Any dead online/multiplayer games that you miss?

Any dead online/multiplayer games that you miss?

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I'm enough of a cuck that I'd preorder a new one of it was announced.

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Dirty Bomb
I never played OP but i liked the setting and artstyle

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warhammer online

>just completely lose the rights to the game because you have to sell out due to fund limitations
>guy that buys your rights shuts the servers down

I cannot imagine the fucking despair those poor bastards must have.

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iirc the game is available in a zip file, its just no one hosts the game and its servers.

Devs were also working basically for free for several weeks straight just because the liked the game that much. It hurts.

it was fun while it lasted

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Evolve. If they reworked the fucking PvE aspect to not be completely ignoreable, it would have actually made for some interesting matches. NOPE, JUST RUSH RUSH RUSH RUN RUN RUN RUSH RUSH RUSH.


People still play it though

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Planetside 2, not actually dead, but the community that I was with when I played it is gone and the gameplay had gotten so bad by the time I quit.

Ace combat infinity

Super Monday Night Combat, they 'accidentally' launched it early by adding every steam user to the closed beta and 'decided' to go "ah fuck it, open beta now lol" and then proceeded to poorly market the game and spend dev time on unimportant PvE mods and lame monetisation.
Evolve, killed by 2k's greed and the game's pricetag as well as some balance issues and not enough content to keep people engaged with playing. The free to play update COULD have kept the game alive if they didn't fucking gut the game by reworking everything too like the dome being on everyone and not the trapper.
Battleborne, honestly did not need the singleplayer AT ALL or the loot system. Should have focused on the multiplayer entirely and it could have been alright. I'm sure everyone knows why it failed though.
Paladins (>inb4 "It's still alive", the current version is a mockery of the past), dead game no mobility and general powercreep.

I miss it so much
It actually hurts how much I miss this game

One of the lead character artists streams on twitch now and then. He said it literally broke him and he can't work on games anymore because of how badly it fucked him up.

Allegedly Gigantic is getting decompiled and remade, but no one knows how long it'll take.

>lots of colorful characters with tons of potential
>they cant do anything with any of their hard work because they lost the rights to it
>all those years spent making the game look and play the way it did completely wasted
the kicker is that Gigantic as a game was actually pretty fun and unique compared to the other online games that were coming out around it.
I'm still mad about what happened to it.

League practically has everything Dawngate offers now, so there's no reason to want it back aside from wanting even bigger sjwmeme characters and shit nostalgia.

Eh, not the worst bait to be honest.

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All of my favourite games will be dead probably not too far off and it makes me sad. Hunt: Showdown, Titanfall 2 and Sea of Thieves. All of these games had awful initial launches and didn't deserve it. Well, maybe SoT did.

It may have become P2W and mostly shit with the update that paired it up to the console version but fucking hell i miss Blacklight: Retribution.

>awful launches
>didnt deserve it

Because there's some atomic-sized truth to it? League has sadly gone long enough to actually do lore events again apparently while absorbing a lot of Dawngate's shticks from characters to abilities. The only real thing that Dawngate has, and that I still back revival attempts for, is that the people who made it weren't retards and had some brains behind changes and balancing. I miss the game and want it back. But I sure as fuck don't expect the current and only surviving revival attempt to gain any traction in the next five years, because it's looking like the rest of the revival and spinoff attempts.

Hunt: Showdown is on a string-tight budget with almost no marketing and Titanfall 2 was sabotaged by EA.


Guild Wars 1
Tribes Ascend
Blacklight Retribution
Dirty Bomb

I will never stop. being mad at FreeJam for ruining robocraft and how they ruined the game with one single fucking update. and proceeded to make it even worse as time went on from there.

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Is Battlerite dead like BLC now?

Shattered Horizon... such a neat game it was.

I really miss Gigantic. It was super fun and had tons of cool characters. It was really sad that it died.

I guess I'm glad I got in my 140 hours of play or so and got to meet the devs at PAX.

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this and duelyst

why is it dead anyway? lack of marketing or something? i remembered it was pretty fun

Also fuck MGO3

Despite its fuel system, the multiplayer is one of the best I've played in my life


Shame the best missions were tied to fucking RNG activation.


every day

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man if only dev werent hellbent on using his friend s art for splashes
and balancing
and adding e-celebs as cards

This was better than overwatch for me at least. I liked melee combat characters. This game was announced earlier than OW and Paladins but released later than both. Because microsoft fucked them up. They had to resort to le chink publisher, which really signaled death of this game.

Certain WoW private servers, most notably Nostalrius. Man that was a time and a fucking half.

>adding e-celebs as cards
I'm sure devs themselves didn't wanted to.

>spend money on game
>sorry it's gone because servers :)
I loved that game and can't play it anymore.

TDM on Snake Eye...

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First it was an Xbone exclusive. Then they added PC version but Windows 10 exclusive. Then MS didn't give it proper marketing. When they added Steam version it was already too late. All while developer was bleeding money

Can you even say it was ever alive?
I missed its short life, wish I could have been there

>Windows 7 exclusive back when everyone was still on XP
They sent it out to die.

Bloodline Champions
The game was fun and fast as fuck. They messed up by bringing in pay2win gems that boosted stats.
They eventually released a sequel called Battlerite but it was garbage.

>buy shit game rights from inept idiots
>shut it down

Holy fucking based. Imagine having enough money to destroy the lives of several soys at once.

Same, Naval TDM was the shit.

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Mon négro, I miss making my own goofy guns so fucking much.

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There will never be another deck building card game that beats it.

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drift city

>Bloodline Champions
>Air Brawl
>Blacklight: Retribution
It hurts
It hurts so fucking much

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Hawken before it was killed the first time.

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gigantic was really cool tho...what made it flop guys ?

Two consecutive exclusivity deals before a full release without any additional marketing for a multiplayer only title.

the assassins creed multiplayers were pretty fun.
they aren't 'dead' dead, but they stopped doing the same style of mp after black flag.

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Maelstrom, it's technically stll alive but your matches will be mostly against bots

Fuck that was another good one, poisoning someone and then walking away was so fucking satisfying.
I was actually rank 70 something on AC3, fuck Ubisoft makes some dam good multiplayer but they're such a shit company.

Gaming peaked with saints row multiplayer

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I had the pleasure to play it during the time it was alive.
Was so fucking fun.

Alien Swarm was such a cool coop game with serious potential. Class based, customizable loadouts, unlockable tiered equipment to work toward. But the game fizzled before there was even more maps than the basic campaign. Damn shame.

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Man I remember when it got released and I hoped for more content.

Then it died.

There has never been a better MMO

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yeah lmao, fucking around with the disguise ability and mimicking the twitchy way a bot moves to sneak up on someone for that 6000+ point kill without them realizing is the ultimate trickery
bringing back the mp would probably be the only thing that could convince me to buy another ac game, but i heard they've been even cutting out the multiplayer components of past games for releases. one can try hoping, though

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i miss it so much bros

it absolutely kills me, because it's so close to my dream formula for a game. I just want a cooperative game like the movie Aliens where you have squad members with important roles to fill.