Why did AAA studios abandon turn based mechanics?

Why did AAA studios abandon turn based mechanics?

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Cause its so fucking boring, slow and non-interactive.

Because around 2010 game journalists ran a smear campaign against turn based rpgs and gave extremely low scores to all the non-FF games that used it for several years, a lot of really good DS rpgs in particular got shitcanned because of this. Now it's only acceptable if the game is a strategy game like xcom.

>Turn based combat is niche as fuck outside of Japan where there's already an oversaturated market so good luck trying to jump in that shit gaijin
Yeah I fucking wonder why no one outside Japan is trying to do turn based combat

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because people prefer games with actual gameplay

First person shooters became popular

Two of those games are by Square-Enix, how is that not an AAA studio?

I’d take turn based any day over combat like xenoblade or dragons dogma. Now that is slow and boring.

Typical gamer 2020 kid, "pls mr developer make all games the same with hack and slash combat, i don't like originality"

Because its a RPG gameplay design from a time where more action gameplay was technologically difficult to do. Some did try like Secret of Mana. But turn based still has its appeal

Nowadays it's "I want to use my head and be tactical" vs "I want to use my reaction skills"

It's a pointless debate like chess vs soccer

No one on the pics are black
Also stop making twitteral who threads, you retarded motherfucker

They didnt though. Turns out there are a lot of people who dont have ADHD and recently devs also recognized that and made several slower, turn based games

What a retarded argument, as if majority turn based games don't have slight tweaks of the same foundations

>dragons dogma
Ok buddy

I would like to see more turn-based games where the combat looks more like real rime and not turn-based, like in Yakuza 7

fuck knows, i think pokemon might end up moving away from it a lot of the reviews i saw were complaining about still being turn based in 2019. Pokemon wont be the same without, theres a huge amount to criticise sw/sh about but i dont think the turn based battles is a valid criticism

It is boring, who the hell memed it into Yas Forums's favourite game?

I love menu simulators !

why do jap devs refuse to change 30 year old gameplay?

Action games have always, ALWAYS been the evolutionary step up from boring ass turn-based shit and is mechanically, skillfully, and ludonarrativelly superior.
Prove me wrong.

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Turn based as a vidya genre only existed because the consoles back then didnt have the power to simulate live combat. Devs dont have that excuse anymore. Turn based RPGs need to die.

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>(((game jewnalists))) ran a smear campaign against turn based rpgs and gave extremely low scores to all the non-FF games
Every fucking time.

But there are lots of turn based games by AAA devs?

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>videogame with turn based combat
>somehow it doesn’t count as gameplay
I want z**mers out of my Yas Forums

What are some good Japanese turn based games?

Id rather have turnbased gameplay than MMO style shit where two characters stand next to eachother swinging weapons while I wait for skills to cool down and chug potions.

Turn based stuff cna be alot of fun if its made interesting with lost of cool skills/classes and things that can be countered.

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Turn based can't even be qualified as a game if there is no positioning. Just selecting your attack and pressing one button is not gameplay.

Just because it was born from limitations doesnt mean it didnt become its own thing that has plenty to be enjoyed

Turn based combat can work if theres more to it than unga bunga me click strong attack. Also this thread is gonna be full of people that have only played pokemon and try to shit on other turn based games.

Unless it's a tactics or strategy game, the gameplay is better in real time. The only people who disagree are people who lack functioning motor skills required for interactive gameplay.

action games are mostly spam the attack button like a retard with zero thought and turn based can bring about new ways to show and appreciate the environments and bosses themselves

I don't think pokemon can work with anything other than turn based combat. Just from a work load and balancing perspective.

>not turn based

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Xenoblade isn't turn based. Everything is centered on cooldowns. You can move and attack freely. The closest equivalent is MMO gameplay.

The start is extremely boring, especially if you've already played it.

Game Freak have spent over 20 years evolving the core battle mechanics of Pokemon. It also has a relatively large competitive scene. They're never going to abandoned turn-based combat in the mainline games.

The denpa men is 8 niggas in a row and it's a pretty good turn-based series.

>GameFreak overhauling the battle system when they can't be bothered to make routes longer than 20m

What's bottom right?

>work load and balancing perspective
Gamefreak, our favorite small indie company.

none of that really matters tho game freak will change the game anyway possible to pander to normies since thats the majority of sales, just look at lets go. I'm gonna be pissed if the d/p remake end up being a lets go game

That's only true when JRPG developers try to make an action RPG, since those developers have no idea how to make engaging combat. When a developer who specialises in action games make action-based combat, it usually involves finding the right time to attack and knowing when to block/dodge/parry/etc.

a lot of games are played with one button. what are you trying to get at here

You mean the same Game Freak that puts in as little effort as possible into their games? Why would they spend all that time reinventing the battle system when they can do no work and the game will still sell millions?

Cause it was mostly used due to technical limitations.
Nowadays you can have a more interesting combat system.

Mobile games do not qualify as video games, mate.

woah there, you can't just come to this board and make a post that makes sense, get outta here

Getting rid of the core gameplay woud pretty much be the only way for Gamefreak to fuck up so massively that even consumer normies would start jumping ship.

Turn based JRPGs are garbage because the work that devs don't need to put in a real time battle system is not compensated with additional depth.

>twitteral who threads
I'm going to be a nigger and steal that term out of your wallet. Funny as fuck.

turn-based combat without a movement grid has aged like milk and you can tell because all the modern rpgs in that style get praised for everything except their gameplay

sorta this. it's more to do with mid to late 2000s gaming dropping it's niche and beginning to cast as wide a net as possible. There's an endless list of perfectly good game design and mechanics that were dropped to appeal to retards.
RPG's are built from DnD. Which is literally turn based. action gameplay has been possible since the 80s you fucktard.

>he thinks there is a turn based game that even comes close to the majesty of dragons dogma

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>Why did AAA studios abandon turn based mechanics?
That's like asking AAA studios why they abandoned 2D platforming

I doubt it lets go still had 12 mill sales

DnD is turn based due to its limitations as a table-top game. It's the same reason why it's so heavily reliant on RNG/dice rolls, because they simply couldn't simulate accurate battle mechanics. Video games are no longer bound by the same restrictions as table top games, so limiting yourself to turn-based games and RNG is silly. It would be like saying films shouldn't have audio because books never had audio.

It still had the same combat system though.
I think
Never played that shit

turn based mechanics is harder to pull out if you want to offer a solid experience with interesting mechanics and logic. real time can allow button mash on shallow hitboxes and the children are content as long as they see big number tinsels covering all the UI on screen with zoom on the MC's boypussy every time he yells.

>big number tinsels covering all the UI
So you only play shit games? No wonder you hate action-based gameplay.

muh cinematic experience

it did in npc battles but not wild battles