ITT: Bugs that turned out to be features

ITT: Bugs that turned out to be features.

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Rocket jumping

this and bunnyhopping
how the hell could they not figure out how to fix those?


Dragging in chivalry. It kept the game alive and raised the skill ceiling, like wavedashing in melee

God I wish that was me.

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Is that what you call the bayblade faggotry? Because it's actually what killed the game unless you count the 30 or so players it has now as being alive.

Why's the bug part in the middle of the back and not near the ass

Comboes in Street Fighter II

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so that you can see the ass

>Saving Chivalry
It was one of the few things that were bad enough to just outright kill the game though. Everyone who isn't/wasn't a """""Eew-sportz""""" faggot agrees on this front.

they could, they decided to keep them

Yes. I'm sure the game is dead now, I haven't looked back in like 2 years. I hear you though, it was bullshit that the devs ignored and eventually mentioned in loading screens as a feature, as if it were intended all along. But as much as it drove new players away, it did add longevity to the game. Otherwise it would have died just as fast as that deadliest warriors dlc that didn't have dragging. I mean, it was shitty either way, but it gave the game some kind of depth

Riki in Xenoblade 1 was accidentally given a huge HP pool, and they just rolled with it.

One of the Wing Commander games had a memory leak when closing the game that they could not figure out how to fix. So they edited the error message from "error code ####" to "Thanks for playing" and shipped it.

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In the first Ratchet and Clank game you could sideways hop repeatedly and the hover board race lady’s breast would enhance.

That's clearly a wasp, not a bee.
Fuck wasps.
Literally the niggers of insects.

My dick

go on

keep rocketjumping becaues it's fun
keep bunnyhopping because retarded boomers like it for some fucking reason

I never played chivalry but I never hear people complain about drags and accels in mordhau, was there no cap on it in chiv?

Wrong picture.

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and they would go on to ruin every fighting game from then on.....

>the most fun gameplay style and mind games came about because of a bug
Is there a more apt example of mistakes into miracles?

>but I never hear people complain about drags and accels in mordhau,
that's because it's fucking dead lol, and it was also killed by baybladefags by the way, just that it was harder to do so it attracted a smaller group of faggots, still more than enough to kill the game though
>was there no cap on it in chiv?


Rocketjumping is alright in theory but it screws with the balance of certain games like in TF2 where the soldier is clearly OP because of this

Contrary to popular belief, combos are not a bug. Just an unintended side effect of the input buffer.

>It kept the game alive

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Wasps kill plenty of shitty insects.
They're more like police: you don't want to meet them, but it's good that they are in the area.

It's mosquitoes who are the niggers of insects.

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Strafe jump is probably the best example.

Chambering in Mount and Blade, where if you attack right after someone attacks you block and deal a weaker attack

All multiplayer games die at some point. There were still a few thousand users regularly playing the game like 7 years after release. Are you saying there would have been more people playing longer than that simply if dragging was gone?


Climbing walls with the SUV in Crackdown

Yeah, but cops won't mug your family at the picnic table to steal your soda and fried chicken.

>unintended side effect
So it's a bug then?

>smite always hitting
>gloams dealing 10x more damage than they are supposed to
>melee mana burning dealing 256x more burn than it is supposed to
>psychic hammer/dragon talon knockbacking way more than they are supposed to
Also, somehow the vipers doing a zillion physical damage per second with their poison rape missiles isn't a bug, if you look into the game files they clearly intended for it to occur.

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No they would rather stop your car and "confiscate" you were CLEARLY going to use it for drugs.

your lungs taking in air after exhaling is considered an unintended side effect if you think about it. is your life a bug?

Air juggling in DMC. Was a bug in Onimusha IIRC.

>mordhau removes this shit and the spin overhead insta kills
>plays dramatically better


No? You were right the first time. Spy in general was a bug where players looked like opponents.

>defending wasps
Off yourself kudasai

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>plays drastically better
>dying faster than chivalry did

desu if the patched it early on the game would be better for it
less successful but better

that's because the chivalry migrants found a way to do it anyway

Oh no!?

Weren't some of the developers competitive chivalry players? I think part of the issue with mordhau is that they tried to balance out dragging and feinting by adding things like morphing/chambering but ended up making the game more bloated and inaccessible to new players who would start playing, fight some guy with hundreds of hours since alpha/beta, then say what the fuck was that and then uninstall

>is your life a bug?
A lot of people would say so, yes.

They TRIED to remove dragging and shit but they just ended up making it harder, not removing it. Meaning the esports faggots still spun like baylades after a month of training where as all the other players would have either play against bots for a month to learn their bullshif or find a better game
If they actually managed to remove it I'd be playing it, luckily I got my refund

Tribes adopting Skiing was a mistake that killed the series.

because bugs have multiple torsos

base is slow and boring

That's what vehicles were supposed to be for you insipid faggot.

lmao couldn't git gud in classic so had to play base

It might have died earlier but it would've had a much larger population while it was active. Dragging completely ruins the game for anyone that is not doing it, the large majority of people don't want to play like e-sports autists.

>A software bug is an error, flaw or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways.
Combo chaining wasn't intentional, but it was quickly integrated into the game's systems because they liked the result and built on it.

>Clearly a wasp
Retarded artist

Mosquitos don't try to take over your house, and even if they did I'd prefer them over wasps.