there.

She's too bitchy to be likeable.

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Yeah. And? They don't swear as much as her, like some sort of junior high kid trying to sound tough.

Now swap Jill to Lady

looks good to me!

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no if you're in the same room as one you enter their disease aura and catch all their std's

Now that you mention it NuJill acts pretty identical to DMC3 Lady.

she's the protagonist of a bad remake

No idea. She is annoying, looks like shit, talks like shit. But otherwise I have no clue.

What is this monster? Are those keto cheeks?


>Jester gonna spank your butt

Go on...

I'm gonna need to see jill take a black cock

I want sex with both. My pee-pee is hard and it's scawy ;_; pls use magic on it Claire and NuJill

No matter how much you try to shove him down our throats, he will be forgotten. Same as your spamming threads.

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The file name top fucking kek, look at its left eye lmao, I am aware that it's supposed to be modeled after Voth but not even that is Voth


For a game that takes place in the city, you’d think you’d actually be going down streets for more than 10 minutes. Really annoying

I can't believe I've actually been playing Resistance for the past 4 hours. It's actually really fun when you aren't playing with retards.

What are some other games that do horror correctly?



>reveal trailer
>"man she looks really fucking lame"
>game gets closer
>"she actually looks kinda cute"
>play game
>"I want to look up rule 34 of her
I suppose the fact that she looks a bit like a girl I know helps, but did Capcom make her look better or something closer to release?

I wanna rub my face in her big, smelly butt!

Is this the streamer girl?

Honestly, Claire was pretty annoying in the game. And her abrasive personality didn't match her face at all.
I liked Claire from Revelations 2 far more.


Yas Forums is gayer than actual gay women.

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>her abrasive personalit
What? She spends like the entirety of the game looking after a child she has no connection to and constantly putting her life in danger for said child because she's such a nice person.

wacky whoohoo pizza cop

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It's because she looks like a butch lesbian.

A bit too foul mouthed for my taste and her facial animations are oddly lacking, especially when she's meant to be angry or yelling.
Otherwise I like her. Obviously Voth Jill is best but I certainly don't hate her new look, Jill in any form is good.

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It was the way she vocalized everything, and how complainy she was at some points, and flippant she was at other points. And then tries to be this bad ass in the end. She was giving major "gamer grrl" vibes. Trying to be a lot cooler than she actually was.

I think it's the thot from Yas Forums

>A bit too foul mouthed for my taste
This. Lose the potty-mouth, sweetie. Wesker wouldn't have hired a girl that swears like a sailor.

I wouldn't say butch lesbian. There is some fierceness to her though. That's probably why Yas Forums hates it. She's not demure like their anime waifus.

Terrible personality (very UNJill), curses and acts like a frat boy "tough guy".
Looks like a trans.

Thank god for pc mods. Which is so odd - they nailed it out of the park with claire in Re2 remake: she had that whole collage girl / younger sister thing going on. The team failed - the canon Jill wouldn't be so boorish.

care about claire

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very cute! i want to fug her and kiss her!

dumb frogposter

claire looks down on Jill

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I do, though.

At last, the first humorous usage of this phrase.

I want NuJill to save me then let me use her pusy to calm down my anxiety in a cfnm scenario.

old and busted

Attached: Resident Evil 3 Remake 2020.04.06 - (1280x720, 1.85M)

claire is a beautiful lady while jill has a tranny man face

she just cant compare to claire

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Can you do the same with 2B Jill and Ultron Nemesis?

But Claire's younger than her. She also doesn't stand around in a bikini all day like a hussy.

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