
Holy shit it's not even 2 years old. How come Sony games don't retain value?

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Do you honestly prefer Nintendo's perma-prices?

The same thing happened when God of War 3 came out. Modern AAA games rarely stand the test of time. Games like this don't give you a lot of reason to go back and play it so you get a lot of used copies that nobody wants.

because they're bad

because they're movies and offer 0 replay value

Every snoy "game" belongs in the bargain bin.

Nintendo's prices stay up because people buy their games throughout the console's lifecycle. You STILL can catch Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart 8 in high positions in weekly sales charts.
The funny thing is, despite reddit and sonyga/v/ claiming God of War to be "Game of the Generation"... It can be found in the bargain bin, and nobody is buying it anymore.

I know this is probably a shitposting thread but can you explain your reasoning as to why it's a good thing for games that are years old to remain at their initial release price?
I purchased a switch months ago and have not purchased botw because I refuse to pay $60 for a launch title when I can play it on PC for free.

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>Actually wanting games to stay high price

This level of Nintendo dick sucking knows no limits.

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because everyone on earth played god of war a max of a month after release. people are still buying switch games because its a last resort console that they only remember exists when something like animal crossing comes.

Fucking embarrassing thread

I played this game for free with that PS Now free trial and I still feel ripped off.


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I got it for £5 months ago with a key. Barely even played it.

Pretty sure games like this are only cheap to sell the console. Its marketing.

As for Nintendo, lets just say their audience is not as educated and more reckless with their money which allows them to get away for charging more for games.

they think expensive = better.

When price is not a factor anymore, the quality will speak for itself.

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They make games like summer blockbusters
Nintendo makes games like fine cinema
PC makes games like Netflix Originals
Xbox makes games like games

>no no i think i SHOULD be paying $60 after a full fucking year
holy shit OP you doormat.

Because their main selling point is graphical fidelity so naturally they become less desirable when newer titles come out with better visuals.

I mean I get that games shouldn't be full price for decades, but at the same time for what was hailed by many as "Game of the Decade" to be priced the same as indie games or 10 year old shovelware to be $15 or $20 when it isn't even 2 years old yet is kind of staggering.

So yes you like Nintendo prices.

ok stupid nigger

If they're as good as Nintendo games, then yeah.

Seething Nintend-rone

The fact that not every single post in this thread is "games should never be full price after a year" is fucking disgusting. Shit thread.

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lmao stupid sony nigger


Cheap fun games


Expensive fun games

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>"Our games are selling consistently over a long period!"
>"Let's lower their prices!"

You retarded cunt

>Game is quality so let's let as many people enjoy it as possible

The quality will speak for itself. Keep sucking that dick

Kill yourself you corporate boot licker
Games should not retain their price a year after release. The fact that Nintendo gets away with it is staggering and showcases the sheep mentality of the drones worshiping them.

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every single company does this except nintendo because they know their playerbase is retarded enough to exploit

I too like paying full price for games all the time.

Sony sells it cheap because God of War is a movie-game that sold a shitload of copies and has no replay value. They are very well aware the 2nd hand market is flooded with GoW games so trying to still sell it at full price or even half price wouldnt work

>game ends on a cliffhanger

>Not pirating N games

It just shows that nobody cares about snoy movies in the long-term, I don't know why this makes you so angry.

>this game is so good, it's completely justified to be $10 after only being out for only a year!
Seethe Sonytard, if your game was good it wouldn't be as cheap as Battleborn.

>console cocksuckers boasting that their corporation fucks them harder

Feels good to only pay for games when I want to support a developer.

Are you advocating for paying more, you goddamn shill? Do you praise Nintendo for price gouging their 1st party games or japanese devs who never let their games go on sale?

Basically this Sony killed videogames by allowing the overall quality dropping hard enough for games not being very valuable and way more disposable. They sell their systems at loss and bled money so they just let software being released like mad in order to give value to their product.

Result? Fairly newly released game being sold in thrift stores in less than 3 months. Even less if it's a third party game.

Only two things determine if a game holds value. Those being scarcity and longevity.

Sony AAA's are usually single player blockbusters. They sell 10M+ copies, and then as soon as people start selling them the price tanks because 10M people are trying to sell it.

Anything with a decent multiplayer component sticks around as long as the multiplayer community is healthy.

Nintendo games, which everyone's bringing up in here, are usually party games and couch co-op where families can continuously break them out and use them for years. There's no reason to get rid of them because even though you don't play it anymore there's always the potential to break them out when the folks are over for the holidays or the kids have a sleepover. So they're never flooding the shelves driving the price down.

>Price gouge of Nintendo switches are happening
>For a console that is years old

Why is this allowed

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>Our games are selling consistently over a long period
Arms is 60 dollars you daft cunt

I legit do not get your mentality. Is this the way you cope with the fact that Nintendo is still fucking over their consumers with their permanent prices?
More power to you if you like getting fucked in the ass by corporations I guess.

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Pirating Nintendo games is justified.


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Pricing is not equal to quality. Why are low budget anime style games like atelier 60 bucks, the same as triple AAA western games? Or like actually decent japanese large productions? Clearly suits somewhere have calculated that big games that sell more benefit from reduced prices whereas smaller "niche" games can stay at 60 bucks. I'm not going to complain that I bought bloodborne goty edition for 20 bucks or GOW for 15. A better deal I can't ask for.


They are the only ones doing this

>Hey guys, look at how this game depreciated in value so fast and nobody is willing to pay more than $15 for it after 2 years
>That's a good thing! Who wants to pay full price for a video game after 2 years! It doesn't matter what implications this might have on the future of the series and franchise, all that matters is how much money I am right handing over to the cashier right now!
Learn to use critical thinking, normalfags

Nintendo is literally the only company that keeps the prices of their games permanent even years after their release. You can't smug.jpg your way out of this one, your blatant butthurt over this is obvious.

Go home Nintendo

>valuable = high price
>B-But Nintendie!!
Good for the consumers in theory, but nobody wants shit even if it's cheap as fuck.

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I don't buy Nintendo games and I pirate everyhing, but it's funny how you have to keep bringing them up. Learn to think about things greater than what is happening at the present moment

>depreciated in value
You're not buying a used car retard.

It's coming to PC soon. This is the last push.

Video games don't degrade in quality with price drops.

Most studios have their games stay at a high enough price to warrant more return on sales. Microsoft, EA and Ubisoft have their latest titles of the last year still marked up around $40-60, so it isn't just Nintendo you stupid nigger. It's really easy to spot the snoyfags ITT with this amount of deflection.

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Because its an unbelievably mediocre game which should have costed a little more than 30 on release.

>Good for the consumers in theory, but nobody wants shit even if it's cheap as fuck.
What fucking world do you live in?
Why do you think game sales even happen in the first place?
What kind of cuckery are you on to believe buying games at full price is preferable than buying them cheaper?

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All the Nintendelusion itt

I think he meant that a really cheap product will still come across as bad. Which is why games generally don't drop in their "real" price, it's just that they get increasingly more and greater reduced prices in "limited" sales. So you're still getting an expensive premium product, it's just that you're lucky for finding such a great deal on them.

It's official we have shills pushing for higher prices

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nobody is buying your Uncharted clones at $60 or $20 you stupid snoygger

Never said full price, retard.

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All of those companies reduce the prices of their games years after release. As a matter of fact I'll bring a recent example to show how delusional your drone mind is and how retarded you are. Fallen Order was $60 at release and now it's fallen to $40, it will continue to fall as the months go by. Nintendo however still has games from 2017 at $60 because they know their drones will buy them regardless.

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Because they're not stingy jews? Seriously, Nintendo is the only company that can get away with forever charging absurd prices for old-ass games. Just goes to show the power of putting all your effort into marketing to kids. Only brainwashed retards would think that $60 is a fair price for a Gameboy remake when the competition is selling packs of remakes of games far bigger/better for a fraction of the price. I say this as someone who loves Nintendo franchises, but holy fuck is it absurd the kind of bullshit people accept just because they grew attached to fucking brands as children.
Yes I know the OP is posting bait and no I don't give a shit.

Fallen Order is $60 on Origin, Steam and PSN, and only discounted at $40 on the Microsoft store. You're really only proving my point here lmao.

Movies tend to go on sale not long after. Where's this on, vudu?

>Put 1,000 shares into Nintendo stock on robinhood
>Drones will buy anything from them
>Become a millionare

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The fuck were you talking about then retard bro?
Do pray tell how the fucking quality of a game deteriorated just because it became more accessible and easier to get. I'm actually curious what you're gonna bring out of your ass.

Spoke like a true goy

I agree God of War is comparable to a Gameboy remake

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Why do people like this hypefaggotry blockbuster model?

>Pretty sure games like this are only cheap to sell the console. Its marketing.
People don't reply to more reasonable responses and prefer to act like faggots.