Why aren't you making the best of your self-quarantine and gitting gud at a fighting game, Yas Forums?

Why aren't you making the best of your self-quarantine and gitting gud at a fighting game, Yas Forums?

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because i'm good enough that i made my relatives and friends quit playing them and it's not satisfying playing laggy online matches

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I am user, shut up.

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Picked up GBVS, even if I feel like eurofag scene got turned to shit thanks to 1½ and 2month releasy delay for PC/PS4. So far the online scene has been healthy though.

I did that too, and that's exactly why I went online.
Even with shit netcode you'll be doing good enough as long as you're 4f delay max. Rollback would be of course better though.

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Im too retarded

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nice SF hurtboxes

i literally have been trying to get good for years. at this point i'm my own biggest enemy and i'm ready to just fucking give up

Still playing DBFZ. This online kinda stinks at times tho.

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I got Iceborne last week, otherwise I'd be practicing SF.

So am I, but practice and persistence got me into Gold while I had trouble against Ultra Bronze players 2 years ago.

Stop whining and stop mashing. Git Gud

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I'm only just mentally fast enough for Doom Eternal on UV. Fightangaems are well beyond me.

I've been trying to get better at DBFZ actually.

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SF doesnt have hitboxes like that at all.
this is more like UNIST or maybe GG.

Because what's the point.

Crush your enemies, see them ragequit and laugh at their weakness?

>get matched against same opponent 5 times on GBVS
>win 4 times, they ragequit
>get outgimmicked on fifth time
I hate Ladiva trannies and guessing against grapplers in general.

>gitting gut
>can only play online
Choose one.

Because it'd be rude of me to inflict my shitty shared apartment wifi on others.

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Fighting games are niche in the worst possible way.

Fighting games are for autistic, trannies and niggers.
Sometimes they are all 3 of them simultaneously.

because i dont want to buy a fight stick and i dont own a controller

because i have no patience to learn something. even though i still like playing fighting games i suck at all of them

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UNICLR was fun. Then the lobby fuckin crashed on us so we cut it short

you can play fighting games on a keyboard

Fighting games take a few crucial attributes that spineless pussies grown among modern vidya don't often have.

- Admitting that the biggest contributor to the outcome, be it good or bad, was actually YOU
- Realizing that getting beat up by your betters is actually the best way to improve
- Taking losses as a learning experience instead of getting salty

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I am. I started playing Tekken again and I've been hooked for the past weeks.

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Because I prefer FPSs

keyboards are great for fighting games

are you watching your replays?

what a wholesome picture

I am!
I'm like 10 hours into Bedman and actually taking games occasionally
Holy fuck there's a lot of chimpanzee ass Jams online though and I can already tell that's a cancer matchup

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I'm just not that found of any active game and never enjoyed discord communities so can't be into discord games. I'm glad to see more games doing well these days, but stuff like GBVS is so bland to me. The genre is struggling to find a game that hits the sweet spot between easy enough for casuals to get in, but enough to chew on that higher level players don't just praise if for a year and then bounce. Say what you will about SF4, it ain't even in my top 5 SF games, but it managed that quite well.

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UNI does exactly that.

>The genre is struggling to find a game that hits the sweet spot between easy enough for casuals to get in, but enough to chew on that higher level players don't just praise if for a year and then bounce
whatever current tekken or street fighter
you don't make those numbers without casuals

>playing multiplayer games

I don't have autism

this genre just needs better netcode and marketing
no fucking way shit like csgo or dota are more accessible than tekken 7 or sfv
at least in fighting games you don't get kicked for being too bad and you don't have to interact with russian teammates

correct answer.

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twitch.tv/akar263 come watch

I probably should have emphasised it, but I meant a non-discord game. UNI is cool but there will just never be the cash flow to really spread it.

>current tekken
Yeah this is true, the game has seen a lot of growth for hitting a good spot. Even though the latest updates aren't helping. 3D games aren't my thing but if Bamco can get their head out their ass they could really make their games the premier fighters.

> or street fighter
SFV? Fuck no, that game burnt so many bridges and could be x10 the size. A better game could have grown off those year 1 entrant numbers and changed the scene. It is more a testament to the fact brand will at least mean the most diehard will stick around.

it begins

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I've played UNI for 3 years and I've never once been in a discord.

>PC games die within a month or less
>Season passes

It's not even worth it. I just use my arcade stick to play arcade games now.

dead genre

you now remember about tekken revolution

>getting good at dead DLC fest games
I'd rather spend my time somwhere else

I wish.
I still have to go to work 5h30AM-1h30PM

>muh dead games
play the alive ones maybe?

>Percival buffs

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>this genre just needs better netcode and marketing
While yeah better netcode is good, the hype is kind of exaggerated. It is a factor that helps you in the long run but the whole DUDE ROLLBACK PLAY KI crowd are just lying. They ain't playing Garou still. Marketing is the real key, no one is excited for Riot's new fighter cause they have confidence the gameplay will be amazing. But the knowledge of how popular the brand is plus the possibility of big money gets interest. Problem is if the game is shit you get an OW situation, SFV kinda falls in that camp as well.

>no fucking way shit like csgo or dota are more accessible than tekken 7 or sfv
They are, the whole structure of when and how much you need to learn is very different as well. Fighters are all up front, with no way to carry and so much of it is completely unnatural to other genres. I also think fighters suffer as at the very least in most online games you could run about chatting with friends. Maybe kill some ai units in a moba or get a lucky kill. Fighters are all go time and constant knowledge tests.

>Chad working during a pandemic
>virgin self-quarantine

Be glad you wont be one of those fags who are desperate for the coming bailout.

you can't get good playing online, pussy

it's batter than playing against cpu's

Because my shitternet can't keep a stable ping for more than 5 seconds and I don't want to subject anybody to the same pain i must feel

any lads here that don't need their gbvs codes?
t. extreme gachacoomer

I'd like to see two people match up against each other, one of which has been labbing and playing against CPU only for a week or two while the other has been playing exclusively against other players for the same time.

I am good I just need a fighting game boyfriend to grind out Granblue with me on Playstation.

The only one I'm good at is bbtag.

>dies of lung failure in the near future

playing against cpu is useless

>Gets infected
>No symptoms
>Develops immunity

>2020 before corona
>Esports is a big scene with multi-million prize pools, guys at suits commentating and massive worldwide tournaments
>Meanwhile at fighting games:

>the play KI crowd aren't playing Garou
No, they're playing KI
No one ever talks about it for some reason but that game is still amazingly alive for being almost a decade old.

I honestly think the only reason good netcode isn't a complete necessity for people to even consider buying a game is because most of them don't actually know the difference. Playing DBFZ against your neighbour feels worse than playing KI or SG or TFH against someone across an ocean. I pretty regularly play people in south america from canada in TFH and usually get better connections than I do to norcal in Xrd.

Is it going to sell a game on its own? Of course not, casuals have never cared about the actual gameplay quality, MK always sells millions after all, but the moment one of the big names switches to (good) rollback putting out a game with delay is going to be basically guaranteeing no one touches the netplay after the launch week/month casuals drop it.

>also at fighting games

Fucking Melty Blood players

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