2020... I'm still the best resident evil

2020... I'm still the best resident evil

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this game is for boomer faggots (and frankly so is all of classic RE)

Not so fast!

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RE4 and REmake are the best games in series, I cant pick between the two because both are 10s in their own way.

Lol no. Not even better than the original.

RE2 was here, RE4 is a faget

Not really

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REmake 2 is better than both of those. It combines the best of both worlds.

>standardized ots shooter
>literal mission objectives
>no inventory management
>casualized map system that tells you where everything is and if you've missed something in each room or area
>dynamic difficulty
>intrusive item prompts on literally everything you can pick up so it's impossible to miss anything
It's not even RE

Fuck off zoomer.

No it doesn't, zoomer quadroon.

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>Quality of life improvements are bad

Thank goodness your not in games development.

>Thank goodness your not in games development
Too bad retards like you dictate how games are designed

Complaining about bullet sponge enemies just tells me that you got filtered. Btw that zombie in the morgue is specially tanky. Shotgun blast to the head when you enter and you should be golden.

I literally just played that section today (normal) and he took less than half that many shots to go down. Nice cherrypicked webm, very cool.

That is literally the strongest zombie in the game

I like this poster a lot

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I have played every single resident evil at release and I can absolutely say that REmake and REmake 2 are by far the best in the series. You can make an argument between the 2 for GOAT but they are the best.

>Zombie gets staggered twice
>better keep shooting him though
Whoever is playing doesn't understand how to play RE

>inb4 "haha DSP is a shitter so it doesn't count!"
Doesn't take away the fact that the zombie took 2 point blank shotgun blasts to the face and it's perfectly fine.

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if he had gotten a bit closer he could have 1 shot it and not had to deal with it ever again

You and I have a VERY different interpretation of what point-blank means
That would have instantly killed the zombie if he knew how to play a resident evil game

>if they weren't lazy fucks with 3 remake it would have become the best in the series
It isn't fair

REmake - 10/10
RE2 Remake - 9/10
R3make - 7/10

>game looks extremely realistic
>shotgun blast to the head deals less damage than a punch

REmake - 9/10
RE2 Remake - 7/10
R3make - 5/10

RE4 is overrated, it was great for its time but it aged like shit whereas the classic style RE games still have retro charm

Demake 2 and 3 are garbage for normies and zoomers.
Nobody is gonna complain if Crapcom goes bankrupt for selling garbage.

It gets boring fast, I can't get myself to replay it unlike Resident Evil 4 and 5

>REmake 2 7/10

Opinion disregarded.

>a zoomie tries to pretend to be an oldfag while simultaneously liking the abomination that is RE7: the post

It's a game about zombies. They're not just CoD zombies. There's lore and gameplay reasons why you can't just kill them easily

You're small time

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Yeah yeah, REmake is a fine remake and all, but it's still just a Remake of RE1.
RE2 Classic is still superior to it in every way. Now shut the fuck up.

The worst part about this is some mouthbreather tipped him $100

nope, 7 is the best RE
fuckin fight me


>make one of the best map systems in gaming
>"uhhhh casualisation hello??? what the fuck!?!?"


>RE2 Remake - 7/10

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>things that are in RE4 and REmake

ok retard

RE7 is the best modern resident evil, much better than Demake 2 & 3.

Re7 in vr is a formidable opponent but it is so inaccessible, you have to knock it some points.

I know it's too high, but I gave it +2 points for Sherry being so cute.


4 is better. I played both REmake and re4 for the very first time a little over a year ago, so don't accuse me of nostalgia

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>REmake 2 is better than both of those

DE2fags are delusional.

3 and outbreak are the best REs though

i started playing it for the first time a few days ago.

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Not even better than the original, Demakeshill

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>16:9 aspect ratio

i agree with this user

it hasn't been the best resident evil since 2005

>best atmosphere
>best sound design
>best voice actors
>best enemy design (crimson head)
>best jill
>best location/level design
REmake is hands down the most grounded RE game, hell the most grounded game ever.

That looks fantastic


Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with her face?

Better resource management. Zombies actually pose a threat.


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There is nothing with more soul than REmake 1's backgrounds

It's not only the best resident evil game, it's also the best REMAKE to be ever done. I don't think there has been a game that got the remake treatment that could even compete against REmake 1.

Bullet sponges with 1 single attack whicz can be knocked out by shooting them in the leg aren't threats, no.
See It's sad when Re1R has more mechanical depth than the fucking sequel many years later with a bigger team.