These are the three best games of the last decade

These are the three best games of the last decade.

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>Hollow Knight

Lmao nice bait here's your (you)

Havent played nier automata but I agree with the other two. They were amazing easily goty of their years.

>Nier Waifubaitomata

one of them isn't even the best game of the last decade by its developer.

You mean the most shilled games on Yas Forums of the last decade?

>australian shitposters still pushing hollow trash as a good game

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Bloodborne or Nier.

Bloodborne. Sekiro was better. the nier one was too obvious to point out honestly.

*blocks your path*

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aussie here. sorry we unleashed that shit.

Nah, but I did enjoy all 3 of them.

Dodge, dodge, dodge, skate to next area, dodge, dodge, dodge, skate to next area. No.

>fetch quest simulator with corny hamfisted writing, PS3 visuals coomerbait

Automata is a shitty game for peabrain retards

>Hollow Knight
Blasphemous is better in every conceivable way than that style over substance snoozefest.

Not with that camera and recycled boss fights.

>all 3 not even in the running
>no non action rpg games

this is why Yas Forums embarrasses itself these days

Blasphemous had a great art style and that's it. The boss fights were especially A letdown after the first two.

>Monster Hunter World
>Yakuza 0

>Yakuza 0
A movie game people won't admit is a movie game because it's japanese.

Good thing you're retarded and completely wrong or that would have been an awful decade

You forgot Crusader Kings II.

>movie game

>Evil Within 2
>Luigi's Mansion 3

>blocks your path.

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>Hollow Knight

Good list. I've still yet to play Nier: Automata, but it looks like an awesome game.

So far, for me it's

>Daggerfall Unity

There's still a few games in my backlog that are from last decade and have potential to replace some of those I listed, though.

Best game of the decade

pick one.

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lmao, no

Dark Souls
the wonderful 101

pro tip: just because it's dark doesn't mean it's good

not him, but does Nier: Automata qualify as dark? I haven't played it but to me it looks like, I dunno, Full Metal Alchemist meets Fallout or something.

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replace hk with bloodstained

bretty good choices

It's probably one of the most depressing games I've played.

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Dark Souls isn’t even the best in it’s trilogy kek

>reddit knight

the last two are absolute shit you shitter.

>Hollow Knight


ah, gotcha. I thought dark meant literally dark like Berserk or the W40k universe where everything is so evil, hostile, etc.

How can he choose when you only let him pick one option?

I know i will be called Reddit for this but replace hollow knight with BOTW and you are correct

Nah bro your opinion is your opinion, it's entirely valid. I hope you learn to have a little more confidence user, and learn not rely on other people for approval, you are your own person after all! Also I hope you have a great day.

No faggot.

Replace with:

A hat in time
Breath of the wild
Persona 5

And I may agree

thanks sweetie xoxoxo

Currently playing BOTW and I think it's fun but how is it GOTD tier? The stamina bar is horrible, the durability system is painful and climbing is boring as fuck early in the game, but it's also essential to get ahead since the game rewards exploration so much. I'm enjoying it atm because the game's picked up the pace after the first divine beast, and I really like the way the game has no handholding at all, but I wouldn't even place it in top 5 in its own year.

No game at the scale of BOTW has the lack of shit pumped in by execs and shitty developers that BOTW has. Every other game that big gets corrupted and ruined by higher ups, with shitty skill trees and quest markers and lootboxes. BOTW doesn't have any of that despite being AAA. Pretty low bar but like. yeah.

I only finished Automata recently and even though I absolutely loved it I also feel like most plot points asides from Pascal were very underwriten, the most obvious example of this being A2, she ended up being my favourite character but I watched her Yorha Stage Play before playing the game, I imagine that without that backstory she feels even more under developed, not to mention that her ending is pretty weak compared to 9S'

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Weebshit will never be a GOTY. Objectively speaking TW3 is the game of the decade.

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This is objectively correct (maybe not the TW3 part, but the weebshit part).

I guess, it's definetely one of the least bloated open-world games and exploring is actually fun here. Still think it's overrated though.

Based cringe cringe

yeah, I believe Witcher 3 got the most game awards last decade.

not even close, contrarian
blasphemous is the epitome of style over substance

it is when you realize that everything about the souls games is mediocre except for the leveldesign and atmosphere, which dark souls 1 excells at
you just can't play video games you fucking loser

Literally who.

Get filtered, fags

It is massively overrated.

I don't tend to meme about "Nintendo bonus" or "Zelda bonus" but this really was the case for this game. It's a relatively barebones open world with the mechanics of any physics based sandbox you would get on PC, missing many hallmarks of what sets Zelda apart from other series.

Dragon's Dogma is a beloved game but I would give it a 7 or 8 no matter how much I enjoyed it. if you applied a Zelda skin to DD and changed nothing else, you bet that would be getting 9s and 10s for no other reason than the name.

nah hk is boring for like 10 hours
and nier has shit combat
And see pic related before you accuse me of getting filtered.

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read the title in the picture you gibbering moron

Meanwhile HK:
>all enemies look the same
>all enemies have one of 3 moves: dash directly to you, throw orange shit at you, or swing a weapon in front or above them
>one of the "hardest" bosses repeats the same 3 attacks for the entire fight
>the game is heavy on backtracking but it's pointless
>half of the areas look the same
>compass is a skill for some reason despite the map's design being shit at communicating which area you're in without it
>the ""platforming"" is horrible
>you only have one (1) attack and the entire game consists of you spamming it and dodging from time to time
>the game is easier than late-game SotN
>you always think the game will open up and then it ends and you realize the entire game was a tutorial

Why would you play a game for 60 hours if you consider it boring? I know telling "git gud" posters to fuck off is nice and all but god damn.

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I don't see the problem

Japan: Bloodborne, Dark Souls, Nier Automata, Monster Hunter World, Metal Gear Rising, Dragon's Dogma
US: God of War, Fortnite, Undertale
Aus: Hollow Knight
Europe: The Witcher 3

Easy Top 10 for quality and/or influence. I don't like them all, but I respect them.

Last Of Us is disqualified on the basis that a top 10 videogame list typically needs videogames on it.

Can't. Sorry!

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>boring for 10 hours then good later

>barebones open world
It's easily got one of the best open-worlds though. Usually in open-world games the dungeons/caves are incredibly generic, whereas the shrines in BotW mostly have unique puzzles that fully make use of the physics engine. The game did lack larger dungeons similar to those in past Zelda games and I would have sacrificed some of the shrines for a handful of good dungeons, however every other aspect of the game (from the handholding, Link's mobility, overworld, combat, etc.) was an improvement over past Zelda games.

It's not perfect but it deserves all the praise it gets.

>waddling through 10 hours of boredom in the hopes it gets good later
My point still kinda stands but fair enough