So I finally built a PC

So I finally built a PC
Now what games do I play?

Attached: machine.jpg (271x170, 13.46K)

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Left for Dead, Escape from Tarkov, Metro, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.


How should I know. What games do you want to play?

>Now what games do I play?
You don't. You start games and never finish them and spent 90% of your time on your PC on Yas Forums

Attached: 1566702866453.jpg (2464x1648, 366.27K)


lol fucking retard

With those specs?

Dune 2, you fucking abhorrent peon.

when the summer sale happens just pick up all the usual's in the $5 category and those will keep you going for at least a year.

you got an RTX card, so you better play some games with raytracing or else you wasted money

>battlefield V
>DOOM eternal
>watchdogs: Legion

those are the only games besides modded minecraft that support RTX right now and you bought the shittiest RTX card. Why the fuck didn't you get a 1070?

I have a new one coming and I would like to know too
I've been following some games, but the majority of games coming out these days seem like shit

Unironically this. You'll also garner a large library of games on your Steam backlog and never actually finish over 10% of them.

>buys a rtx2060
>play on 1080p

Attached: 1574291039992.png (3000x3000, 540.6K)

you're not gonna make it bruh

I don't know, what type of games do you like?


Do PC gamers really play at such low resolutions? I played REmake2 at 1600p60fps on my fucking $250 Xbox one X

Attached: 20190205_092134.jpg (3264x1836, 1.39M)

CONTROL supports Raytracing too, right? I thought there was another game that came out late last year too.

Factorio and Rimworld
So you can really put that high-end PC to use

Dont listen to the doomer faggots in this thread. 2060 super is a good value card, on Nvidia side at least. Your thread is dumb though since we wouldnt know what youd like to play without any knowledge about you.

Attached: ArmA 3 Screenshot 2019.10.07 - (2560x1440, 3.1M)

He could at least get a monitor that's 1080p@144hz and then be good to go for awhile.

>Buying intcel in 2020

Dont put factorio and rimworld together ever again. Rimworld is so trash compared to Factorio, no automation and absolutely terrible UI jesus christ

Play what you want to play! There is no game that won't run well on that beast.

you could actually post games or genres you like instead of just giving the resident /g/remlins shitpost fuel but this is probably a bait thread anyway so rollan

Attached: 4896523679⁶.jpg (900x2025, 532.8K)

>implying it can do 1444p in modern games

NEVER get 60 series cards op

It can do 1440p/60fps on ultra in some games
The fucking 2080ti can't even do 1440p/120fps on ultra let alone the AMD equivalent so I dunno what you're trying to say

they work pretty good, I imagine its better than a 970 which still works great for me.

tomb raider and some weeb shit

A 2060 when OC'd is the equivalent of a 1080 for a few hundred dollars less than it was a launch, it's the only RTX card that actually feels like an upgrade


I wasn't aware the 2xxx were actually faster than their 1xxx predecessors

Maybe he wants raytracing so he'll play at 972p/52 FPS with RTX ON.

Based shit thread derailment

roll me up senpai

all of these are shit

Agreed, I bought a 2060 Super too and it runs everything at 1440p@75 without any issues. A very decent purchase.

rx 580 chads get in here!!!

Yes because I don't need a massive performance hit for muh 2k on my 24 inch monitor I sit three feet away from

Those are good sepcs, I only have a ryzen 2200g apu wtf

i played RE3 at 4k on a 2060 super. 60fps.

The fact that you have a complete toaster doesn't make those "good specs".

user, I...


Here comes a 00

YouTube videos

leave this thread faggot

Why would you think that?


How far did you sit away from the TV?

Attached: Viewing-distance-vs-resolution.png (1182x807, 207.94K)

its a good video card and theres nothing you can do about it faggot

Same games you played before

control supports RTX, it looks awesome, and it's a damn decent game

>caring about grafixxx over framerate

Metro Exodus' ray-traced global illumination is great.

It's a good game too.

In 2 months the 3080's come out lmao.

DLSS is actually incredible now
Anybody else seen this? 4K equivalent resolution for like 10% less performance.

>get btfo
>better start moving those goalposts

benji are you still playing that shit game classic?

Am I retarded or is this graph just fucking shit?

this... so much

I don't even think i'm a ''gamer'' nowadays. I browse gaming sites and watch yt gaming related vids more than I actually play games, yet my steam library is gigantic

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yas Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Was this image meant for viewing on a cinema screen 80m away? It looks like shit...

Well he's a retard for posting a scaled up version of a smaller image instead of the original resolution. The fucking source is even on the image, so it's not like it's hard to find.
Why do you think it's shit though? The only problem I have with it is that it assumes 20/20 vision.

Attached: 1575693199628.png (907x619, 65.5K)

When can we expect the GPU market to become sane again? With miners last years we are seeing 1050 sold at the price of 2060 it's like everything is either 50 euros nobrand for office use, or 1000 euro for basic directX11 and 6+GB memory.

Why the fuck is viewing distance in feet but screen size in inches? Just use the same god damn unit for both...

holy fuck you need to get a bigger monitor with better framerate, that is wasted to fuck.

So, if I get this right, a 4k 32" Screen at 1 meter viewing distance is perfect for 4k?

You also now realize 4k is retarded unless you work in photo editing or art


>coming to Yas Forumseddit to ask for advice on PC gaming
Just use google or youtube man. Or unuronically Yas Forums

Yeah. New video in 2 1/2 hours.

AMD 480 any good?

Play some Bloodbor... oh wait

Attached: 070.png (633x874, 75.01K)

Which means I'll just be keeping my 1440p then. Cheers user