>“Don’t you find it odd they have yet to really show the hardware despite pressure to do so due the MS? Because the hardware failrs at an alarming rate. The system cannot maintain its clocks. The m.2 gets hot quick (more throughput means more power consumptions means more heat). But even a PCIe 3.0 m.2 got hot in the setup.
>“The underlying issue is Sony did not realize the form factor needed to be changed and now they are concerned about having to complete redesign it and have it look more the XSX tower because it will look like they have just copied MS.
>“Do you also not think it odd they have not really shown off some launch titles? Reason? The devs have no idea what to optimize for because Sony has no idea what the PS5 will deliver in consistent performance yet and they do not want to show off captures from dev systems that do not match what a production console would produce.” […] [sic]

Sony got caught with their pants down by Microdaddy and are now desperate to overclock their lolibox.

Now you know why the specs revealed were "UP TO".


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Other urls found in this thread:


sony went full arrogant again. This gen will be rough at first then they'll humble themselves and do much better.

Not if Microsoft uses this gen to win most of the streaming userbase, Sony even has to pay Microsoft to run its own streaming service.
They are fucked.

you're not wrong. MS's streaming setup is pretty impressive. Makes Stadia look like a joke and Sony has no answer. If they truly do successfully launch a "netflix for vidya" Sony's going to hurt.

Or so you'd think. In actuality Sony will probably be fine and their current momentum and brand will carry them even with an inferior product.

carry them in turd world shitholes maybe

>Not if Microsoft uses this gen to win most of the streaming userbase
LMAO how will they ever survive with a small percentage of the market where literally every game on xbox is also on pc

>Sony has no answer
Sony already answered, by kneeling down and sucking MS massive cloud based penis.
>f they truly do successfully launch a "netflix for vidya"
They kinda already did, they will go full in as soon as the new box releases.
>In actuality Sony will probably be fine and their current momentum and brand will carry them even with an inferior product.
Yeah they will survive this gen by the weight of their exclusives, but Microsoft bought like 20 studios in the last years, its not the time for Sony to drop the ball.

Most people don't play on PC user.

it's looking more and more like consoles are going to die and the glorious PC master race will be able to live on with completed games that don't have to have a deadline

Microsoft doesn't give a shit where you play it, as long as you are paying them the subscription fee.
>small percentage
Streaming will the de-facto gaming platform for normies in the next decade, deal with it.

this is the only source for this rumor
a youtube comment from a "that kid" tier guy

Attached: youtube comments.png (1872x2028, 2.32M)

consoles are the only reason big AAA blockbusters still get made, because mustards are all either thieving poorfags, or poorfags gaming on potatoes
what's that? the only "true" pc exclusives this year both look like jank from the 00s? that couldn't be!

I swear to god I saw same clickbait op and first reply yesterday

Sony did sold off and stopped production of a bunch of products, they are being kept afloat solely by the Playstation brand, if that fails it will all come tumbling down.

> Unironically sourcing fucking OneAngryCuck

Attached: angrygamer.png (500x2036, 724.78K)

Arrogant sony is back. Microsoft needs to get a marketing deal with EA then sony would go bankrupt.

The only one angry here seems to be you.

>posts a picture of someone calling out trannies pushing their shit into games and thinks this somehow makes the site look bad
Yikes, go back to redit trannie lover.

They already bought like 20 studios, next gen exclusives are going to be abundant.

why do you keep posting this as if it makes him seem anything other than based

they have already shown the hardware worm

Attached: firefox_Txpo8MHUCZ.png (583x259, 41.4K)

> SJW gets triggered over a tit in a game and writes an angry blog post about how it's literally raping her
> OAG gets triggered over a trans flag in a game and writes an angry blog post about how it's literally oppressing him.

Attached: smug2.jpg (1024x1024, 65.56K)

yes, and?
you some kind of tranny?
why do you care

They showed a powerpoint presentation, you fucking retard.
>(variable frequency)
>(variable frequency)
Conveniently you are missing the "UP TO" part of the "variable frequencies", cope harder.

Attached: file.png (995x717, 50.39K)

That's because we're months away from the release of the product and both sony and microsoft have revved up their shilling engines.
It was the same back in 2005/2006, 2012/2013 and it's going to be the same in 2028.
Ignore threads, it's just shills fighting each other anyway.

Attached: 1538361671622.jpg (908x1000, 103.78K)

Yeah, sony sure revved up those power point presentations with their "UP TO" specs.

>zen 2 8 core 16 thread
thats ryzen 3700 with variable frequency which just means it will be at like 3 ghz with a boost to 3.5
>rdna 2
thats upcoming amd cards which will release this year

>They're so small dude, just ignore them they're pointless
>If they're so pointless why add them?

>completely avoids the point
>starts rambling about shit no one gives a fuck about
Yikes, what a way to cope.

'cause trans shit is clearly important enough for the developers to put in. Doesn't mean you have to have a meltdown over it. You can't expect someone of an opposing ideology to be cool with things that offend them in your game if you're gonna react the exact same way about things that offend your ideology showing up in their game.

And yet, here you are, having a meltdown (by your standards) about it.

>RE3 remake is ass
>FF7 remake throws some stupid bs at the end
>PS5 is failing
>SFV is garbage
Oh no Japan are you losing your touch?

>'cause trans shit is clearly important enough
Well then what's wrong with criticising important aspects of something?

What is it with sonyfans being neogaf/trannyera users?

btw a Crytek dev recently came out and absolutely dabs over xtwats and calls it the inferior console

nigger literally every desktop cpu is variable frequeny even your garbage ass i7

Show me where in the xbox specs it says "UP TO".

That pooskinned sony shill?

>faggot box
whos talking about that?
Does your cpu have a 'boost' frequency? Congrats its a garbage ass variable freq cpu.

>whos talking about that?


>reporting on a twitter screencap
>wich is a screencap
>of a fucking Youtube comment

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It is 8 in the morning. Why are you faggots already crying about this shit?

Imagine being a Xbox nigger

>Streaming will the de-facto gaming platform for normies in the next decade, deal with it.
lol not as long as America continues the ISP monopoly with retarded small datacaps

>resetera fag doesn't read the article
>gets instantly triggered by domain name
You have to go back.

Desktop cpus have adequate cooling.

Capitalism always finds a way.

hey Billy
still spending 100's of dollars on make believe ships from Scam Citizen?

niggers said the exact same when the Xbone launched and the situation hasnt changed one bit

>they'll humble themselves and do much better
This isn't the PS3 years and multiplat. They are probably finished if developers choose another platform. Now would be the perfect time for Sega to roll out a console and exclusives.

AAA titles have been dogshit for a long time, all form and no substance.
AA generally is the sweetspot between decent budget and a genuine passion for the medium.

>anyone who points out that I'm falling for troll bait is a resetera boogeyman
Are the SJWs in the room with you right now user? Are they talking to you? Can you see them?

>brand will carry them even with an inferior product
Xbox 360 nearly buried them. Even with no real fanbase and no real exclusives. If Spencer steps aside and lets a new PR guy take over, Xbox would steamroll them.

I'd sooner believe Kotaku of all things.

oh look yet another "crying about sony" thread on nintendogaf

business as usual I see

OAG lol thread?

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>Xbox 360 nearly buried them. Even with no real fanbase and no real exclusives
lmao, xbox 360 won the gen dude, have you been living under a rock for the last 15 years? the only good exclusives ps3 had was GoW and last of us the entire generation while xbox 360 apart from the usual gears,forza and halo they had 6 new ips, not only that but xbox 360 had superior hardware.

PS3 got better exclusives after 2009. Only good exclusive on 360 then was Forza Horizon.

>sold less than wii and ps3
Xtards are xtra pathetic lately

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Damn, I need Soyn to nail this, otherwise consolecasuals are going to start popping on my PC games

>ESL Phone poster

I genuine would love for Sony to get royally rammed up the ass this generation because after all of their exclusives bullshit, at this point they absolutely deserve every inch of it.