Why haven't you bought it yet?
Why haven't you bought it yet?
Warband already exists.
sell me this game, i haven't played the first one. is it kind of a sandbox game? is it fun in single player?
No different to some of the heavily modded versions I had in fact it's way worse
Because future patches will probably break mods. I'm waiting for a stable version with lots of working mods.
>he makes the same thread again
because early access is a meme that lets kike developers charge full price for an unfinished game and it's hilarious watching Yas Forums slurp that cum up because it's a meme game they like
Played it on day 2, then refunded it. Was too janky. Have the patches actually changed anything significant??
Nazis get fucking punched.
Because it needs a few months of daily patches before I do my second playthrough.
I'm waiting for it to be released on GOG
read the patchnotes yourself lazy ass
It's a repetitive game where you fight armies with medieval weapons over and over again until you paint the entire map.
It's like those map painting games but with actual combat but barely any strategy or skill trees since they're all fucking broken.
wanted to know if the people playing it have actually noticed a difference
Because it's an actual early access title i.e. unfinished
They are using it to get analytics and find bugs
Early access became a meme when AAA studios were releasing all their titles that way when they were 99% complete
>b-but you don't understand! YOU are privledged for being able to play the game early! do you know how long games take to develop! you're not a developer! I bet you haven't even played a mount and blade game before! it's supposed to be shit after nearly 8 years of development!
Start out a shitty mercenary and try to become lord of the universe. Theres an economy and all sorts of cool stuff for all your jewish needs.
Because its still unplayable for any machine with 8 GB or RAM, by the way the reccomended hardware for this game is 8 GB.
haha nazi so funny
Hitler rules xD
so, reading we can clearly see he's just a fanboy trying to cope with the game being mediocre and, in fact, nothing has changed with the patches
Because it's an obvious beta, like the first one was and I'll wait until the actual completed version (aka warband 2) comes out and pirate that because fuck scammers releasing buggy as fuck games "early" for quick cash
just download more ram baka
Back to /leddit/ ye cvckolds
The more you and the mods shill this shit, the more I hate it.
>We've had your car in for a different kind of repair EVERY DAY, why aren't you happy with your purchase yet?
Now that's a spin if I've ever seen one.
>Bannerlord has been patched every day since it launched
>Why haven't you bought it yet?
Figure it out Yusuf, I'm not buying an unfinished pre-alpha game
Because it's early access. I'll wait until a couple of good mods are out and it's on sale before I buy it like I did with Warband.
>shit out a game in one year, it's buggy and unplayable
>patch the game to barely workable tier over 7 years
>release the original pre-alpha dogshit and 'patch' the game every day or so (((YOU))) are here
>retards eat this up and after 2 years of release the game is still worse than vanilla warband
I bought it, played it for 15 hours, ran out of shit to do. Nobles are pointless, relationships are pointless, you can't do anything once you get a bunch of money because XP is a fucking chore to grind for troops, no auto-recruitment which should honestly be a feature at this point, you automatically get castles instead of a tiny little fief like you used to which just breaks the immersion that I'm some up-and-coming merc-to-lord, NO FUCKING KINGDOM MANAGEMENT HELLO? Also archers literally having cavalry stats, two handers having 230 in bow and nothing in 2 handers, it's it's just a fucking mess honestly.
They should of spent all the MP time testing the singleplayer game, but instead they wanted to get into fucking e-sports of all things.
post more swastikas to trigger Yas Forumseddit
You would have preferred a full day or two of 50 IT'S HERE BROS threads being made a minute? It still happened a bit but gave them an excuse to delete them or merge (haha) the threads.
The sticky itself moved fast enough too that it would have been pretty awful even with just threads hitting bump limit. Would have seen them being made as fast as animal crossing threads probably.
Mods did nothing wrong for once.
Because I'm playing it in a year when it'll be
-mostly bug free
-heavily discounted
Thanks for beta testing by the way.
This. Black trans women are the future
Yeah, the campaign was realy untested compared to the siege and combat. Its been fixed very fast though.
my PC can't run this shit and I can't even upgrade it AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
You're telling me this game that looks like it was released on PS3 can't run on your pc?
There was a very heavy memory leak at the beginning of the game. Make sure you are on the lastest patch.
It's not the graphics it's the CPU tanking that shit's on many low-end and even medium-end systems
I'm not playing this shit if every 20 man battle is on 20FPS
how does a memory leak impact performance? I though that just causes crashing
i don't have money...
So do I get +4% to attack speed or +50% to shield bash?
Also, how do I train the skills in this game? It's so goddamn slow.
>It's not the graphics it's the CPU tanking
Oh, that's understandable. That's one reason why I'll wait at least a year before buying.
I have no reason to buy a game that's halfway finished and runs like shit.
>how do i train skills in this game?
You dont. No skills ever.
Jesus fuck I am playing on high with a 6yeard old laptop and it still run fine up until about 1200+ units. What sort of third world toaster are you playing on?
unlimited corpses is fucking great
Games should be patched before they're released.
I hate not being able to get exp from tournaments so fucking much i havent touched the game since launch. They could fix in 5 mins but they dont. Fucking turks I want my money back
It’s early access you sperg. You can get it back any time.
Devs need their money for hospital bills.
>It’s early access you sperg. You can get it back any time.
I... I didnt know that
haha jews good hitler bad xDDDD
This is my first mount & blade game and I started the game on "realistic" because the other ones were very easy and easy. I get one-shot by literally everything. Is realistic supposed to be hard? I have 21 men and 2k gold. I can defend myself now but I was wondering if getting absolutely destroyed by an arrow to the chest is normal.
This, Bannerlord feels like a glorified expansion to the original but with more bugs, despite the daily patches.
Isn't it still in early access?
I generally don't get ea games but it looks like this is fairly feature complete right?
Patching your game every day isn't a badge to be proud of you know.
I have a GTX 1080 and an i7-7700 and this game rapes my CPU. I still can run at 60FPS but the game is giving it a hard time.
>I have a GTX 1080 and an i7-7700 and this game rapes my CPU. I still can run at 60FPS but the game is giving it a hard time
How? I have a 1650 and a 9300 and It runs at 60 just fine
You could fix it in 5 minutes. Do it now.
What do you think getting shot with an arrow in the chest feels like? especially when you're some street rat without proper armor? This is mount and blade and easy mode would be considered hard by modern normie standarts so I suggest you start on easy or very easy
Also you should play warband with diplomacy mod first, that's a finished game and better than bannerlord right now
I dunno. Maybe the patch will fix it.
No one is going to play warband with mods now the game is far too ugly.
>patched every day since it launched
So they released an unfinished game. I'll buy it when it's done
yeah i was just thinking that
5 patches in 6-7 days
chill niggas
>No one is going to play warband with mods now the game is far too ugly.
the absolute state of Yas Forumseddit
It's decent PS3 graphics with modded textures and shit.
Which is basically the same as Bannerlord with large armies.
>broken peice of shit has to be fixed daily
I'm waiting a couple of months.
Warhammer mods when?
The only reason I bought the game was to be part of the inevitable memes but I can't even play it
Because it needed to be patched everyday since release.
I'll pirate it and play until its in a steady state.