Why does nobody ever mention how garbage the last third of this game is? Red Forest...

Why does nobody ever mention how garbage the last third of this game is? Red Forest, Pripyat and Chernobyl NPP all look like large sprawling areas on the map, but actually playing through those areas is nothing but a straight line shooting gallery. You can really tell the devs ran out of money and time to actually put any interesting shit in those areas. There are no stashes, no secrets or hidden areas, no quest givers or anything. Just snipers and dudes with rpgs. I have never been more let down by a game that starts out so fantastically.

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There is some hidden stuff to find, and some really good stashed. The biggest problem is that theres no traders in pripyat so all the valuable stuff you can find cant be sold unless you go back to warehouses or bar.

While Pripyat is easily the worst part of the game, it works in that it captures the feeling of a mad scramble for the center of the zone and the difficulty spike that comes with it.
Mods fix it as well, they open Pripyat up more and place a trader in the Hotel so you can have some more fun there.

Things like Call of Chernobyl let's you play with it even further.

because it is meaningful. Like the sewers in vtmb. It's so weird some babies don't understand design

Sewers were the only good level in vtmb

the end gets a bit too linear for cinematic/story purposes, but it doesn't make the game garbage

The only real part that's a drag is the final areas of the NP. Red Forest is piss easy to go through, Pripyat delivers well the whole "center of the zone is the toughest shit there is" with anomalies being everywhere, the strong mutants and the well-armed monolith. What did you expect? The open-fire picnics of Cordon? Also, these areas do have secrets and stashes do spawn there, is just that said stashes drop after you take down the strongest targets. Is it perfect, certainly not, but it really delivers on the end-game area mentality, and is always challenging no matter how much good gear you have.

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well this is not far from the truth. What I mean by this is, many people don't understand why the ending of vtmb is so great. It's because it doesn't take anything away from anything that happened before. The climax of life is not death. It's anything that happens after coming into existence and before leaving it.

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Only level I didn't really like was Yantar. All the others were amazing. I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority when I think SoC and Clear Sky are the best games in the series. Really atmospheric

Stalker is one of my absolute favorite settings, which makes it suck doubly when the games fail so hard to deliver. I liked that they tried a more mission heavy approach in COP, but it felt more like a well polished total conversion mod than a professionally made game.

Im just sad because Red Forest was supposed to be much bigger but they ran out of time

You think thats sad? What about Dead City? Thank god for mods because this area is sick, its Wild Territory 2.0. Has the best faction, mercs, nice scenery, worthy opposition, it also had plot going on before it was cut. Feels good that RMA exists.

I have Call of Chernobyl and they added Dead City. Was fucking wild walking into it the 1st time and just seeing massive firefights throughout the whole city. It was like that scene in Children of Men for me, that longshot where they're just tryna avoid all the violence.

Because stalker sucks dick. Only slavnoos find this piece of shit good
>it's janky therefore its good slav soul!!!
And universally endgame section in staljer game suck dick because it finalky shows how fucking the games are.

If only clear sky actually had a working faction war system. Just imagine the cool fights you could have.

Im so ready for Doctorx's CoC iteration. It looks like the best freeplay mod ever, i want it now AAHHHH

Master difficulty does not make you deal more damage.

shut up idiot

Im currently working on a STALKAN RPG pen and paper game. Was worked on years ago but abandoned and it was kinda shitty. When I playtested it with friends, they said the best part was all the various Faction shenanigans

Should I feel bad I haven't properly finished clear sky yet? I played it and didn't realise there was a unofficial patch for it, and got filtered at the end with the constant grenade spam and teleporting enemies who were lighting me up before I even stepping out of the portals and appearing every 5 feet, and the screen shaking all over the place when I'm trying to hit someone throwing my aim completely off. I'll go back to it again at some point with the patch.

I just got this and I hate how it feels like it takes 100 bullets to kill someone. That's the same problem I had with FNV.

not really. the quality nosedives significantly. a lot of the clear sky content was removed for good reason

play on master difficulty, turn off the cross hair, aim for headshots, fire in limited bursts (2 or 3 shots per burst)

That's because your either playing on something other then master, still in hobo phase so your guns are all shit or both.

Most of the guns at the start are pure shit and you won't hit anything. You'll get better weapons and the game actually gets easier.

That doesnt sound bad to play, you could have labs or places in pripyat be the equivelant to dungeons and mutants or faction groups serve as a good enemy challenges.

>So, user rolled a 2, walked 2 meters and got fried by an electro!

I tried playing through the game with the patch and it was still quite dreadful. CS is sadly a mess by design, the gunplay feels ass and the way things go down is tiresome. I get what they tried to do, its a very different iteration but it doesnt feel good for what stalker is all about, this is almost the same with CoP but this is due its presentation.

Literally not true, aim for the head while using low caliber weapons and AP rounds on guys other than bandits.

the third part was nuclear kino famlan

>Pripyat and Chernobyl NPP
>not kino
Just because you can't explore them doesn't mean they're bad.
It's supposed to be a final gauntlet

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>nooo why isn't there a comfy bar in prypiat whaddoyoumean I have to prep and plan my supplies for the final siege

>Red Forest, Pripyat and Chernobyl NPP
But those are the best parts of the game though?

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>final gauntlet
>in a game with shit shooting mechancis final areas are corridor with nothing more than a shitty shooting galery
Get some taste.

and doesnt change shit for enemies

it's just a meme that people fell for.

Tho, I played 1st on master and felt ok, found out about the meme and played CS on normal and felt ezy af.

Pripyat on Master was easier than CS tho, so that's that.

>use kino
>expected to be taken seriously

>I hate Yas Forums culture and terminology whaddoyoumean I am mentally ill for still sticking around here?

fake and gay

Everyone knows it's a weaker section of the game already. Still, after 50+ hours, a couple hour stretch of action doesn't really matter.

The red forest is scary as fuck

Master makes your accuracy better or something. 1 shot headshots

I hope for Stalker 2 they will make it so that you don't have to kill the owner for a stash to have loot. That shit was retarded. Also ability to make campfires, play guitar and sleep. Keep the rest as it was, maybe just add some new anomalies and artifacts.

I never did death incarnate, always went N.I.N.J.A. Next time I will be playing SoC I will make a heavy Dutier with exoskelly

Some mods make Fang's exo be able to sprint, so that's great.


>Children of Men
I'm still blueballed for a game that would put me in a ghetto similar to the one in that movie, with hordes of people gathered in the centre and the player walking through the crowd looking for a vendor or something.

based bildosoldat

Nah, if you're goin tank you should be slow. I think the abillity to sprint would kill that feeling that comes from just walking towards enemies in a straight line slowly and rekking them one by one.

Nobody mentions it because there's nothing to discuss about it for the reasons you mentioned. Many mods fix this however.
LOW crouch, aim and try to hit the head. It is difficult in the hobo phase but it'll get better.

No, I was asking what RMA was. Is that a mod?

On one hand it makes sense, but on the other it also does if you could find loot in unmarked stashes. Imagine doing quests or trades so that you learn new songs to play and stuff, cool shit.

Exos are great for going deep into the center, or on suicide missions in general, while the lighter stuff is for expeditions in anomalous areas or mass looting stashes. If you feel like exploring and looting, you get a SEVA if you feel like purging mutants and monolith, you go Exo or Scat.

Its a mod that restores cut content on SoC such as areas, weapons, the use of detectors etc. There's also RMA: Shadow addon, which is the same but with build graphics/ui and some more features like upgrading weapons and PDA news feed.

Yes. It adds a bunch of stuff that was in the builds but didn't make it to retail version.
But I don't really understand why anyone would play it now that OLR exists.

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You are not a gamer until you have stealthed through vanilla shadow of chernobyl.

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>On one hand it makes sense, but on the other it also does if you could find loot in unmarked stashes. Imagine doing quests or trades so that you learn new songs to play and stuff, cool shit.
Just hide them well so you actually might miss them. Finding one and seeing it empty ruins the experience, especially if I kill a vandit literally 5 minutes later and unlock this exact stash.
>Its a mod that restores cut content on SoC such as areas, weapons, the use of detectors etc. There's also RMA: Shadow addon, which is the same but with build graphics/ui and some more features like upgrading weapons and PDA news feed.
Thanks, might look it up.
Shame that my current laptop is too weak to handle Stalker. Even SoC won't run on it.
Now due to coronavirus I can't even earn money to buy a decent laptop.
On the other hand maybe I will be stalking irl soon due to this fucking plague.

I think one of the things with CoP is that it significantly expands the quests and makes them more numerous and detailed which is good, but this also has the result that you feel less like a free agent doing his thang in the zone and more like an errand boy being led from place to place (i guess that fits the military mission thing but it doesnt make for great stalker)

it isn't great though, it's been universally considered shit for fucking years, to the point that most popular mod around adds shit to make the sewers less painful. having the end of your blatantly unfinished game just be a boss rush isn't some deep shit, it's just the cheapest way to wrap shit up.

>Shame that my current laptop is too weak to handle Stalker. Even SoC won't run on it.

Well that sucks bad. Especially how SoC is not demanding at all. Here's a very nice look of Shadow Addon, raiding Aprogrom during the night. Stealth is very possible in this because visibility is based on how well you're hidden and the light sources so if you're staying in the shadows moving quitely they wont notice you.

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>it's been universally considered shit for fucking years,
Is there a better measure of quality than being hated by normies?

Shit, wrong user here's a maymay

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I wish they would have made pripyat less linear. It was kind of underwhelming after being hyped up so much. I mean you can still explore a little and find some cool stuff, but it's much more limited than the other levels.
Red forest is okay in my book. You even have two paths you can take.

I'm with you OP. loved the fuck out of this game but a lot of the last forth in terms of design and layout paled in comparison to the previous portions.
by the end some sections get a bit shooting gallery tier and it starts to take a toll by the end of it

the true ending shooting section is very bad, everyone agrees with that I think

still better than clear sky

The ending is worth it tho

When I watched the ending I thought it was over and then there was this linear section with teleports and I was in awe how something so shit could have been implemented at the very end of such a great game. I wouldn't even mind that much if it was before entering sarcophagus but having it at the very end was terrible, it ruined the ending