Upgrade? UPGRADE? EXCUSE ME? Since when is SPYWARE that clocks up your CPU with unnecessary background processes a fucking upgrade?
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works on my machine
It lets you play video games without incredibly stuttering, for starters.
It's not. But that's the terminology Microjew has pushed on the masses to trick them into thinking it is.
If you dont have win 10 in 2020 youre pretty retarded
>Haswell CPU is still good enough for gaming
>Windows 7 is totally better than Windows 10 for gaming
This is the type of retard that makes these posts.
I'm not the OP but I will
Install your fucking spyware/malware/bloated mess mockery of an "OS". I would legit rather learn fucking Linux than touch W10 even once. Even those disgusting macfags are better than you.
but why
just install Linux
.t /g/entooman
>why not upgrade to windows 10
i have a windows 7 and even i dont get that much stuttering stuff on capcom games
most likely because i play everything on medium or low so theres enough cpu power to run the blockchains
Because this is babby's first OS change and he's a hardcore contrarian.
mainstream AAA games don't even work for windows 7 on release anymore, see the call of duty games and red dead redemption
if you want to stick with 7 thats fine but you can only blame yourself if shit doesn't work, nobody is going to spend the extra effort required to make sure the game runs on an OS thats over a decade old
ITT: take your meds
the only people who care about spyware are pedophiles and child pornographers, if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear.
This shit still happens on Win10. They keep fucking up Denuvo and running duplicate checks. It's fucking retarded.
I can deal with the dialouge that reads like it was written by an autist... But why in the ever loving fuck can't the Japanese optimize games for PC?
t. dr pizza
Trust me, you want DX12
windows 10 user here, what is this?
>People are still worried about Win10 in 2020
You're not doing much better with Win7. If you actually gave a shit about security you'd go Linux. You already know that though, so you're just purposefully shitposting.
because general speaking japanese developers put visual fidelity at the bottom of their priorities, see nintendo
Linux is literally better than Windows but if you want to play multiplayer games with anti cheat you're SOL. But the same could be said about modern games and Windows 7. Either accept you can't play modern games or get over muh telemetry. You're literally 1000x worse off without security patches on Windows 7 than you are with muh "spyware" in Windows 10
Worst case scenario just dual-boot and only run windows when you want to play games/a game that won't run on linux.
it's not about security, w10 is just shit
every time someone is crying about a game or program not working, they are using w10
RE Engine is one of the best running engines on the market. You'll get much better FPS with similar graphical fidelity in RE engine compared to Unreal and about as much as you'd get in id Engine.
>every time someone
that's a huge blanket claim that can easily be proven false especially considering the fucking OP picture shows otherwise
Strips away bloat, prevents unnecessary processes, sets all available administrative values and policies you want. Basically strips Windows 10 down to the bare minimum so you can run a Windows OS with parts made in 2018, but doesn't have the spyware or the gimmicky smartphone trash installed with it.
The thing is, they patched this very same issue out of the demo but somehow haven't bothered with the actual game. No idea how this sort of thing slips by.
Linux gets ~20% lower framerate in 90% of titles. I mean, it's nice that they even work on Linux, 4 years ago they wouldn't but if you want to game on Linux you'll need a GPU one tier higher than you would for Windows 10.
Too much effort. I'm still hoping that EAC will eventually support proton so I can play MCC matchmaking on Linux. Until then it's not worth the hassle. But believe me I eagerly await the day that I can fully switch to Linux. If only games didn't assume KVM was hacking
hm neat. ill give it a whirl
>baw why doesn't a modern game run well on my decade old patchwork OS
Just give up tech illiterate
For 1080@60 pretty much anything modern goes. Hell most stuff worked pretty well on my 970 when I tried proton a year or so back
With RE3 the issue isn't your settings. There seems to be a bug where the game maxes out one of your cores which causes stuttering if you have hyperthreading enabled. The correct solution for this would be that the game doesn't utilize hyperthreading if the process it is trying to run exceeds the capacity of the core. So instead of doing the sensible thing and moving a demanding process to one of the other cores it just simply loads everything on one and then does it for the next core again.
If you built a high end PC in 2014-2015 you can still run most games that have a console release with high or maxed out settings fairly comfortably provided that the developers don't fuck up optimization. If you disable hypethreading in your bios the game runs smoother which is a testament to the colossal optimization fuck-up. Hyperthreading is supposed to give you a performance boost and give the CPU more flexibility in the workload it puts on its cores. All of that goes out of the window when the fucking game only wants to use one fucking core.
Yeah well it's not 2010 anymore so I'm not gaming at 1080@60, my setup is for 1440@144.
1080p/60 is a very low target though. It's like the lowest possible resolution and framerate target for gaming.
1080p/120-144 and 1440p/60 are probably what most people aim for with 1440p/120 and 4K/60 being what top end enthusiasts want.
>buys hw second hand
>uses win7 with no security updates
>has a more expensive smartphone than his rig
>posts on facebook/twitter/tiktok in every two hours
>pirates software from shady sources
>downloads porn every day
Why not just get Win 8?
Stream how you take a shit.
>this game doesn't run on my machine: windows XP
>bro just upgrade to vista
Plenty of people use W10 just fine. OP is obviously an example where it does not work. Why would you make such outrageously biased claims?
I aim for 1080@144 but I'm kind of take it or leave it. I'm fine playing games sub 144 but obviously it's preferable. 1440p just isn't worth it to me. I'll take fps first, then graphical effects over 1440p on my 24inch display that I sit 3 feet from
>win 10
Its 2020 user, you know things change right?
You mock, but that's realistically the actual case here. The game wasn't made to work on Windows 7. This happens eventually with every operating system. Why do you think Windows 7 would be immune to it?
>upgrade 10
>It lets you play video games without incredibly stuttering, for starters.
Good joke LMFAO
7fags are fucking retarded
>Put windows 10 into hibernate
>Boot into linux in 5 seconds
>Switch back with everything being where it is
Windows dev environment fucking blows though. Doing anything other than web browsing is horrible
>dev environment blows
So much fucking this. This is the number 1 reason I just want to fully switch. I'm so comfortable with bash and all the utilities Linux has to offer. Windows is a fucking chore and a neutered mess when it comes to development. But I like being able to just boot up MCC when I feel like it so I put up with the shitty WSL
Windows XP never got DirectX11 and didn't even have the full feature set for DirectX10.
There was a point after Vista but Before 7 where XP simply couldn't play new DX10 games and you needed Vista.
Vista also wasn't all that bad after SP1, especially if you disabled all the tacky shit.
But it runs fine on my system? I don't get it
Also I didn't address your point. I guess I just find the act of restarting my computer "mentally taxing" to play a game for 40 minutes. I get that it's not a big deal. But I can't rationalize the need of using Linux for anything specific because my desktop is not my dev machine. Where as Windows is clearly needed to play certain games I like. Thus in my mind it makes more sense to just stick to Windows full time. As much as I prefer Linux the obstacle of having to restart my machine makes me not want to use it on my desktop
>using windows
>invasive anti-cheat still permeates multiplayer games and AC devs refuse to make it work with Proton/KVM
Unfortunately yes, I'm still using Windows in tHe cuRrENt YeAr
Why should I upgrade to Windows 10?
Hell, why shouldn't I just install Linux?
>he thinks 7 is any better
What's the issue with 7?
I doubt win7 and 8 are much better when it comes to spyware.
Just accept that old Bill knows exactly the kind of hentai you like.
It's made by Microsoft.
Yeah okay, but how is it as shit as 10?
As far as I know, it doesn't have 'spyware' to the same extent that 10 does, for example.
>she isn't using loonix
if you ran updates on win 7 ever, it's just as bad
Because you're not getting security patches anymore and there are many examples of modern games not running on older versions of Windows.
Because any game that uses anti cheat and does not natively run on Linux will not work. If you do not play multiplayer games with anti cheat then yeah switch to Linux.
windows 7 has just as much telemetry as windows 10.
>muh spyware
If you want real spyware keep using Windows 7 without security patches
Here you go, bro
I'd rather some snownigger in Russia try to steal my credit card than give data to Microshaft tbqh
Demake 2 and 3 are garbage for zoomers and Coonsomers.
Fuck Crapcom
I hope they go bankrupt.
I love how mentioning Windows10 bring out all the schizos
>just download this spyware to get rid of the spyware
Difference is it's off by default and completely optional.
>not using windows 10 education and disabling all telemery
fucking mong, hope you get hacked
apart from if you've installed security updates in the past 2 years it'll be on.
not with the updates.
Also you can turn everything off on win 10, just run wireshark if you don't believe it
It says in the license agreement to those updates. They wouldn't lie, would they?
If you are this paranoid, why do even have windows in the first place?
Please explain why?
>i'm not going to trust Microsoft on what they say about windows 10 telemetry
>But i'm going to trust Microsoft on what they say about windows 7 telemetry
As other have pointed out you are a schizo and a dumb one because you can disable and verify by yourself any kind of network traffic from your machine