Your thoughts on the IKO spoilers so far?
Magic the Gathering: Arena - a video game
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I love the Godzilla alt arts. But overall the cards shown so far seem too weak for current standards power level
o boy going to make a deck around that bastard
the red PW is gonna be banned in modern, mark my words
standard is shit so idc about that, but having a set whose theme is WAAAAH BIG CREATURES GO ROOOOOAAAAH is really pandering to the lowest common denominator, especially in a format with limited removal options
and the mutate mechanic is shit
oh and the mythic rare card with flying counters that don't work, that's hilarious
I'm salty that WotC stole a mechanic from a custom set I made, and had shown to noone.
I called it "Mount" though and it only allowed you to mount certain creature types.
>oh and the mythic rare card with flying counters that don't work, that's hilarious
Instead it just infinite combos with any creature that can sac itself and doesn't have flying
Haven't seen much, is there any big powerful card? I'm using this reanimator deck and I want some big guys to cheat in.
>oh and the mythic rare card with flying counters that don't work, that's hilarious
I heckling love it!
I am trans btw.
They're obviously just going to change the base rules to make these counters give flying because one of their planeswalkers gives Vigilance, Reach, and Trample counters that are similarly not defined to do anything
I don't see anything wrong with that effect, why wouldn't it work?
The counter isn't defined to do anything.
I can't see any way that card needs to be changed? The flying counters give flying. That seems self-explanatory
Or is your argument that since the card does not literally state the counter's function it's a misprint and they'll need ti amend the rules to fix it? Because that's dumb if so.
>The flying counters give flying
Currently, they don't
Wizards would have to change the rules of the game to make flying counters grant Flying
They will, plus also the might remove the need for a judge to check people's lists because lolcompanionlol.
I haven't played Magic in a decade or so. Is it just me or these new cards are all hilariously overpowered?
Yes, and? That's not funny it's just a new mechanic that the rules will naturally be updated to codify.
I think I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars a year so I won't look at them
Nah, you're just unironically fucking dogshit.
Like hilariously bad.
Why do they want to make the whole "give ability counter" instead of just giving the normal stuff? Is it just so you can remove those counters?
>a creature with a flying counter has the flying keyword
wow what an upheveal
It's not just you WotC has deliberately pushed up the power level of new sets and talked about doing so.
They've also moved towards making creatures in particular better.
They aren't
This seems like retarded power creep. I don't know shit about current standard, so what's the consensus on it?
Yes. There are multiple cards in this set that have effects or abilities that move counters around.
It's so instants and sorceries can grant permanent abilities.
You can play Arena for free.
It's so they can have cards that mpve counters around and to make it easier to track the board state due to the sheer amount of shit granting abilities permanently without being an equipment/aura/etc.
Really, really aren't.
>Creature + plus 7Mana or 5 mana plus another creature with mutate for it's effect
Lmao this card is dogshit my dude.
>I don't know shit about current standard, so what's the consensus on it?
There is no consensus yet but from what I've seen the main question is if reanimator decks are worth playing with the current self-mill options in Black and other reanimation cards available, not if that card is good.
If the shell isn't there to let you dump threats in your grave and reanimate them in other ways it's going to be worthless.
As a casual player, I might have put an extra mana on that. I'm and I will be definitely adding this to my reanimator deck and get into the battlefield every single bomb in the deck
How bad is standard? Is it worth getting into? I'm an EDHfag.
lol just play Fluctuator
Drakuseth is the go-to reanimation target in standard alomgside Agent of Treachery currently.
Ikoria may change that. Anything big with haste and a relevant etb or evasion would be huge for reanimator.
I'd say to only play standard if you love shit, but you play EDH so you're already on a strict sewage diet.
I miss Dominaria, bros.
>Currently, they don't
>Ikoria introduces keyword counters. Just as a +1/+1 counter gives the creature it's on +1/+1, these keyword counters give the permanent they're on the listed ability.
Standard's state right now depends on what you like to play as and against. Ramp has replaced midrange, Sultai Control is more popular than UW, there's a playable T1 combo deck, Aggro is Red focused only, and every deck cheats on mana in some way besides Rakdos Aggro. Oh and Tempo is dead too.
How is that good?
>yfw the next set introduces banding counters
>that thing
Based department? Someone's calling!
Yeah, I already use that Drakuseth. Not the Agent though, might as well just play Drakuseth. I just added this big guy as well, the lack of evasion is noticeable, but he's definitely a great defender and puts out a lot of pressure.
Wanting to come back but I skipped Theros, how fucked am I trying to build up a good deck?
The power level for the game has constantly gone up to stupid levels. Base creatures having like 5 fucking abilities is a key example.
>Heals you
>Wins the game in 2 different ways
>Ramps you
>Cuckolds lackey
>Relevant tribe
>Over stated 1 drop for G or B
>Works as grave hate
No idea.
What's your favourite meme that you're dying to see in MTG?
Hard to say till Ikoria drops but honestly a fair few T1 decks don't play a lot of Theros cards right now. Hell Temur Adventures literally plays none besides three-four wishboard cards
the power of creatures has gone up*
non-creatures are way weaker than back in the day
It generates more value than most planeswalkers, costs 1 mana and some cards that were going to the graveyard anyway, walls anything with 1 power, and completely shuts down graveyard based decks for free
That card alone basically killed 3 or 4 decks
>1 mana
>2 toughness
>3 abilities 2 of which hardcounter archetypes
I can't way to see people mutating this guy to give him every possible ability in the game.
>non-creatures are way weaker than back in the day
Yes, as they should be. The game giving 5 different goddamn abilities on a card is a problem.
>Muh removal was too strong!!!!
It was always a problem. Blue needed to be balanced, not every goddamn creature getting hexproof or haste or flying or some other dumb shit that doesn't even fit the card.
fuck forgot the pic
>Blue needed to be balanced
Blue never had removal, the issue is that draw card=good, card quality=good.
But only 1 color get card quality filter and cheap-ish card draw is relegated to it too and maybe another one.
You forgot
>1 fucking attack so he can kill shit he chumps to add insult to injury.
>Blue never had removal
Enter Tempo decks that just bounced opponents threats and made them constantly replay their previous turns instead of advance their board state
Fairly underwhelming. I like the artists they got to do the Godzilla stuff. Too bad it really, really does not belong in MtG.
Academy is such good shit, standardbabbies of today have no idea what real power is
we'll never get the halcyon days of Urza's block again.
god seeing decks laid out makes me want to play paper again.
just want to stack the shit up and shuffle