Properly welcomes you to his country

>properly welcomes you to his country
>surpresses religious fanaticism and child exploitation
>find out he is your step father and activily wants to spend time with you
grieves over his slain daughter/your sister
Why was he the bad guy again?

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He wasn’t the bad guy. That’s the point.

most players couldn't wait thirteen minutes for him to finish his call

Is it actually worth playing FC4? Wasn't it just a failed attempt to capture what made 3 great?

3 was great how?

Bitch pls, if you're actually interested, look up a video, there are hundreds explaining why

Nah, just play Blood Dragon and then forget about Far Cry games beyond 2.

I enjoyed it more than FC3 when I played it.
A few years later I tried to replay FC3 again and desu it wasn't that good.

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>what are your arguments in favor of X being good?
>durr, I'm a retard sheep who can't form my own opinions or arguments just have someone on jewtube make the thinking for me, thinking hard

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It's my favotite far cry. It's like 3, but more polished. Worth it imo

Played 3, 4 and 5. Liked 4 the most. Mountains are beautiful. Don't really remember much at this point, they were all kinda boring and tedious.


3 was not good. It succeeded in expanding the general audience, at the expense of the dedicated that FC2 earned and who still play that game in 'single life' runs. It did not however succeed in terms of gameplay, design and narrative. The mascot antagonist is killed way too early, with no resolution to the arc with his sister which should have involved him warning the protagonist about her being a murderous cult-leader. Both hero and villain should have both turned-coat on their respective leaders. It would have made a lot more sense.

Gameplay-wise, it excessively rewards stealth through XP rather than by making it fun. The fun stuff is low-reward. Blood Dragon resolved this mainly by having a much lower character progression ceiling and making it more about upgrading weapons. When you unlock fun-stuff you're already maxed out on character progression, so can go nuts.

I've not finished FC4 because I groaned at the apparent similarity to FC3. Now I might give it another go.

FC2 is definitely the GOAT
Re-master it, make the outpost re-spawns slower, get rid of malaria and the meme healing animations - boom instant 10/10


>get rid of malaria and the meme healing animations
boom it is an another generic shooter. it needs the rework instead of removal

>FC2 is definitely the GOAT
FC2 had a lot of interesting ideas and was halfway between an OW game and a survival simulator, with it's weapon quality issues and the malaria system (but this was actually gated by story progression iirc). In general, I dislike weapon durability mechanics however. All too often they're more an irritation than anything else. A better way to do it would have weapons degrade in maintenance, and below a certain threshold they start to jam or malfunction progressively more, and then returning to a safe house lets you maintain your weapons "fixing" them.

>surpresses religious fanaticism and child exploitation
What if they only exist because of him?

He's genuinely not the bad guy. This was the game that made me stop buying far cry games. I really loved his dynamic and how he'd call you after you do stuff and joke around at you. Just a fun guy overall. Only really bad thing I can think of him doing was stabbing the guy who immediately put you at gun point and beat you down at the very beginning of the game

In the end they force you to kill him even after showing you he is clearly the lesser evil compared to who you support

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He's still an asshole presiding over a hilariously brutal dictatorship, but it's an interesting ending. It's a soft deconstruction of how player characters in games tend to jump headlong into the hero fantasy at the first opportunity even if their justification isn't quite weighty enough to start blindly destabilizing a country.

yup weapon degradation is trash, but I believe that there should still be rusty, shotty weapons out in the world that you can pick up because this is africa after all
just that you'd have the possibility to fix them up so they work properly
also weapon malfunctions after crossing water or fucking around in mud I think are fair-game also
but yes, nothing like the supremely boring "degradation bars" that pass for "survivalism" in shooters, I fucking hate those


Who shoot down his helicopter?

>yup weapon degradation is trash, but I believe that there should still be rusty, shotty weapons out in the world that you can pick up because this is africa after all
>just that you'd have the possibility to fix them up so they work properly
>also weapon malfunctions after crossing water or fucking around in mud I think are fair-game also
with one exception
AK-47 should always work


Unless I'm remembering wrong you have the choice not to kill him at the end and he escapes the island.

>The main antagonist of a brutal dictatorship wants to spend time with you as father and son
>The "good rebels" end up taking over what they initially sought to destroy while potentially making it worse
Peak Far Cry writing

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So you're indeed a brainlet who can't explain what's great about Far Cry 3, got it. Keep getting that soft brain of yours malleated by what others are saying.

ak's can get jammed up with mud
anyways, a "reliability" stat that actually refers to how the weapon responds to the elements would be neat
for example hk416 that can be shot immediately when coming out of water as opposed to an old m16a1 that would explode in your hands if you tried to do the same
there's tons of things to do with guns in a sandbox like FC

I've played them all except 2 which I still have sitting in my library.

I remember enjoying the games, but that they suffered in terms of variety after the mid point of the game where you generally had all the upgrades and guns you wanted. The thing about modern shooters too is that a lot of weapons don't feel very different to use because it's trying to be all realistic and shit.

I appreciate the Yeti DLC for 4 getting a little ridiculous to escape this. I never played any of the 5 DLC, but I heard it was all garbage anyway.

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was gonna buy 5 then i saw the install limit. fuck that.

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>I've played them all except 2 which I still have sitting in my library.
You skipped the worst one

>played all except 2
embarrassing desu

>the outpost re-spawns slower
this along with bullet sponge enemies made me quit the gam

If you can't argue in favor of your own opinions, no one is entitled to consider it.
3 was great how?

5 is unironically one of the most fun co-op experiences I've had in a game, I just wish the cult didn't fucking vanish as soon as you start liberating a region.

>Cruising down the highway on a muscle car riding the hood, blasting passers-by with a shotgun while my friend sprays a machine pistol out of the window
>jumping out a plane and raining cluster bombs down on an outpost
>trying to do the same thing on the wing of a plane and immediately violently exploding as rockets are slower than prop planes apparently
>taking the drug that's just berserk from doom and beating everybody in a bunker to death with a bat while my friend tries to catch up doing regular running and gunning

dude WEED and DUBSTEP lmao!!!
Definition of insanity!!!

But no sharks

You don't have to shoot down the chopper.

I fucking loved 5. The music and vibe of that game is fantastic. I have yet to play a game that gives me the same "summer time" feeling with almost angelic-like music and so on. Fuck I love that game.


Tbqh all far crys are fun games worth playing. Yes even new dawn.

I got weirdly invested in the story despite it being a really poor attempt to follow up on people liking 4's twist just because it was such an engaging and enjoyable power fantasy.

>can't immediately side with devilishly cool older guy
>have to pick between a blood-thirsty zealot or an amoral warlord
Why does Ubi hate fun?

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I'm just mad I couldn't join the cult. Played Faith's story first, and I was sold. Put me on bliss and give me sweet angel music

Why are Far Cry games the only shooters to add that sexy red outline to optics?
I love that shit and didn't realize how it's missing from everything else until I played Far Cry 3 - 5.

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Ur right. Don't know what I was remembering. Thought it was this game that forces you to get close and shoot them in the head

2 and 5, the only good ones

That was a hilarious secret

I mean no I wanted to wreck the fuck out of the cult, that's literally all of the game's enjoyment

I was pretty much just larping as doomguy in my playthrough, constantly popping berserk and playing hyper aggressive at all times.

The "capture" sequences kind of annoyed me though. I liked the idea of some of them, but "lmao anesthetic bullets" feels like such an asspull.

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But you can.
The good ending is just waiting 10 minutes for him to return at the beginning.
MC buries his mother with him, no one dies, and you get a happy game over telling you to go a bit crazy next time.


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Same with not arresting Joseph in 5. I love how it's the only way to get a "good" ending in that game


I haven't played it for years but, I always remembered liking FC2, wasn't that crazy about FC3

What in the fuck? Thankfully I didn't buy it during that publisher sale.

Ubi fucked up by not releasing an expansion where you side with Minh in a co-op bro adventure story to bring peace back to the country by killing the rebels

Waiting is one thing, but they really should have just given you a prompt to eat after a few minutes, which just acts like a timeskip or speed up function.

Why can't Ubi just make a far cry game where you play as the villain? You're an absolute fucking murderer in all of them anyways, and it fits the setting that you end up as a fucking warlord or some shit at the end of the game. I'm tired of playing the hero all of the time

I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna post a crowbcat video!!!

I think there was a time where my friend and I actually killed/escaped all of the hunters and if they don't get graze you after a certain amount of time has passed, the game just randomly tranqs you out of the blue.

it's kind of stupid as hell that the game tries to say that you're the bad guy for trying to sack a cult that was clearly mobilizing to indulge in some serious shit considering they get their brainwashing and mass murder set in IMMEDIATELY after you try to arrest seed. The only thing you did wrong was fail to account for World War 3 going down.

>no one dies
i mean the "resistance" will die offscreen

And that's a good thing.

Nigga you are the villian.

Play Far Cry 2

>you are the villian
how are you the villain in 3 in any way

Yes, but I want to be a REAL villain. I want to catch a good guy, like a superhero. I want to try a disguise.

Noooo you're not supposed to support Min, you're supposed to support Amita Sarkeesian