I just can't bring myself to play a modded game...

I just can't bring myself to play a modded game. There's just something offputting about playing some faggot's power fantasy and autistic adjustments for himself and spurning the developer's original vision.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Then go play a vanilla game instead of bitching about mods on Yas Forums

>power fantasy

Nice troll thread. Especially love the very feminist buzz word argumentation. Seeing as how mods have precisely nothing to do with power fantasies.

>4k textures "muh power fantasy"
>improved loading times "muh power fantasy"
>bug fixes "muh power fantasy"
>light and shadow map fixes, weather patterns, realistic thirst and hunger "muh power fantasy"


Imagine having different sized gums

i've been playing modded minecraft for years, there is so much shit that community does, it's amazing

Then don't you retarded fuck.

The only mods I play are the ones that fix the broken game. Nobody is telling you to download the Naruto mod.

Now fuck off

wonders of veganism

Big if true

Same. Modder narcissism is offputting.
>durrr, the original devs were dumb, but I'm a genius and fixed the game

>There's just something offputting about playing some faggot's power fantasy and autistic adjustments for himself and spurning the developer's original vision.

And just what the fuck do you think the developer made, you dumb fuck?

>developer's vision
no such thing, it's just business

Power fantasy mods are boring. Deviant fantasy mods are excellent though. This one unironically made league of legends 100% more tolerable to play and I liked to sneak it onto my friends machines when they left me unattended with them. Shame I don't think you can really reskin champions anymore.

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This is literally ad hominem. Is this thread actuall just bait central?

>he'll never play saints row 2 with the gentlemen's mod
>he'll never play vtm with the mod patch
>he'll never know the joys of sanctioned developer mods through the workshop

Neat. Well, have fun I guess.

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>horrible faggot's power fantasy
yeah sure

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You don't even know what ad hominem is, do you?

>creator's vision is automatically better because user said so


said nobody, ever
what is actually happening:
>I love this game, but the balancing for late game is bonkers trivializes the game, so here's a rebalance mod for people who already played the game
>I love the game, I made some new textures/made it work with ray tracing, check it out and see if it floats your boat
the only autismals are people who automatically turn down mods without even looking at what they do

>durrr, the original devs were dumb, but I'm a genius and fixed the game
never saw any modder say that, tho they can fix many issues with game, from simple simple stuff to actualy making new game

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Most games sold commercially are basically just TC mods. Prime example being CS and TF games.

why didn't you go on Yas Forums for this thread? honest question.

Aka every enemy is now a puzzle and weak to one move.

>spurning the developer's original vision

what if the developers are shit?

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>power fantasy is a feminist buzzword

Ok fucko. Whatever you say

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an 85 iq woman made this post

I feel the same way, to the point of starting a Skyrim vanilla playthrough a while ago. I did end up modding it though with combat improvements and mods to make the world feel more alive but everything is lore friendly as fuck

not necessarily, depends on the game
read up on the mods you're interested in, if they don't suit you, don't download them, and if you do and you find out you don't like them, uninstall them
I'll give you one example I'm very familiar with: MHW base game, the drop rate on the best decorations is ridiculously small, I played for over 400 hours and never saw 1 attack decoration drop for example
Instead of farming for 8000 hours, I should have downloaded a mod that allows me to purchase the decorations, instead, I insisted on farming them, and I got sick of the game, and now I can't even force myself to play through Iceborne just to play some multiplayer with my friends (I really liked MHW, mind you, I didn't accidentally play over 400 hours)
This is just an example of how modding can make a game better, but they are tools, you have to use them responsibly

sure fucking is in my book

That's because your book is written by an echo chamber of morons.


Painkiller Ordeal mod is great and the unlockable cards are way better. Shit like actually having souls magnetize to you is a godsend.

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Don't generalize, you look dumb.

these random people can't do better than the original dev, unless its something like a framerate unlock
its just not the same when you some fat american made the mod and not the AAA team you paid that $60 for.

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>removing buff stacking that allows you to rape the hardest boss to death easily
>removing infinite and costless healing items
Dragons dogma is great, but god fucking damn is it unbalanced.

Make your own game next time. Oh wait, you can't.

>ITT: Consolekiddies whining about mods despite never being able to play them anyways

you mean a 180iq woman. Such bait is admirable.

>Echo chamber browser saying others are in an echo chamber
Is there an echo in here

I remember buying my first discrete gpu for morrowind, then learning how to mod, then how to make mods

then what?

Just use graphics and nude mods faggot. Take the original game and make it better looking, and more interesting.

>game is bugged or has an obvious imbalance
>lazy nigger devs do nothing
>mods fix it
this happens way too fucking often.

>you cant
There are thousands of RPGmaker games out there.
Everyone can make their own game.
Apart from you apparently.

then i learned how to vibrate my skeleton out of my body

I’m stroking my cock to the thought of you getting fucked by a room of aids infested mongrels. How would you feel when they pump cum in your ass? How are you going to cope with being the bitch that got impregnated by subhuman aid monkeys?

is there a more passive aggresive way of saying FUCK YOU than photoshopping someone's pics to make them hotter? im dying here

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What? I have no intention of wasting more time than a single playthrough on games, let alone waste my time learning to code for shitty video games.

Life is more than video games, I don't use more than the bare minimum time on Vidya.


>not getting more functionality
>not trawling the mod lists for the most lore friendly / balanced mods
>not being a vanilla+ fag
shiggy diggy wiggly niggly

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These complaints about modding must come from the same retards who get into shit discord servers and then claim that discord is shit. I seriously hope this is all bait, because the alternative makes me feel bad for humanity.

I honestly never thought of it like that way.
Surely someone else putting time and effort into your work is still a compliment no matter what the output?

>muh ed eminem
fuck off dork


You guys do realize this is just a consolefag coping that he can't mod his games right?

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no its like
"hey you ugly SHIT here's what you should like, but you dont. you need a computer and fakery to look good! ugly fuck!"

shut the fuck up and go back to playing minecraft with shaders

I don´t quite understand..You pick want YOU want...there are no one forcing mods on you that you don´t want...im abit confused what this thread is about..

Bros, I think I'm getting a crush on Greta :3

I know what you mean. It kind of feels like reading fan fiction instead of reading the original source material.

>Infinite buff stacking is an obvious oversight
>I guess i can put the work in to make things right

yeah a heavily airbrushed fake version

what? no i was literally talking about photoshopping greta to make her even somewhat attractive, we arent talking about games anymore newfag

You can´t be serious....do you like scat also?

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For me its the reverse. I can never play the vanilla versions of these games anymore

>X3: Albion Prelude
>Rome: Total War
>Medieval: Total War
>X-Com: Enemy Unknown
>Crusader Kings 2

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I like and use mods as long as they don't break the game's gameplay or world, and especially if they fix obviously broken things.
What I will never do is let mods cloud my judgment of a game. I will only judge the original output of the developers, which they ask money for just having the privilege of trying it out.

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Whoops. My bad. I forgot that we were on Yas Forums - video games.
Who the fuck plays video games on Yas Forums?

cute :3

You realize you're talking to bait, right? He purposely ignored this post to reply to the one that got him the easiest (you)'s

so cute

here's the original. still a very flattering angle

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>What? I have no intention of wasting more time than a single playthrough on games, let alone waste my time learning to code for shitty video games.
Modding can still be useful at times for someone like you, like DSfix, or the unnoficial patch for VTMB.

>Life is more than video games, I don't use more than the bare minimum time on Vidya.
What the fuck are you doing on Yas Forums, you lying faggot?

lmao u mad bro

Poe's law.

yeah i dont think you belong here, go back to whatever underage maymay infested shithole you came from


Worst are games that rely on mods to deliver any content.
Fuckin' rimworld.

What about mods BY the original developer? See JSawyer’s mod for New Vegas

why does she have the skin of an alcoholic

rent free

I notice that I use too many. I'll start with small improvements like sound or a lite texture mod. Then all of a sudden I'm downloading a bunch of utilities so I can try a too ambitious overhaul mod. This usually devolves into playing for a few hours, running into bugs or general retardedness and uninstalling everything so I can go back to the mod drawing board. Honestly, it's gotten to the point that I'll combine overhauls just to see how far I get before a crash happens. I could do this all day.

Lets discuss your offtopic garbage instead then tourist.


now a different angle from the same event

Attached: greta-thunberg-davos-for-ra.jpg (2880x1920, 969.24K)

I'm gonna need to see this white girl take a black cock

You sound like a boring cunt.

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Play rim world.

I love all the games you listed, and I love rim world too.

Mod friendly too

I fucking DESPISE this fetal alcohol syndrome aspie bitch. I normally vouch for protecting the environment, but this stupid child with her disgustingly fake emotional speeches and the crowd she rallies just makes my stomach convulse in abhorrence, and makes me want to help speed up the act of razing our planet to ashes instead.

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Very balding angle you mean

The only ''modded'' games that matter are ROMhacks

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the difference between a modder and a developer is that a developer works at a studio and this gives the image of legitimacy when at the end of the day, they are just people
plenty of devs started out making mods, plenty of mods improve on the already existing game

I never said I don't mod, user. I do it all the time.

That retard was telling me to create my own games instead of coding mods. To which I replied to him I would never waste more than the bare minimum of time on Vidya, because Vidya is a casual hobby.

Mods can be interesting, but realistically if you feel you NEED mods, then the game you're playing is shit and you should stop playing it because you're wasting your precious time on dressed up garbage.

Would play in a dumpster because it had streamers and balloons? No, you wouldn't. Don't do it here.

imagine being a grown man and getting this ass hurt at a little girl that tells you to swing your fat ass on a bike from time to time

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Not really an argument when they use buzzword and emotional hyperbol. You can't have it both ways, you can't act like a bitch and then get made when you get called a bitch.

doesn't change that you said you spend the bare minimum time playing vidya, and you're still on Yas Forums, care to explain this?

eat the bugs

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I agree.
The original devs have a certain vision and the games give off a certain aura even if the textures aren't high quality enough or the animations are a bit janky. Mods just turn everything into soulless samey garbage.

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took the words out of my mouth. There's a lot of stuck up faggots in this thread


hey tranny, i'm user

Home office work schedule bro. Thanks Corona.

Why work when I have internet access to Yas Forums? I only responds e-mails nowdays. I wish I could play Vidya but it's too distracting, gotta pretend to be working.

grrrr orange man

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Games are a conversation between developer and player
Not developer, player, and some random jerkwad who thought x system was too hard or the game needed extra loli horsecock raiding parties

>Evaded thread deletion
>Worked simps into a shoot
I'll give you credit, OP. You got lucky.

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there are bad mods and there are good mods, and bad mods existing doesn't make good mods disappear
this is pure fucking soul, for example, the guy traveled through Europe taking pictures to make this (and even finding original stuff that RE4 was based on)

that makes sense