Looking back, was it really a masterpiece?

Looking back, was it really a masterpiece?

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No. It was only coomer bait.

Played it. playthrough took 30ish hours.

Never played it again.

Seems to have a unique draw, amazing art work, Platinum combat + JRPG exploration.

I got bored some hours in because it's not top shelf Platinum combat and thr exploration is essentially just forced corridors of these ugly gray and brown apocalyptic ruins, all so you can focus on the story as if it were a book and not a game. I'd give it a harsh 6/10

No, it was over hyped because it was a large amount of people's first le wacky unpredictable Taro game

I'm was having fun playing it but the controls feel wonky where your camera is looking is not parallel with the drone that shoots and where you you do sword attacks, it would be better if there was an actual reticle instead of auto aim

I got up to the part where you kill that guy with long hair that clones himself and he was on the other side of the map. I was trying to find a way to him and legitimately spent nearly an hour traversing that desert city and eventually came back where I fought him except all the robots were like level 30 and I was level 7 or 8 I was trying to evade and run past them but I got fucking insta killed with no time to react by an suicide explosion bot. I went back to recover my body, it fucking happened again since he came from above and again I had no time to react

I rage quit and haven't played since that. I don't really like the level design and don't feel like playing for a while. That shit was stupid and unfair

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Combat lacks depth but it has a great ludonarrative.

The moment I reached the part with the space cult I just uninstalled this game.

Go fuck yourself Taro, you're not ruining the first Nier for me.

Only the main storyline was interesting, mid way through the first playthrough nothing else matters cause you can easily win against anything if you played your cards right.

Third playthrough was over very quickly which was a pity.

Hacking was a joke desu.

Yes, although i preferred the first nier

>Dude our game is like totally existential and every major character is named after a known existential philosopher
>Also here is this anime girl shaking her ass

I don't understand why people like this piece of shit.

It was really short and that ending was just pathetic. Just ends with some big ass robot holding 2B and some gay monologue about machines and life getting on with each ohter and thats it? wtf?

Interested in seeing how many people take this weak bait


No, gameplay and writing is shit.

I just downloaded it via game pass. Is it seriously worth playing or not. I have the evil within, dark souls remastered, and pso2 i want to get through. Havent played the first game and platinums games are garbage except metal gear rising and w101

no, I think alot of the hype came from people who played the first route, which admittingly is pretty great from start to finish.

the game's flaws really start to show the longer you play, which is why I don't get the people who say the last route is the best part. It's nothing but the same repetitive fights with a more character driven narrative with characters I don't particularly feel attached to. Automata's strength to me was it's world and all the mystery and intrigue surrounding it, once that's lifted I just find the plot pretty boring and the conclusion feels very unsatisfying.

It's a great game. Nothing much to be said about it though because the only controversy surrounding it is one of the main characters has a nice ass you can look at sometimes if you go out of your way to do so, and some trolls latch onto that like anyone who actually played the game would be embarrassed about it.

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Glad Nier Replicant is getting a remake so I can experience Brother Nier too.

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Unless you’ve never played Dark souls then you should play this first

you can play replicant on ps3

If it had the depth bayonettas gameplay had then it couldve been incredible

but it was just a beat off game

Ive played ds2 and 3. Theres a big spring sale on xbox now. Whats the main draw to nier automata if i dont like open worlds or platinums gameplay

Why is 2B so much hotter with the blindfold on?

Probably but for a variety of reasons I won't bother, too troublesome.

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>Whats the main draw to nier automata if i dont like open worlds or platinums gameplay
Don't bother playing it then. The characters and story are good but I don't know if playing a game with gameplay you don't like is a good idea.

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>mediocre action title with shitty grafixx and muh pseudo-intellecual philosophy 101 mixed in
>muh ass
Nah, it's shit.

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I can put up with bad or no gameplay if the story or characters are actually fun. Danganronpa 2 is one of my all time favorites and all you do is read and play minigames here and there. Ok then ill give nier a shot

Undeniable game of all times.

The thread is full of weak bait nobody is replying to. You just can't bait Nier threads anymore.

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Drone always shoots in the center of the screen. Nothing clunky about it.
Going to high-level dungeons early on gets ya what you ask for though. You seem terribly underleveled, and haven't even scratched the surface.

One tip before you go in. When you think you beat the game you haven't. There's a few endings and they're not even "endings". You have to replay the first half of the game as another character to access the second half of the story.
You only beat the game once you get "Ending E"

Not even close. The combat is repetitive and you can beat it by spamming R2. The characters are bland especially A2, she’s such a nothing character who you need to read a visual novel or musical or something outside of the game about her to even understand her backstory. The side quests suck and are never worth doing. The story ends on a colossal asspull and breaks the fourth wall in a really lame way. Everything about it was “meh”.

Unironically yes

Ending E. I can remember that. Alright thanks man

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It’s great because how it tells it’s story using the interactivity of video games. The writing isn’t ground breaking or anything but how it uses the fact it’s a video game will always make it better than most Story driven games that rely on cutscenes

No the original Nier is though. Tip to make Nier Automata is to do all side missions and operator missions (side missions you get from visiting and talking with operatives in Bunker) but even then it's only a 7.5/10

Original Nier is 10/10

The game is pretty good. For those of us who've played Nier, it shows us the kind of bullshit going on as a result of a man's quest to save his daughter, and also assures you that in spite of humanity going extinct, androids are the new humans so they'll live on in one way or another.

How long is original Nier?

>That sidequest with the guy who kidnaps a scanner unit to make his own family.
>You find him and the music changes as it's revealed the scanner unit is held captive.
>The sidequest just ends there.
>Get a mail later revealing he's been terminated.

Pretty short by RPG standards.
There's a speedrun trophy to beat it under 16 hours I think.

It's literally Detroid Become Human kind of trash writing but for weebs instead.

The story is never interactive though. There’s no branching paths or alternate endings that don’t just end in a game over. The game is really linear you could probably make a manga adaptation of it and it would still be the same.

It's a good idea wrapped underneath a few layers of bullshit, while I love stories that specifically integrate interactive storytelling into their games playing a game over again with a more boring combat system is never fun

Also it isnt nearly as polished combat wise as Platinums other games, enemies will rarely ever physically touch your hitbox but rather you'll take damage from the "shockwaves" of them swinging near you

Yep. Not even a coomer. If anything the constant upskirts made me not want to play it. Kinda weird to get turned on by a guys drawings
Really liked the plot and the music the most. Combat was fun and it was neat how it changed from 3d to 2d with all sorts of different game styles

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Certain beats in the story wouldn’t hit the same like some of the things that happen while hacking and other moments like that. Just because it’s not deus ex in freedom doesn’t mean it doesn’t take advantage of being a video game

Played through all the endings but never really touched it again. It was fun and I really liked A2 despite having almost no background story,also 9s going apeshit towards the end.
Heard many people saying the game put them into depression or it made them sad but I never really felt the same impact on me.
Not really a masterpiece but definitely a good game.

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It's solid.

It was hilarious seeing Yas Forums initially praise it as a masterpiece and then turn on it as soon as it became popular everywhere else though. Most blatant example of Yas Forums being filled with contrarians I've seen in a while.

I will never understand people who claim this game has a boring combat system. It feels great. Animations are smooth and attacks chain nicely. Do they think Nier Gestalt's is any better?

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No but it was nice

>It was hilarious seeing Yas Forums initially praise it as a masterpiece and then turn on it as soon as it became popular everywhere else though.
Sometimes I can't tell if the majority of users here are hipsters are not.
Most users hate popular games but then they wank shit like WoW and cite the game's sales (if they're huge) as a reason why a game is good.

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The fags crying about N:A have never played any of the other games either. They're just some tryhard elitist DMC/Bayo fags, who care of nothing but "muh cool combos, bruh!!".

>There's a speedrun trophy to beat it under 16 hours I think.
Shiiet, i'm already 6 hours in and i only just met Kaine.

>Dude our game is like totally existential and every major character is named after a known existential philosopher
It's supposed to be ironic humor
which is fine to dislike but that's what it is, what you're referring to isn't played straight at least

Quality coomer bait though, gotta make that distinction

It's all good, play the game at your own pace. I personally never got the platinum trophy because speedrunning is gay.

>Is it seriously worth playing or not
It is unironically one of THE greatest games ever made. A truly magnificent, emotionally loaded, beautiful experience unlike no other.

Don't even try to compare this to the other Platinum games. This is a more mature experience that goes far beyond some generic and shallow slashin'. It's a journey similar to Silent Hill2 or Metal Gear Solid 2, just with a flashy and fun gameplay to boot.
OST is one of the best ever made as well.

They should remake the original Drakengard. For better or worse people here would probably love it's plot and characters.

I remember the collective orgasm everyone had when the ladder video came out. Good times....

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How does being in a hacking minigame make the plot twist better? You have no input in the story, it fails as a game.

>Can carry infinite (99) healing items
>Can heal in a pause menu
>Certain chips (Anti-Combo) make the game stupid easy
>perfect dodge can be mashed and requires no timing
>Hard is only hard because things one shot you

The leveling system really didn't sit well in Platinum Games combat.

They really should have limited the carrying capacity of healing items.

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